subdir('appdata') subdir('completions') service_conf = configuration_data() service_conf.set('bindir', control_center_bindir) service_conf.set('appid', application_id) service = 'org.gnome.Settings.service' configure_file( input : service + '.in', output : '@0@.service'.format(application_id), install : true, install_dir : join_paths(control_center_datadir, 'dbus-1', 'services'), configuration : service_conf ) desktop_conf = configuration_data() desktop_conf.set('icon', application_id) desktop = 'org.gnome.Settings.desktop' i18n.merge_file( type : 'desktop', input : configure_file( input: desktop + '.in', output: '', configuration: desktop_conf ), output : '@0@.desktop'.format(application_id), po_dir : po_dir, install : true, install_dir : control_center_desktopdir ) cflags = ['-DGNOMELOCALEDIR="@0@"'.format(control_center_localedir)] # Common sources between gnome-control-center and # libtestshell. common_sources = files( 'cc-application.c', 'cc-log.c', 'cc-object-storage.c', 'cc-panel-loader.c', 'cc-panel.c', 'cc-shell.c', 'cc-panel-list.c', 'cc-window.c', ) ################### # Generated files # ################### generated_sources = files() #Resources generated_sources += gnome.compile_resources( 'resources', meson.project_name() + '.gresource.xml', export : true ) common_sources += generated_sources ############ # libshell # ############ libshell = static_library( 'shell', sources : 'cc-shell-model.c', include_directories : [top_inc, common_inc], dependencies : common_deps, c_args : cflags ) libshell_dep = declare_dependency( sources : generated_sources, include_directories : top_inc, link_with : libshell ) ######################## # gnome-control-center # ######################## shell_sources = common_sources + files('main.c') shell_deps = common_deps + [ libdevice_dep, liblanguage_dep, libwidgets_dep, x11_dep, libshell_dep, ] if host_is_linux_not_s390 shell_deps += wacom_deps endif executable( meson.project_name(), shell_sources, include_directories : top_inc, dependencies : shell_deps, c_args : cflags, link_with : panels_libs, install : true ) ################## # lipanel_loader # ################## # Because it is confusing and somewhat problematic to directly add and compile # cc-panel-loader.o by another directory (i.e. the shell search provider), we # have to create a library and link it there, just like libpanel_loader = static_library( 'panel_loader', sources : 'cc-panel-loader.c', include_directories : top_inc, dependencies : common_deps, c_args : cflags + ['-DCC_PANEL_LOADER_NO_GTYPES'] ) ################ # libtestshell # ################ libtestshell = static_library( 'testshell', common_sources, include_directories : top_inc, dependencies : shell_deps, c_args : cflags, link_with : panels_libs, ) libtestshell_dep = declare_dependency( sources : generated_sources, include_directories : top_inc, link_with : libtestshell ) libtestshell_deps = common_deps + [ libwidgets_dep, libtestshell_dep ] install_data ( 'org.gnome.Settings.gschema.xml', install_dir : control_center_schemadir )