There is no need to force folks haing a random group
bc that is a Distro think. SDDM/GDM works just fine without
having a group for the user to autologin.
Just setup a group in users.conf .. is why we have a configuration
option for that.
- deleteLater() doesn't like nullptr (produces a warning, but is harmless)
- reparenting across threads doesn't work, comment on that but leave
it in, since this may be relevant for memory management.
- both NetInstall (group data) and Locale (GeoIP) use network
data returned as a source of YAML data. Try to explain
parsing errors for both.
When NetInstall receives YAML data, handle parser errors more gracefully:
show line and column, but because it's network data (not in a local file),
do some work to print out the actual data received.
If the summary widget is large, it gets a scrollbar. This looks really
weird, so prefer to grow the installer window instead. Discussed with
@sitter and settled on this solution.
ViewSteps can signal the ViewManager that they need more space (in pixels),
which may or may not be honored.
This was WIP, working on the fstab / UUID problem, but stands on its
own; since others are zooming in on the fstab / UUID problem, close
down the branch.
This is experimental, off-by-default, code for developing a telemetry /
tracking configuration module. It is preliminary work for issue #628,
but also for KDE Neon configuration. Any telemetry should conform to
the KDE Telemetry Policy [1] or similar Free Software telemetry policy
(e.g. the Mozilla one).
Initial idea is to distinguish three kinds of tracking:
- installs. This tracks that OS <foo> has been installed somewhere.
It might send some machine information to a remote server.
- machines. This enables some kind of machine tracking in the
installed system, for instance it could enable popcon on
Debian, or periodic phone-home-pings.
- users. This enables some kind of telemetry / tracking on the
installed user in the system.
A simple and transparent setting is to enable install-tracking and set
it to opt-in, and disable machine and user tracking. Explain to the
user that <foo> would like to know when <foo> is installed, and that
the following information <d1>, <d2> will be sent to <url> in accordance
to the <foo> telemetry policy at <url2>.
Work in this branch is subject to VDG review for the visuals, and
privacy oversight by whatever group is responsible for <foo> privacy.
Note that this module makes it *possible* for telemetry configuration
to be visible inside the installer; what distro's do with telemetry
already is entirely outside the scope of this configuration module.
- Check for 'list' when it's actually a 'dict' is strange.
Reverse logic to consider 'str' a package name and everything
else is special.
- Refactor to handle the difference between package names and
packages-with-script-data in one place.
- Add code and config documentation.
- Switch sample configurations to dummy-backend.
When testing Python modules, passing option --lang should also
set the global 'locale' (to a BCP47 string, but hey) like it
already sets localeConf.LANG.