[partition] Swap the two implementations of getting partitions

This commit is contained in:
Adriaan de Groot 2019-06-24 13:10:45 +02:00
parent f2438a5bf4
commit 399919c49a
2 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -63,20 +63,31 @@ ClearMountsJob::prettyStatusMessage() const
QStringList QStringList
getPartitionsForDevice( const QString& deviceName ) getPartitionsForDevice( const QString& deviceName )
{ {
QProcess process; QStringList partitions;
process.setProgram( "sh" );
process.setArguments( {
QString( "echo $(awk '{print $4}' /proc/partitions | sed -e '/name/d' -e '/^$/d' -e '/[1-9]/!d' | grep %1)" )
.arg( deviceName )
} );
const QString partitions = process.readAllStandardOutput(); QFile dev_partitions( "/proc/partitions" );
const QStringList partitionsList = partitions.simplified().split( ' ' ); if ( dev_partitions.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
cDebug() << "Reading from" << dev_partitions.fileName();
QTextStream in( &dev_partitions );
(void) in.readLine(); // That's the header line, skip it
while ( !in.atEnd() )
// The fourth column (index from 0, so index 3) is the name of the device;
// keep it if it is followed by something.
QStringList columns = in.readLine().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if ( ( columns.count() >= 4 ) && ( columns[3].startsWith( deviceName ) ) && ( columns[3] != deviceName ) )
partitions.append( columns[3] );
cDebug() << "Could not open" << dev_partitions.fileName();
return partitionsList; return partitions;
} }
Calamares::JobResult Calamares::JobResult

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@ -32,31 +32,20 @@ getPartitionsForDevice( const QString& deviceName );
QStringList QStringList
getPartitionsForDevice_other(const QString& deviceName) getPartitionsForDevice_other(const QString& deviceName)
{ {
QStringList partitions; QProcess process;
process.setProgram( "sh" );
process.setArguments( {
QString( "echo $(awk '{print $4}' /proc/partitions | sed -e '/name/d' -e '/^$/d' -e '/[1-9]/!d' | grep %1)" )
.arg( deviceName )
} );
QFile dev_partitions( "/proc/partitions" ); const QString partitions = process.readAllStandardOutput();
if ( dev_partitions.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) const QStringList partitionsList = partitions.simplified().split( ' ' );
cDebug() << "Reading from" << dev_partitions.fileName();
QTextStream in( &dev_partitions );
(void) in.readLine(); // That's the header line, skip it
while ( !in.atEnd() )
// The fourth column (index from 0, so index 3) is the name of the device;
// keep it if it is followed by something.
QStringList columns = in.readLine().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if ( ( columns.count() >= 4 ) && ( columns[3].startsWith( deviceName ) ) && ( columns[3] != deviceName ) )
partitions.append( columns[3] );
cDebug() << "Could not open" << dev_partitions.fileName();
return partitions; return partitionsList;
} }