/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * Author: Matthias Clasen */ #include "cc-diagnostics-panel.h" #include "cc-diagnostics-resources.h" #include "cc-util.h" #include "shell/cc-application.h" #include #include struct _CcDiagnosticsPanel { CcPanel parent_instance; GtkLabel *diagnostics_explanation_label; GtkListBox *diagnostics_list_box; GtkSwitch *abrt_switch; GSettings *privacy_settings; }; CC_PANEL_REGISTER (CcDiagnosticsPanel, cc_diagnostics_panel) /* Static init function */ static void set_panel_visibility (CcPanelVisibility visibility) { CcApplication *application; application = CC_APPLICATION (g_application_get_default ()); cc_shell_model_set_panel_visibility (cc_application_get_model (application), "diagnostics", visibility); } static void abrt_appeared_cb (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *name, const gchar *name_owner, gpointer user_data) { g_debug ("ABRT appeared"); set_panel_visibility (CC_PANEL_VISIBLE); } static void abrt_vanished_cb (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *name, gpointer user_data) { g_debug ("ABRT vanished"); set_panel_visibility (CC_PANEL_VISIBLE_IN_SEARCH); } void cc_diagnostics_panel_static_init_func (void) { g_bus_watch_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, "org.freedesktop.problems.daemon", G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE, abrt_appeared_cb, abrt_vanished_cb, NULL, NULL); set_panel_visibility (CC_PANEL_VISIBLE_IN_SEARCH); } static void cc_diagnostics_panel_finalize (GObject *object) { CcDiagnosticsPanel *self = CC_DIAGNOSTICS_PANEL (object); g_clear_object (&self->privacy_settings); G_OBJECT_CLASS (cc_diagnostics_panel_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void cc_diagnostics_panel_class_init (CcDiagnosticsPanelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); oclass->finalize = cc_diagnostics_panel_finalize; gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gnome/control-center/diagnostics/cc-diagnostics-panel.ui"); gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcDiagnosticsPanel, diagnostics_explanation_label); gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcDiagnosticsPanel, diagnostics_list_box); gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcDiagnosticsPanel, abrt_switch); } static void cc_diagnostics_panel_init (CcDiagnosticsPanel *self) { g_autofree gchar *os_name = NULL; g_autofree gchar *url = NULL; g_autofree gchar *msg = NULL; g_autofree gchar *link = NULL; g_resources_register (cc_diagnostics_get_resource ()); gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); self->privacy_settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.desktop.privacy"); g_settings_bind (self->privacy_settings, "report-technical-problems", self->abrt_switch, "active", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); if (!os_name) os_name = g_strdup ("GNOME"); url = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_PRIVACY_POLICY_URL); if (!url) url = g_strdup ("http://www.gnome.org/privacy-policy"); /* translators: Text used in link to privacy policy */ link = g_strdup_printf ("%s", url, _("Learn more")); /* translators: The first '%s' is the distributor's name, such as 'Fedora', the second '%s' is a link to the privacy policy */ msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Sending reports of technical problems helps us improve %s. Reports " "are sent anonymously and are scrubbed of personal data. %s"), os_name, link); gtk_label_set_markup (self->diagnostics_explanation_label, msg); }