Currently the only way to write a module which exposes one or more installer pages (viewmodule) is through a Qt plugin. Viewmodules should implement `Calamares::ViewStep`. They can also implement `Calamares::Job` to provide jobs.
To add a Qt plugin module, put it in a subdirectory and make sure it has a `module.desc` and a `CMakeLists.txt` with a `calamares_add_plugin` call. It will be picked up automatically by our CMake magic.
To add a Python or process jobmodule, put it in a subdirectory and make sure it has a `module.desc`. It will be picked up automatically by our CMake magic. `CMakeLists.txt` is not used for Python and process jobmodules.
All code in Python job modules must obey PEP8, the only exception are `libcalamares.globalstorage` keys, which should always be camelCaseWithLowerCaseInitial.