[arkdep-build] Add initial Debian support

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Dennis ten Hoove 2024-08-25 20:30:57 +02:00
parent 24e987fb1c
commit ea84b34418
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GPG key ID: 2BA91DC2563B83D1

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@ -369,6 +369,222 @@ if [[ $type == 'archlinux' ]]; then
# Build debian type image
if [[ $type == 'debian' ]]; then
# Get repo
declare -r deb_repo=$(cat $variantdir/repo 2> /dev/null)
# Get branch
declare -r deb_suite=$(cat $variantdir/suite 2> /dev/null)
echo $deb_repo $deb_suite
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Started Debian image build\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating disk image\e[0m\n'
fallocate -l $build_image_size $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create disk image at $build_image"
mkfs.btrfs -f $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to partition $build_image"
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Mounting $build_image at $workdir\e[0m\n"
# The data is compressed to minimize writes to the disk, the actual export does not maintain this compression
mount -m -t btrfs -o loop,compress=zstd $build_image $build_image_mountpoint || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to mount disk image to $workdir"
# Create temporary Btrfs subvolume
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating temporary Btrfs subvolumes at $workdir\e[0m\n"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/ || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir)"
mount --bind $workdir $workdir || cleanup_and_exit "Failed to bind mount disk $workdir"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/etc || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/etc)"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/var || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/var)"
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing base packages\e[0m\n'
# TODO: Do not hard code arch
[[ ! -d /var/cache/arkdep-debootstrap ]] && mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive debootstrap \
--cache-dir=/var/cache/apt/archives \
$deb_suite \
$workdir \
$deb_repo ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to bootstrap'
# If overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_bootstrap to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap/* $workdir/
# Run post_bootstrap script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/post_bootstrap.sh ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_bootstrap extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/post_bootstrap.sh)
# Read package list and install secondary system components, skip if not used
if [[ -f $variantdir/package.list ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing secondary packages\e[0m\n'
# Mount deb package cache inside of new root
mount --bind /var/cache/apt/archives $workdir/var/cache/apt/archives
# Read package list and install
readarray packages < $variantdir/package.list
# Used to store packages list without escape characters and whitespaces
declare packages_clean=()
# Process package list, remove code comments
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $package == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${package//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Remove escape character at end of line and add to packages_clean
# Install packages to new root
# TODO: Keep using arch-chroot?`
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive arch-chroot $workdir apt-get update ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to apt update'
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive arch-chroot $workdir apt-get install -y ${packages_clean[@]} ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to install packages'
umount -l $workdir/var/cache/apt/archives
# If postinstall overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_install ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_install to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_install/* $workdir/
# Run post_install script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/post_install.sh ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_install extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/post_install.sh)
# Remove subvolumes created by systemd
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/portables ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/portables\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/portables
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/machines ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/machines\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/machines
# Make /usr/local symlink in var
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving dirs to var and creating symlinks\e[0m\n'
mv $workdir/usr/local $workdir/var/usrlocal || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move usr/local to var/usrlocal'
ln -sv ../var/usrlocal $workdir/usr/local || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create usrlocal symlink'
# Opt symlink
mv $workdir/opt $workdir/var/ || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move opt to var/opt'
ln -sv var/opt $workdir/opt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create opt symlink'
# srv symlink
mv $workdir/srv $workdir/var/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move srv to var/srv'
ln -sv var/srv $workdir/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create srv symlink'
# mnt symlink
mv $workdir/mnt $workdir/var/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move mnt to var/mnt'
ln -sv var/mnt $workdir/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create mnt symlink'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating mountpoints for shared subvolumes\e[0m\n'
# Remove the folders to ensure they are empty
rm -rf $workdir/root
rm -rf $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
# Ensure these folder exist
mkdir -pv $workdir/root
mkdir -pv $workdir/arkdep
mkdir -pv $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving passwd, shadow and group files to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Create second passwd, group and shadow file in usr/lib and configure
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep -v "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/usr/lib/$file
# Remove all users except for root, is typically overwritten by user overlay but
# may be used during os installation as a template
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/etc/$file-tmp
mv $workdir/etc/$file-tmp $workdir/etc/$file
# Ensure passwd/group/shadow permissions are set properly
chmod 600 $workdir/etc/shadow $workdir/usr/lib/shadow
chmod 644 $workdir/etc/{passwd,group} $workdir/usr/lib/{passwd,group}
# nss-switch.conf is added using the overlay
# Remove passwd/group/shadow backup files
rm $workdir/etc/{passwd-,shadow-,group-}
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving kernel to usr/lib/modules/\e[0m\n'
# Move vmlinuz from boot to modules
# Get kernel version and vmlinuz location
declare vmlinuz_path=$(readlink -f $workdir/vmlinuz)
echo $vmlinuz_path
echo $vmlinuz_path
declare vmlinuz_version=${vmlinuz_path//\/boot\/vmlinuz-}
echo $vmlinuz_version
mv $workdir/$vmlinuz_path $workdir/usr/lib/modules/$vmlinuz_version/vmlinuz || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move kernel to modules'
#printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving CPU microcode to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Move CPU firmware to /usr/lib if present
# TODO: Figure out how to properly handle this
#mv $workdir/boot/*-ucode.img $workdir/usr/lib/
# Make subvolume read-only
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Adding read-only property to subvolumes\e[0m\n'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set root to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/etc ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set etc to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/var ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set var to read-only'
# Create dir for storing the images
mkdir -p $output_target/$image_name
# Add update script, utilized to perform minor system changes and updates
if [[ -f $variantdir/update.sh ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Including update script\e[0m\n'
cp -v $variantdir/update.sh $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-update.sh ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed copying update script to image'
# TODO: Generate package list
# Write subvolume to image
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating images\e[0m\n'
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-rootfs.img $workdir
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-etc.img $workdir/etc
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-var.img $workdir/var
if [[ ! -v ARKDEP_NO_TAR ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Compressing images\e[0m\n'
tar -cv -I 'zstd -12 -T0 ' -f $output_target/$image_name.tar.zst -C $output_target/$image_name .
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/post_build.sh ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_build extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/post_build.sh)
# No valid variant was found
printf 'No valid type set in configuration\n'
exit 2