460 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
460 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
set -o pipefail
# Print manual if no parameters provided or invalid amount of parameters is provided
if [[ ! -n $1 ]]; then
cat <<- END
Usage: arkdep-deploy <action> [target]
update Check for updates, optionally provide a target, if no target provided it defaults to primary
deploy Deploy a new or update an existing deployment
init Initialize arkdep on a new system
teardown Remove all arkdep-deploy related files and folders
get-available List available packages in repo
list List all currently deployed images
remove Remove a specified deployment
exit 0
## Set common variables
declare -r arkdep_dir='/arkdep/'
## Load config file
source $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/config)
## Common functions
# Cleanup and quit if error
cleanup_and_quit () {
# If any paramters are passed we will assume it to be an error message
[[ -n $1 ]] && printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m $*\e[0m\n" >&2
# Remove the subvolume we were working on
# TODO: Make this a generic function and share with the removal of old images?
if [[ -n ${data[0]} ]]; then
btrfs property set -f -ts $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs ro false
rm -rf $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}
rm -rf /boot/arkdep/${data[0]}
rm /boot/loader/entries/${data[0]}.conf
# Quit program if argument provided to function
[[ -n $1 ]] && exit 1
# Otherwise just quit, there is no error
exit 0
## Error checking
# Quit if not root
[[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]] &&
printf '\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m This program has to be run as root\n\e[0m' &&
exit 1
# Check if all dependencies are installed, quit if not
for prog in btrfs wget dracut bootctl curl; do
if ! command -v $prog > /dev/null; then
printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m Failed to locate $prog, ensure it is installed\e[0m\n"
[[ $err ]] && exit 1
## Core functions
# Initialize the system for arkdep
init () {
# Ensure systemd-boot is installed before continuing, for it is the only thing we support
bootctl is-installed || cleanup_and_quit 'systemd-boot seems to not be installed'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Initializing arkdep\e[0m\n'
[[ -d $arkdep_dir ]] && cleanup_and_quit "$arkdep_dir already exists"
# Create the /arkdep subvolume
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir) subvolume\e[0m\n"
btrfs subvolume create $arkdep_dir || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume"
# Create directory structure
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating directory structure\e[0m\n"
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments) \
$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments) \
$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache) \
$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/templates) \
$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/overlay) \
$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared) ||
cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create /arkdep and related directories"
# Create empty database files
touch $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/tracker)
# Add home shared subvolume and make writable
btrfs subvolume create $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/home) || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create home subvolume"
btrfs subvolume create $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/root) || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create root subvolume"
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/home) ro false
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/root) ro false
# Write default config file
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Adding default config file\e[0m\n"
cat <<- END > $arkdep_dir/config
# Write /arkdep/overlay overlay to root or etc
# URL to image repository, do not add trailing slash
# Default image pulled from repo if nothing defined
# Keep the latest n+1 deployments, remove anything older
# Add default bootloader config file
cat <<- END > $arkdep_dir/templates/systemd-boot
title Arkane GNU/Linux - arkdep
linux /arkdep/%target%/vmlinuz
initrd /amd-ucode.img
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /arkdep/%target%/initramfs-linux.img
options root="LABEL=arkane_root" rootflags=subvol=/arkdep/deployments/%target%/rootfs rw
exit 0
teardown () {
cat <<- END
WARNING: Removing arkdep may leave your system in an unbootable state and you
may have to manually reconfigure your bootloader etc.. Only proceed if you know
what you are doing!
The following changes will be made to your system;
- All subvolumes under $arkdep_dir will be deleted
read -p 'Type "I KNOW WHAT I AM GOING" in uppercase to confirm that you know what you are doing: ' input_confirm
if [[ $input_confirm == 'I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING' ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Tearing down arkdep\e[0m\n'
# Quit with error if $arkdep_dir does not exist
if [[ ! -d $arkdep_dir ]]; then
printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir) does not exist, there is nothing to tear down"
exit 1
# Remove all bootloader entries
rm -v $(grep -ril arkdep /boot/loader/entries)
# Ensure all nested volumes in arkdep are writable and remove
for volume in $(btrfs subvolume list / | grep -oE '[^ ]+$' | grep "^$arkdep_dir" | tac); do
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $volume) ro false
btrfs subvolume delete $volume
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Teardown canceled, no changes made to system\e[0m\n'
exit 0
remove_deployment () {
# Ensure required vars are set
[[ -z $2 ]] && \
printf 'No deployment defined\n' && exit 1
# Ensure user only provided a single target
[[ ! -z $3 ]] && \
printf 'Multiple targets provided, remove only accepts a single target at a time\n' && exit 1
declare -r hits=($(grep -v $1 $arkdep_dir/tracker))
if [[ ${#hits[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
printf 'Multiple deployments match target, be more specific\n'
exit 1
elif [[ ${#hits[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
printf 'No deployments match target\n'
exit 1
declare -r target="${hits[0]}"
# Remove bootloader entry
rm -rfv /boot/loader/entries/$target.conf
rm -rfv /boot/arkdep/$target
# Ensure the deployment and all sub-volumes are writable
for volume in $(btrfs subvolume list / | grep -oE '[^ ]+$' | grep $target); do
echo $volume
btrfs property set -f -ts $volume ro false || printf "failed to make subvol $volume writable\n"
# Remove the deployment
rm -rf $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/$target)
# Remove from tracker
grep -v $2 $arkdep_dir/tracker > $arkdep_dir/tracker_tmp
mv $arkdep_dir/tracker_tmp $arkdep_dir/tracker
exit 0
# List all available packages defined in the repo's list file
get_available () {
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Downloading list file from $repo_url\e[0m\n"
curl -sf "${repo_url}/list" || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to download repo file'
# List all deployments and provide additional information about any untracked deployments
list_deployed () {
declare tracker=($(cat $arkdep_dir/tracker))
declare deployed=($(ls $arkdep_dir/deployments/))
declare untracked=${deployed[*]}
# Compare items in tracker to actual deployed
for tracked in ${tracker[@]}; do
printf "${tracker[*]}\n"
# Clean whitespaces
untracked=$(echo $untracked | xargs)
if [[ ! -z $untracked ]]; then
printf "\nThe following deployments were found but are not tracked;\n"
for t in $untracked; do
printf "$t\n"
# Deploy a new or update an existing deployment
deploy () {
# target and version are optional, if not defined default to primary as defined in
# /arkdep/config and latest
if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
declare -r deploy_target=$2
declare -r deploy_target="$repo_default_image"
if [[ -n $3 ]]; then
declare -r deploy_version=$3
declare -r deploy_version='latest'
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Deploying $deploy_target $deploy_version\e[0m\n"
# If latest is requested grab database and get first line
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Downloading database from repo\e[0m\n"
if [[ $deploy_version == 'latest' ]]; then
declare curl_data=$(curl -sf "${repo_url}/${deploy_target}/database" | head -n 1)
# Only return first hit
declare curl_data=$(curl -sf "${repo_url}/${deploy_target}/database" | grep $3 | head -1)
# Split latest_version at the delimiter, creating an array with data.0=package ver, data.1=compression method, data.2=sha1 hash
readarray -d : -t data <<< "$curl_data"
# A carriage feed is inserted for some reason, lets remove it
# Lets ensure the requested image is not already deployed
if [[ -e $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]} ]]; then
printf "\e[1;33m<!>\e[0m\e[1m ${data[0]} is already deployed, canceling deployment\e[0m\n"
exit 0
# Check if requested version is already downloaded
if [[ -e $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]} ]]; then
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m ${data[0]} already in cache, skipping download\e[0m\n"
# Download the tarball if not yet downloaded
if [[ ! -e $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]} ]]; then
wget -P $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/) "$repo_url/$repo_default_image/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]}" ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to download tarball'
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Validating integrity\e[0m\n"
sha1sum "$(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]})" |
grep "${data[3]}" ||
cleanup_and_quit "Checksum does not match repo file, got $chksum\e[0m\n"
# Extract the root image if not yet extracted
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Writing root\e[0m\n"
# Create directory using unique deployment name
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}) || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create deployment directory'
if [[ ! -e $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-rootfs.img ]]; then
tar -xf $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]}) -C $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/) "./${data[0]}-rootfs.img" ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to extract root'
# Write the root image
btrfs receive -f $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-rootfs.img) $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}) ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to receive root'
# Cleanup root image
rm $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-rootfs.img)
# Extract the etc image if not yet extracted
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Writing etc\e[0m\n"
if [[ ! -e $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-etc.img ]]; then
tar -xf $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]}) -C $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/) "./${data[0]}-etc.img" ||
cleanup_and_quit 'failed to extract etc'
# Write the etc image and create var directory, we have to unlock rootfs temporarily to do this
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs) ro false ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to unlock root to write etc'
btrfs receive -f $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-etc.img) $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/) ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to receive etc'
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Ensure var, root and arkdep mountpoints exist\e[0m\n"
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/var)
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/root)
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/arkdep)
# Lock the root volume again
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs) ro true ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to lock root'
# Unlock the etc deployment
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/etc) ro false ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to unlock root to write etc'
# Cleanup etc image
rm $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-etc.img)
# Write the var image
if [[ ! -e $arkdep_dir/shared/var ]]; then
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Writing var\e[0m\n"
# Extract the var image if not yet extracted
if [[ ! -e $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-var.img ]]; then
tar -xf $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}.tar.${data[1]}) -C $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/) "./${data[0]}-var.img" ||
cleanup_and_quit 'failed to extract var'
btrfs receive -f $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-var.img) $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/) ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to receive var'
# Notify if var is not deployed
printf "\e[1;33m<!>\e[0m\e[1m ${data[0]} var is already preset, skipping var deployment\e[0m\n"
# Make var writable
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/shared/var) ro false ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to unlock var'
# Cleanup var image
rm $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/cache/${data[0]}-var.img)
# Add overlay if enabled
if [[ $enable_overlay -eq 1 ]]; then
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay to deployment\e[0m\n"
declare -r overlay_files=($(ls $arkdep_dir/overlay/))
# Check if only /etc is present, if it is we do not have to unlock the root volume
for file in ${overlay_files[*]}; do
if [[ ! $file == 'etc' ]]; then
printf "\e[1;33m<!>\e[0m\e[1m ${data[0]} Non /etc file or directory detected, root will be temporarily unlocked\e[0m\n"
# Unlock root if required
if [[ $overlay_unlock_root -eq 1 ]]; then
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}) ro false
cp -rv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/overlay/*) $(readlink -m /$arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/)
# Lock root again if required
if [[ $overlay_unlock_root -eq 1 ]]; then
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}) ro true
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying kernel image\e[0m\n"
mkdir -pv $(readlink -m /boot/arkdep/${data[0]})
cp -v $arkdep_dir/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/*/vmlinuz /boot/arkdep/${data[0]}/ ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to copy kernel image'
# Install kernel and generate initramfs
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Generating initramfs\e[0m\n"
dracut -k $(cd /arkdep/deployments/${data[0]}/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/*; pwd) \
--kernel-image /boot/arkdep/${data[0]}/vmlinuz \
--force \
/boot/arkdep/${data[0]}/initramfs-linux.img || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to generate initramfs'
# Add to database
# TODO: If this step is never reached ensure cleanup, maybe write a "busy file" somewhere
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Updating database\e[0m\n"
printf "${data[0]}\n$(cat $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/tracker | head -$deploy_keep))" > $arkdep_dir/tracker
# Deploy bootloader configuration
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Adding bootloader entry\e[0m\n"
sed "s/%target%/${data[0]}/" $arkdep_dir/templates/systemd-boot > /boot/loader/entries/${data[0]}.conf
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Setting new bootloader entry as default\e[0m\n"
# Configuring it with a oneshot for now, for testing
#bootctl set-default ${data[0]}.conf || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to set default bootloader entry"
bootctl set-oneshot ${data[0]}.conf || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to set default bootloader entry"
# Remove entries outside of keep
declare -r remove_deployments="$(cat $arkdep_dir/tracker | head -$deploy_keep | grep -rvf - $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/tracker))"
# Remove old deployments
for deployment in $remove_deployments; do
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing old deployment $deployment\e[0m\n"
rm -v /boot/loader/entries/$deployment.conf
btrfs property set -f -ts $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/$deployment) ro false
rm -rfv $(readlink -m $arkdep_dir/deployments/$deployment)
rm -rfv $(readlink -m /boot/arkdep/$deployment)
grep -rv $deployment $(readline -m $arkdep_dir/tracker) > $arkdep_dir/tracker
[[ $1 == 'init' ]] && init
[[ $1 == 'teardown' ]] && teardown
[[ $1 == 'update' ]] && check_for_updates
[[ $1 == 'get-available' ]] && get_available
[[ $1 == 'deploy' ]] && deploy $1 $2 $3
[[ $1 == 'list' ]] && list_deployed
[[ $1 == 'remove' ]] && remove_deployment $1 $2 $3