This feature allows on variant to be dependant upon another, utilizing its package lists and overlays to extend its own.
732 lines
27 KiB
Executable file
732 lines
27 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
## Common functions
# Cleanup and quit if error
cleanup_and_quit () {
# If any paramters are passed we will assume it to be an error
[[ -n $1 ]] && printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m $*\e[0m\n" >&2
if [[ $ARKDEP_NO_CLEANUP -eq 1 ]]; then
printf 'Cleanup disabled, not running cleanup\n'
exit 1
umount -Rl $build_image_mountpoint
rm $build_image
rm -rf $build_image_mountpoint
# Quit program if argument provided to function
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
exit 1
# Otherwise just quit, there is no error
exit 0
## Set common variables
declare -r build_image='/var/tmp/arkdep-build.img'
declare -r build_image_mountpoint='/var/tmp/arkdep-build'
declare -r workdir="$build_image_mountpoint/rootfs"
declare -r variant="$1"
declare -r build_image_size='15G'
# Minimum required storage in KiB
declare -r minimum_available_root_storage='31457280' # 30G
declare -r minimum_available_var_storage='20971520' # 20G
if [[ -v ARKDEP_CONFIGS ]]; then
declare -r configsdir="$ARKDEP_CONFIGS"
declare -r configsdir="$(readlink -m ./arkdep-build.d/)"
# Before we continue setting variables, lets first ensure the configsdir actually exist
# We do this now to give better error reporting to the user
if [[ ! -d $configsdir ]]; then
printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m $configsdir does not exist, are you located inside of the configuration directory's parent directory?\n\e[0m"
exit 1
declare -r variantdir="$configsdir/$variant"
declare -r type="$(cat $(readlink -m $variantdir/type) 2> /dev/null || (printf '\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m Failed to get build type\n\e[0m'; exit 1))"
if [[ -v ARKDEP_OUTPUT_TARGET ]]; then
declare -r output_target="$ARKDEP_OUTPUT_TARGET"
declare -r output_target="$(pwd)/target"
## Set common functions
# Generate a 42 character long random string, used for generating psuedo-random image names
# Unless overwritten with $ARKDEP_CUSTOM_NAME
gen_random_string () {
if [[ -v ARKDEP_CUSTOM_NAME ]]; then
random=$(openssl rand -hex 100 | head -c 42)
printf "${random}\n"
# Generate image name
# If name template exists, use it, otherwise generate random string
if [[ -f $variantdir/ ]]; then
declare -r image_name=$(source $variantdir/
declare -r image_name=$(gen_random_string)
## Error checking
# Quit if not root
if [[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
printf '\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m This program has to be run as root\n\e[0m'
exit 1
# Check if all dependencies are installed, quit if not
for prog in btrfs pacstrap; do
if ! command -v $prog > /dev/null; then
printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m Failed to locate $prog, ensure it is installed\e[0m\n"
exit 1
# Check if requested variant exists
if [[ ! -d $variantdir ]]; then
printf '\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m The requested variant does not exist\e[0m\n'
exit 1
# Run the storage check only if we are not building a migration
if [[ $type != 'migration' ]]; then
# Ensure we have the required storage available on both /var/tmp and root
declare root_storage_available=($(df --output=avail /))
declare var_storage_available=($(df --output=avail /var/tmp))
if [[ $root_storage_available -lt $minimum_available_root_storage ]]; then
printf 'Not enough storage available on root to export image\n'
exit 1
if [[ $var_storage_available -lt $minimum_available_var_storage ]]; then
printf 'Not enough storage available on var to create image\n'
exit 1
## Variants
# Build migration type image
if [[ $type == 'migration' ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Started migration image build\e[0m\n'
# Create output directory structure
mkdir -p $output_target/$image_name
# Copy migration contents to compression target dir
cp -v $variantdir/ $output_target/$image_name/$ ||
cleanup_and_quit 'No primary migration script found'
# Copy migration related files if they are provided
if [[ -d $variantdir/migration ]]; then
cp -rv $variantdir/migration $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-migration
# Compress migration files
tar -cv -I 'zstd -12 -T0 ' -f $output_target/$image_name.tar.zst -C $output_target/$image_name .
# We can just exit, no need to do a cleanup
exit 0
# Build archlinux type image
if [[ $type == 'archlinux' ]]; then
# Ensure bootstrap.list exists, if not error and quit
# This is the mimimum requirement to perform a build and this checked first
if [[ ! -e $variantdir/bootstrap.list ]]; then
printf "\e[1;31m<#>\e[0m\e[1m The required file 'bootstrap.list' is not preset in $variantdir\e[0m\n"
exit 1
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Started Arch linux image build\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating disk image\e[0m\n'
fallocate -l $build_image_size $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create disk image at $build_image"
mkfs.btrfs -f $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to partition $build_image"
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Mounting $build_image at $workdir\e[0m\n"
# The data is compressed to minimize writes to the disk, the actual export does not maintain this compression
mount -m -t btrfs -o loop,compress=zstd $build_image $build_image_mountpoint || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to mount disk image to $workdir"
# Create temporary Btrfs subvolume
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating temporary Btrfs subvolumes at $workdir\e[0m\n"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/ || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir)"
mount --bind $workdir $workdir || cleanup_and_exit "Failed to bind mount disk $workdir"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/etc || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/etc)"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/var || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/var)"
# Read base package list and install base system
readarray bootstrap_packages < $variantdir/bootstrap.list
# Stores package lists from dependency variants
declare bootstrap_packages_depends=()
# Load dependency package lists if present
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
# We only have to set depends_variants once, it is later not set again in other
# tasks utilizing dependencies
readarray depends_variants < $variantdir/depends.list
# Depends list without code comments
declare depends_variants_clean=()
for depend in ${depends_variants[@]}; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $depend == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${depend//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Append to depends clean, so we can use it again later
# Only run if bootstrap.list exists
[[ ! -f $configsdir/${depend%%#*}/bootstrap.list ]] &&
readarray -O${#bootstrap_packages_depends[@]} bootstrap_packages_depends < $configsdir/${depend%%#*}/bootstrap.list
# Used to store bootstrap packages list without escape characters and whitespaces
declare bootstrap_packages_clean=()
# Process bootstrap package lists, remove code comments
for bootstrap_package in "${bootstrap_packages[@]}" "${bootstrap_packages_depends[@]}"; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $bootstrap_package == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${bootstrap_package//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Remove escape character at end of line and add to bootstrap_packages_clean
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing base packages\e[0m\n'
# If pacman.conf is available in overlay, use it
if [[ -f $variantdir/pacman.conf ]]; then
pacstrap -c -C $variantdir/pacman.conf $workdir ${bootstrap_packages_clean[@]} || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to install secondary package list'
cp -v $variantdir/pacman.conf $workdir/etc/pacman.conf
pacstrap -c $workdir ${bootstrap_packages_clean[@]} || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to bootstrap system'
# If overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_bootstrap to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap/* $workdir/
# If we have a depends list, copy overlays from these dependencies, also handle code comments
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
for depend in ${depends_variants_clean[@]}; do
# Only run if post_bootstrap exists
[[ ! -d $configsdir/$depend/overlay/post_bootstrap ]] &&
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying $depend/overlay/post_bootstrap to root\e[0m\n"
cp -rv $configsdir/$depend/overlay/post_bootstrap/* $workdir/
# Run post_bootstrap script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_bootstrap extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# Read package list and install secondary system components, skip if not used
if [[ -e $variantdir/package.list ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing secondary packages\e[0m\n'
# Mount the pacman cache
mount --bind /var/cache/pacman/pkg $workdir/var/cache/pacman/pkg
# Read package list and install
readarray packages < $variantdir/package.list
# Used to store packages list without escape characters and whitespaces
declare packages_clean=()
# Stores package lists from dependency variants
declare packages_depends=()
# Load dependency package lists if present, also handle code comments
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
for depend in ${depends_variants_clean[@]}; do
# Only run if package.list exists
[[ ! -f $configsdir/$depend/package.list ]] &&
readarray -O${#packages_depends[@]} packages_depends < $configsdir/$depend/package.list
# Used to store bootstrap packages list without escape characters and whitespaces
declare packages_clean=()
# Process package lists, remove code comments
for package in "${packages[@]}" "${packages_depends[@]}"; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $package == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${package//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Remove escape character at end of line and add to packages_clean
# Install packages to new root
arch-chroot $workdir pacman -S --noconfirm ${packages_clean[@]} || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to install packages'
# Unmount pacman cache
umount -l $workdir/var/cache/pacman/pkg
# If postinstall overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_install ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_install to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_install/* $workdir/
# If we have a depends list, copy overlays from these dependencies
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
for depend in ${depends_variants_clean[@]}; do
# Only run if post_install exists
[[ ! -d $configsdir/$depend/overlay/post_install ]] &&
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying $depend/overlay/post_install to root\e[0m\n"
cp -rv $configsdir/$depend/overlay/post_install/* $workdir/
# Run post_install script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_install extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# Remove subvolumes created by systemd
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/portables ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/portables\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/portables
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/machines ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/machines\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/machines
# Make /usr/local symlink in var
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving dirs to var and creating symlinks\e[0m\n'
mv $workdir/usr/local $workdir/var/usrlocal || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move usr/local to var/usrlocal'
ln -sv ../var/usrlocal $workdir/usr/local || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create usrlocal symlink'
# Opt symlink
mv $workdir/opt $workdir/var/ || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move opt to var/opt'
ln -sv var/opt $workdir/opt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create opt symlink'
# srv symlink
mv $workdir/srv $workdir/var/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move srv to var/srv'
ln -sv var/srv $workdir/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create srv symlink'
# mnt symlink
mv $workdir/mnt $workdir/var/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move mnt to var/mnt'
ln -sv var/mnt $workdir/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create mnt symlink'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating mountpoints for shared subvolumes\e[0m\n'
# Remove the folders to ensure they are empty
rm -rf $workdir/root
rm -rf $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
# Ensure these folder exist
mkdir -pv $workdir/root
mkdir -pv $workdir/arkdep
mkdir -pv $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving passwd, shadow and group files to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Create second passwd, group and shadow file in usr/lib and configure
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep -v "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/usr/lib/$file
# Remove all users except for root, is typically overwritten by user overlay but
# may be used during os installation as a template
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/etc/$file-tmp
mv $workdir/etc/$file-tmp $workdir/etc/$file
# Ensure passwd/group/shadow permissions are set properly
chmod 600 $workdir/etc/shadow $workdir/usr/lib/shadow
chmod 644 $workdir/etc/{passwd,group} $workdir/usr/lib/{passwd,group}
# nss-switch.conf is added using the overlay
# Remove passwd/group/shadow backup files
rm $workdir/etc/{passwd-,shadow-,group-}
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving CPU microcode to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Move CPU firmware to /usr/lib if present
mv $workdir/boot/*-ucode.img $workdir/usr/lib/
# Make subvolume read-only
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Adding read-only property to subvolumes\e[0m\n'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set root to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/etc ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set etc to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/var ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set var to read-only'
# Create dir for storing the images
mkdir -p $output_target/$image_name
# Add update script, utilized to perform minor system changes and updates
if [[ -f $variantdir/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Including update script\e[0m\n'
cp -v $variantdir/ $output_target/$image_name/$ ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed copying update script to image'
# Generate package list
pacman -Q --root=$workdir > $output_target/$image_name.pkgs
# Write subvolume to image
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating images\e[0m\n'
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-rootfs.img $workdir
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-etc.img $workdir/etc
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-var.img $workdir/var
if [[ ! -v ARKDEP_NO_TAR ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Compressing images\e[0m\n'
tar -cv -I 'zstd -12 -T0 ' -f $output_target/$image_name.tar.zst -C $output_target/$image_name .
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_build extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# Build debian type image
if [[ $type == 'debian' ]]; then
# Get repo configuration
if [[ ! -s $variant_dir/apt.conf ]]; then
cleanup_and_quite 'apt.conf expected but is empty or not found'
declare -r apt_conf=($(cat $variantdir/apt.conf 2> /dev/null))
# 0. Repo URL (
# 1. Suite (focal, sid, unstable etc..)
declare -r deb_repo=${apt_conf[0]}
declare -r deb_suite=${apt_conf[1]}
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Started Debian image build\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating disk image\e[0m\n'
fallocate -l $build_image_size $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create disk image at $build_image"
mkfs.btrfs -f $build_image || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to partition $build_image"
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Mounting $build_image at $workdir\e[0m\n"
# The data is compressed to minimize writes to the disk, the actual export does not maintain this compression
mount -m -t btrfs -o loop,compress=zstd $build_image $build_image_mountpoint || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to mount disk image to $workdir"
# Create temporary Btrfs subvolume
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating temporary Btrfs subvolumes at $workdir\e[0m\n"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/ || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir)"
mount --bind $workdir $workdir || cleanup_and_exit "Failed to bind mount disk $workdir"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/etc || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/etc)"
btrfs subvolume create $workdir/var || cleanup_and_quit "Failed to create btrfs subvolume $workdir/var)"
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing base packages\e[0m\n'
# TODO: Do not hard code arch
[[ ! -d /var/cache/arkdep-debootstrap ]] && mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive debootstrap \
--cache-dir=/var/cache/apt/archives \
$deb_suite \
$workdir \
$deb_repo ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to bootstrap'
# If overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_bootstrap to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_bootstrap/* $workdir/
# Load dependency package lists if present
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
# We only have to set depends_variants once, it is later not set again in other
# tasks utilizing dependencies
readarray depends_variants < $variantdir/depends.list
# Depends list without code comments
declare depends_variants_clean=()
# If we have a depends list, copy overlays from these dependencies
for depend in ${depends_variants[@]}; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $bootstrap_package == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${bootstrap_package//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Append to depends clean, so we can use it again later
# Only run if bootstrap.list exists
[[ ! -d $configsdir/${depend%%#*}/post_bootstrap ]] &&
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying ${depend%%#*}/overlay/post_bootstrap to root\e[0m\n"
cp -rv $configsdir/${depend%%#*}/overlay/post_bootstrap/* $workdir/
# Run post_bootstrap script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_bootstrap extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# Read package list and install secondary system components, skip if not used
if [[ -f $variantdir/package.list ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Installing secondary packages\e[0m\n'
# Mount deb package cache inside of new root
mount --bind /var/cache/apt/archives $workdir/var/cache/apt/archives
# Read package list and install
readarray packages < $variantdir/package.list
# Used to store packages list without escape characters and whitespaces
declare packages_clean=()
# Stores package lists from dependency variants
declare packages_depends=()
# Load dependency package lists if present
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
# We only have to set depends_variants once, it is later not set again in other
# tasks utilizing dependencies
readarray depends_variants < $variantdir/depends.list
for depend in ${depends_variants_clean[@]}; do
[[ ! -f $configsdir/$depend/package.list ]] &&
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $depend == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${depend//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
readarray -O${#packages_depends[@]} packages_depends < $configsdir/$depend/package.list
# Process package list, remove code comments
for package in "${packages[@]}" "${packages_depends}"; do
# If line starts with escape character, ignore it
[[ $package == \#* ]] &&
# If line is whitespace, ignore it
[[ ${package//[$'\t\r\n']} == '' ]] &&
# Remove escape character at end of line and add to packages_clean
# Install packages to new root
# TODO: Keep using arch-chroot?`
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive arch-chroot $workdir apt-get update ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to apt update'
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive arch-chroot $workdir apt-get install -y ${packages_clean[@]} ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to install packages'
umount -l $workdir/var/cache/apt/archives
# If postinstall overlay directory exists in variant copy it's contents to the temporary subvolume
if [[ -d $variantdir/overlay/post_install ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying overlay/post_install to root\e[0m\n'
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_install/* $workdir/
# If we have a depends list, copy overlays from these dependencies
if [[ -e $variantdir/depends.list ]]; then
for depend in ${depends_variants_clean[@]}; do
[[ ! -d $configsdir/$depend/overlay/post_install ]] && continue
printf "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Copying $depend/overlay/post_install to root\e[0m\n"
cp -rv $variantdir/overlay/post_install/* $workdir/
# Run post_install script if exists
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_install extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# Remove subvolumes created by systemd
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/portables ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/portables\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/portables
[[ -d $workdir/var/lib/machines ]] &&
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Removing systemd subvolume var/lib/machines\e[0m\n'
btrfs subvolume delete $workdir/var/lib/machines
# Make /usr/local symlink in var
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving dirs to var and creating symlinks\e[0m\n'
mv $workdir/usr/local $workdir/var/usrlocal || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move usr/local to var/usrlocal'
ln -sv ../var/usrlocal $workdir/usr/local || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create usrlocal symlink'
# Opt symlink
mv $workdir/opt $workdir/var/ || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move opt to var/opt'
ln -sv var/opt $workdir/opt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create opt symlink'
# srv symlink
mv $workdir/srv $workdir/var/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move srv to var/srv'
ln -sv var/srv $workdir/srv || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create srv symlink'
# mnt symlink
mv $workdir/mnt $workdir/var/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move mnt to var/mnt'
ln -sv var/mnt $workdir/mnt || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to create mnt symlink'
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating mountpoints for shared subvolumes\e[0m\n'
# Remove the folders to ensure they are empty
rm -rf $workdir/root
rm -rf $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
# Ensure these folder exist
mkdir -pv $workdir/root
mkdir -pv $workdir/arkdep
mkdir -pv $workdir/var/lib/flatpak
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving passwd, shadow and group files to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Create second passwd, group and shadow file in usr/lib and configure
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep -v "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/usr/lib/$file
# Remove all users except for root, is typically overwritten by user overlay but
# may be used during os installation as a template
for file in passwd group shadow; do
grep "^root:" $workdir/etc/$file > $workdir/etc/$file-tmp
mv $workdir/etc/$file-tmp $workdir/etc/$file
# Ensure passwd/group/shadow permissions are set properly
chmod 600 $workdir/etc/shadow $workdir/usr/lib/shadow
chmod 644 $workdir/etc/{passwd,group} $workdir/usr/lib/{passwd,group}
# nss-switch.conf is added using the overlay
# Remove passwd/group/shadow backup files
rm $workdir/etc/{passwd-,shadow-,group-}
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving kernel to usr/lib/modules/\e[0m\n'
# Move vmlinuz from boot to modules
# Get kernel version and vmlinuz location
declare vmlinuz_path=$(readlink -f $workdir/vmlinuz)
echo $vmlinuz_path
echo $vmlinuz_path
declare vmlinuz_version=${vmlinuz_path//\/boot\/vmlinuz-}
echo $vmlinuz_version
mv $workdir/$vmlinuz_path $workdir/usr/lib/modules/$vmlinuz_version/vmlinuz || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to move kernel to modules'
#printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Moving CPU microcode to usr/lib\e[0m\n'
# Move CPU firmware to /usr/lib if present
# TODO: Figure out how to properly handle this
#mv $workdir/boot/*-ucode.img $workdir/usr/lib/
# Make subvolume read-only
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Adding read-only property to subvolumes\e[0m\n'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set root to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/etc ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set etc to read-only'
btrfs property set -ts $workdir/var ro true || cleanup_and_quit 'Failed to set var to read-only'
# Create dir for storing the images
mkdir -p $output_target/$image_name
# Add update script, utilized to perform minor system changes and updates
if [[ -f $variantdir/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Including update script\e[0m\n'
cp -v $variantdir/ $output_target/$image_name/$ ||
cleanup_and_quit 'Failed copying update script to image'
# TODO: Generate package list
# Write subvolume to image
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Creating images\e[0m\n'
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-rootfs.img $workdir
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-etc.img $workdir/etc
btrfs send -f $output_target/$image_name/$image_name-var.img $workdir/var
if [[ ! -v ARKDEP_NO_TAR ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Compressing images\e[0m\n'
tar -cv -I 'zstd -12 -T0 ' -f $output_target/$image_name.tar.zst -C $output_target/$image_name .
if [[ -f $variantdir/extensions/ ]]; then
printf '\e[1;34m-->\e[0m\e[1m Running post_build extension\e[0m\n'
(source $variantdir/extensions/
# No valid variant was found
printf 'No valid type set in configuration\n'
exit 2