- Put the (constant) 'Calamares will now quit' on its own debug line.
- Tell the user what the search paths are if a module is not found
(prompted by a mis-configuration in a Neon live image).
- Move type and rename it; put in Calamares namespace
- Emit signals from the viewmanager as results come in
- Remove state changing from welcome view step based on its internal
requirements checking (for now this breaks progressing past the
welcome page)
- Log checking of the requirements
Introduce a method checkRequirements() into the module system so that
individual modules can do their own checking (as opposed to stuffing
it all into the welcome module).
- Was marked incomplete and unused; none of the existing modules
set any requirements, and the descriptors are not set up to
hold the requirements information anyway.
- Dependencies are generally through globalStorage values, or if
there are dependent jobs they should be created in-order by one
source (e.g. though a View or a subclass of CppJob which overrides
jobs() ).
- It is the responsibility of deployers to formulate a settings.conf
that includes all the required modules.
- A 'real' dependency system is going to lead to the introduction
of interface-definitions and a great deal of complexity, for a
use case that can be handled with careful deployment instead.
These job plugins work similarly to view modules, with the following
* These jobs need to link only libcalamares, not libcalamaresui. For
this reason, PluginFactory was moved from libcalamaresui to
libcalamares. (It depends only on QtCore.)
* Instead of deriving from ViewModule, derive from CppJob (which is a
subclass of Job).
* Like process and Python jobs, a job plugin is a single job, whereas a
ViewModule can generate a whole list of jobs.
The CppJob and CppJobModule classes are new. In Module::fromDescriptor,
the combination type=job, intf=qtplugin is now supported and mapped to
In order to avoid deep copies, Qt containers over which we iterate must be const
The remaining unported cases require qAsConst (Qt 5.7) or std::as_const (C++17)