- Don't use this if we don't need it (QObject::tr is static).
- C++14 allows (copy) binding to arbitrary expresstions in lambda's,
so detach from this.
When using a custom partition layout with partition sizes in %, it can
be useful to set an upper limit to the partition size.
For instance, using a 20% size for the `/` partition will create a 24G
partition on a 120GB drive, but a 200GB partition on a 1TB drive, which
is not useful, and could be avoided by setting a maximum partition size.
This commit adds the `maxSize` parameter (with a default value of 100%).
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
- Using project() to set up the version is idiomatic for CMake
and more standardised than doing it by hand. Do retain the
RC flag, because that's used in other parts of versioning.
- When environment is empty, use default values from spec
- Search in application-named subdirs first (but keep previous
behavior of also searching directly in the named dirs)
- Don't consider empty XDG_* elements
- Settings XDG_DATA_DIRS=":" would yield an empty list of extra
directories to check; don't bother setting haveExtraDirs for that.
- This initial bit of code re-uses the *dont-chroot* setting;
it may need to be made independent.
- This branch will use `isSetupMode()` to adjust user-visible
strings to match the intended use.
SEE #1100
- rsync reports its own progress, and reports on files that
find -type f doesn't. This meant that the numbers didn't
match what was stored in entry.total
- The ir-phase adds files to be handled; to-phase happens once
ir-phase is over and the remaining files are processed.
By adding the to-phase files, percentages over 100% were
reported (in part because the number of files doesn't match).
- Update expected entries total from rsync output.
- Re-jig computation of how done everything is: tally it
up in integers, and do only one global progress percentage.
- The mismatch between "ir-chk" and the comment "to-check" led me
to check (ha!) the output of rsync, and it outputs "to-chk"
during small transfers; make sure the comment reflects what
is actually being used to track progress (which is "ir-chk").
- After the BootLoader model is reset, if a bootloader location
has been selected before, try to find it in the (now-reset)
model to preserve the selection.
- clear() signals modelReset(), which is true, but inconvenient
when we do a bunch of changes afterwards. Block signals,
and rely on own signaling when all of the changes are done.
- Keep blocking signals while updating the model, since the row
appends otherwise trigger a change in the connected combo box.