# When debugging the timezone widget, add this debugging definition # to have a debugging-friendly timezone widget, debug logging, # and no intrusive timezone-setting while clicking around. # # add_definitions( -DDEBUG_TIMEZONES ) include_directories( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/libcalamaresui ) set( geoip_src GeoIP.cpp GeoIPJSON.cpp ) set( geoip_libs ) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Xml) if( Qt5Xml_FOUND ) list( APPEND geoip_src GeoIPXML.cpp ) list( APPEND geoip_libs Qt5::Xml ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_XML ) endif() calamares_add_plugin( locale TYPE viewmodule EXPORT_MACRO PLUGINDLLEXPORT_PRO SOURCES ${geoip_src} LCLocaleDialog.cpp LocaleConfiguration.cpp LocalePage.cpp LocaleViewStep.cpp SetTimezoneJob.cpp timezonewidget/timezonewidget.cpp timezonewidget/localeglobal.cpp UI RESOURCES locale.qrc LINK_PRIVATE_LIBRARIES calamaresui Qt5::Network ${geoip_libs} ${YAMLCPP_LIBRARY} SHARED_LIB ) if( ECM_FOUND AND BUILD_TESTING ) ecm_add_test( GeoIPTests.cpp ${geoip_src} TEST_NAME geoiptest LINK_LIBRARIES calamaresui Qt5::Network Qt5::Test ${geoip_libs} ${YAMLCPP_LIBRARY} ) set_target_properties( geoiptest PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE ) endif() if( BUILD_TESTING ) add_executable( test_geoip test_geoip.cpp ${geoip_src} ) target_link_libraries( test_geoip calamaresui Qt5::Network ${geoip_libs} ${YAMLCPP_LIBRARY} ) endif()