Arkanium will by default generate a psuedo-random hex string and use this as the name of your image. This behaviour can be overwritten by assigning a custom name to the `ARKANIUM_OVERWRITE_RANDOM` environment variable.
This would be a suitable layout if `repo_url` in `/arkanium/config` is set to ``.
├── arkanium
| ├── list # Plain text file containing names of all available image types
| ├── customlinux
| | ├── database # Plain text file containing : delimited lists of all available images `image_name:compression_method:sha1sum`
| | ├── customlinux_v1.0.tar.zst # Compressed disk images
### Example repository configuration
The list file in part optional, is it not utilized during the deployment process, but the user may use with the `arkanium-deploy list` command which lists all available images.
The `database` file contains a `:` delimited list of all available images.