/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014-2016, Teo Mrnjavac * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "PythonJob.h" #include "PythonHelper.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include #undef slots #include #include #include "PythonJobApi.h" namespace bp = boost::python; BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( mount_overloads, CalamaresPython::mount, 2, 4 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( target_env_call_str_overloads, CalamaresPython::target_env_call, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( target_env_call_list_overloads, CalamaresPython::target_env_call, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( check_target_env_call_str_overloads, CalamaresPython::check_target_env_call, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( check_target_env_call_list_overloads, CalamaresPython::check_target_env_call, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( check_target_env_output_str_overloads, CalamaresPython::check_target_env_output, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS( check_target_env_output_list_overloads, CalamaresPython::check_target_env_output, 1, 3 ); BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE( libcalamares ) { bp::object package = bp::scope(); package.attr( "__path__" ) = "libcalamares"; bp::scope().attr( "ORGANIZATION_NAME" ) = CALAMARES_ORGANIZATION_NAME; bp::scope().attr( "ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN" ) = CALAMARES_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN; bp::scope().attr( "APPLICATION_NAME" ) = CALAMARES_APPLICATION_NAME; bp::scope().attr( "VERSION" ) = CALAMARES_VERSION; bp::scope().attr( "VERSION_SHORT" ) = CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT; bp::class_< CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface >( "Job", bp::init< Calamares::PythonJob* >() ) .def_readonly( "module_name", &CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface::moduleName ) .def_readonly( "pretty_name", &CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface::prettyName ) .def_readonly( "working_path", &CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface::workingPath ) .def_readonly( "configuration", &CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface::configuration ) .def( "setprogress", &CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface::setprogress, bp::args( "progress" ), "Reports the progress status of this job to Calamares, " "as a real number between 0 and 1." ); bp::class_< CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper >( "GlobalStorage", bp::init< Calamares::GlobalStorage* >() ) .def( "contains", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::contains ) .def( "count", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::count ) .def( "insert", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::insert ) .def( "keys", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::keys ) .def( "remove", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::remove ) .def( "value", &CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::value ); // libcalamares.utils submodule starts here bp::object utilsModule( bp::handle<>( bp::borrowed( PyImport_AddModule( "libcalamares.utils" ) ) ) ); bp::scope().attr( "utils" ) = utilsModule; bp::scope utilsScope = utilsModule; Q_UNUSED( utilsScope ); bp::def( "debug", &CalamaresPython::debug, bp::args( "s" ), "Writes the given string to the Calamares debug stream." ); bp::def( "mount", &CalamaresPython::mount, mount_overloads( bp::args( "device_path", "mount_point", "filesystem_name", "options" ), "Runs the mount utility with the specified parameters.\n" "Returns the program's exit code, or:\n" "-1 = QProcess crash\n" "-2 = QProcess cannot start\n" "-3 = bad arguments" ) ); bp::def( "target_env_call", static_cast< int (*)( const std::string&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::target_env_call ), target_env_call_str_overloads( bp::args( "command", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns the program's exit code, or:\n" "-1 = QProcess crash\n" "-2 = QProcess cannot start\n" "-3 = bad arguments\n" "-4 = QProcess timeout" ) ); bp::def( "target_env_call", static_cast< int (*)( const bp::list&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::target_env_call ), target_env_call_list_overloads( bp::args( "args", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns the program's exit code, or:\n" "-1 = QProcess crash\n" "-2 = QProcess cannot start\n" "-3 = bad arguments\n" "-4 = QProcess timeout" ) ); bp::def( "check_target_env_call", static_cast< int (*)( const std::string&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::check_target_env_call ), check_target_env_call_str_overloads( bp::args( "command", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns 0, which is program's exit code if the program exited " "successfully, or raises a subprocess.CalledProcessError." ) ); bp::def( "check_target_env_call", static_cast< int (*)( const bp::list&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::check_target_env_call ), check_target_env_call_list_overloads( bp::args( "args", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns 0, which is program's exit code if the program exited " "successfully, or raises a subprocess.CalledProcessError." ) ); bp::def( "check_target_env_output", static_cast< std::string (*)( const std::string&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::check_target_env_output ), check_target_env_output_str_overloads( bp::args( "command", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns the program's standard output, and raises a " "subprocess.CalledProcessError if something went wrong." ) ); bp::def( "check_target_env_output", static_cast< std::string (*)( const bp::list&, const std::string&, int ) >( &CalamaresPython::check_target_env_output ), check_target_env_output_list_overloads( bp::args( "args", "stdin", "timeout" ), "Runs the specified command in the chroot of the target system.\n" "Returns the program's standard output, and raises a " "subprocess.CalledProcessError if something went wrong." ) ); bp::def( "obscure", &CalamaresPython::obscure, bp::args( "s" ), "Simple string obfuscation function based on KStringHandler::obscure.\n" "Returns a string, generated using a simple symmetric encryption.\n" "Applying the function to a string obscured by this function will result " "in the original string." ); } namespace Calamares { PythonJob::PythonJob( const QString& scriptFile, const QString& workingPath, const QVariantMap& moduleConfiguration, QObject* parent ) : Job( parent ) , m_scriptFile( scriptFile ) , m_workingPath( workingPath ) , m_description() , m_configurationMap( moduleConfiguration ) { } PythonJob::~PythonJob() {} QString PythonJob::prettyName() const { return QDir( m_workingPath ).dirName(); } QString PythonJob::prettyStatusMessage() const { if ( m_description.isEmpty() ) return tr( "Running %1 operation." ) .arg( QDir( m_workingPath ).dirName() ); else return m_description; } JobResult PythonJob::exec() { // We assume m_scriptFile to be relative to m_workingPath. QDir workingDir( m_workingPath ); if ( !workingDir.exists() || !workingDir.isReadable() ) { return JobResult::error( tr( "Bad working directory path" ), tr( "Working directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable." ) .arg( m_workingPath ) .arg( prettyName() ) ); } QFileInfo scriptFI( workingDir.absoluteFilePath( m_scriptFile ) ); if ( !scriptFI.exists() || !scriptFI.isFile() || !scriptFI.isReadable() ) { return JobResult::error( tr( "Bad main script file" ), tr( "Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable." ) .arg( scriptFI.absoluteFilePath() ) .arg( prettyName() ) ); } try { bp::object scriptNamespace = helper()->createCleanNamespace(); bp::object calamaresModule = bp::import( "libcalamares" ); bp::dict calamaresNamespace = bp::extract< bp::dict >( calamaresModule.attr( "__dict__" ) ); calamaresNamespace[ "job" ] = CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface( this ); calamaresNamespace[ "globalstorage" ] = CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper( JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage() ); bp::object execResult = bp::exec_file( scriptFI.absoluteFilePath().toLocal8Bit().data(), scriptNamespace, scriptNamespace ); bp::object entryPoint = scriptNamespace[ "run" ]; bp::extract< std::string > entryPoint_doc_attr(entryPoint.attr( "__doc__" ) ); if ( entryPoint_doc_attr.check() ) m_description = QString::fromStdString( entryPoint_doc_attr() ); bp::object runResult = entryPoint(); if ( runResult.is_none() ) { return JobResult::ok(); } else // Something happened in the Python job { bp::tuple resultTuple = bp::extract< bp::tuple >( runResult ); QString message = QString::fromStdString( bp::extract< std::string >( resultTuple[ 0 ] ) ); QString description = QString::fromStdString( bp::extract< std::string >( resultTuple[ 1 ] ) ); return JobResult::error( message, description ); } } catch ( bp::error_already_set ) { QString msg; if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) { msg = helper()->handleLastError(); } bp::handle_exception(); PyErr_Clear(); return JobResult::error( tr( "Boost.Python error in job \"%1\"." ).arg( prettyName() ), msg ); } } void PythonJob::emitProgress( qreal progressValue ) { emit progress( progressValue ); } CalamaresPython::Helper* PythonJob::helper() { return CalamaresPython::Helper::s_instance; } } // namespace Calamares