/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc, * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * Written by: Matthias Clasen */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "um-crop-area.h" struct _UmCropAreaPrivate { GdkPixbuf *browse_pixbuf; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GdkPixbuf *color_shifted; gdouble scale; GdkRectangle image; GdkCursorType current_cursor; GdkRectangle crop; gint active_region; gint last_press_x; gint last_press_y; gint base_width; gint base_height; gdouble aspect; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (UmCropArea, um_crop_area, GTK_TYPE_DRAWING_AREA); static inline guchar shift_color_byte (guchar b, int shift) { return CLAMP(b + shift, 0, 255); } static void shift_colors (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint red, gint green, gint blue, gint alpha) { gint x, y, offset, y_offset, rowstride, width, height; guchar *pixels; gint channels; width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf); rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf); pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf); channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { y_offset = y * rowstride; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { offset = y_offset + x * channels; if (red != 0) pixels[offset] = shift_color_byte (pixels[offset], red); if (green != 0) pixels[offset + 1] = shift_color_byte (pixels[offset + 1], green); if (blue != 0) pixels[offset + 2] = shift_color_byte (pixels[offset + 2], blue); if (alpha != 0 && channels >= 4) pixels[offset + 3] = shift_color_byte (pixels[offset + 3], blue); } } } static void update_pixbufs (UmCropArea *area) { gint width; gint height; GtkAllocation allocation; gdouble scale; GdkRGBA color; guint32 pixel; gint dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height; GtkWidget *widget; GtkStyleContext *context; widget = GTK_WIDGET (area); gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation); context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget); if (area->priv->pixbuf == NULL || gdk_pixbuf_get_width (area->priv->pixbuf) != allocation.width || gdk_pixbuf_get_height (area->priv->pixbuf) != allocation.height) { if (area->priv->pixbuf != NULL) g_object_unref (area->priv->pixbuf); area->priv->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (area->priv->browse_pixbuf), 8, allocation.width, allocation.height); gtk_style_context_get_background_color (context, gtk_style_context_get_state (context), &color); pixel = (((gint)(color.red * 1.0)) << 16) | (((gint)(color.green * 1.0)) << 8) | ((gint)(color.blue * 1.0)); gdk_pixbuf_fill (area->priv->pixbuf, pixel); width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); scale = allocation.height / (gdouble)height; if (scale * width > allocation.width) scale = allocation.width / (gdouble)width; dest_width = width * scale; dest_height = height * scale; dest_x = (allocation.width - dest_width) / 2; dest_y = (allocation.height - dest_height) / 2, gdk_pixbuf_scale (area->priv->browse_pixbuf, area->priv->pixbuf, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height, dest_x, dest_y, scale, scale, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); if (area->priv->color_shifted) g_object_unref (area->priv->color_shifted); area->priv->color_shifted = gdk_pixbuf_copy (area->priv->pixbuf); shift_colors (area->priv->color_shifted, -32, -32, -32, 0); if (area->priv->scale == 0.0) { area->priv->crop.width = 2 * area->priv->base_width / scale; area->priv->crop.height = 2 * area->priv->base_height / scale; area->priv->crop.x = (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (area->priv->browse_pixbuf) - area->priv->crop.width) / 2; area->priv->crop.y = (gdk_pixbuf_get_height (area->priv->browse_pixbuf) - area->priv->crop.height) / 2; } area->priv->scale = scale; area->priv->image.x = dest_x; area->priv->image.y = dest_y; area->priv->image.width = dest_width; area->priv->image.height = dest_height; } } static void crop_to_widget (UmCropArea *area, GdkRectangle *crop) { crop->x = area->priv->image.x + area->priv->crop.x * area->priv->scale; crop->y = area->priv->image.y + area->priv->crop.y * area->priv->scale; crop->width = area->priv->crop.width * area->priv->scale; crop->height = area->priv->crop.height * area->priv->scale; } typedef enum { OUTSIDE, INSIDE, TOP, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT } Location; static gboolean um_crop_area_draw (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr) { GdkRectangle crop; gint width, height; UmCropArea *uarea = UM_CROP_AREA (widget); if (uarea->priv->browse_pixbuf == NULL) return FALSE; update_pixbufs (uarea); width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (uarea->priv->pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (uarea->priv->pixbuf); crop_to_widget (uarea, &crop); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, uarea->priv->color_shifted, 0, 0); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, crop.y); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, crop.y, crop.x, crop.height); cairo_rectangle (cr, crop.x + crop.width, crop.y, width - crop.x - crop.width, crop.height); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, crop.y + crop.height, width, height - crop.y - crop.height); cairo_fill (cr); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, uarea->priv->pixbuf, 0, 0); cairo_rectangle (cr, crop.x, crop.y, crop.width, crop.height); cairo_fill (cr); if (uarea->priv->active_region != OUTSIDE) { gint x1, x2, y1, y2; cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); x1 = crop.x + crop.width / 3.0; x2 = crop.x + 2 * crop.width / 3.0; y1 = crop.y + crop.height / 3.0; y2 = crop.y + 2 * crop.height / 3.0; cairo_move_to (cr, x1 + 0.5, crop.y); cairo_line_to (cr, x1 + 0.5, crop.y + crop.height); cairo_move_to (cr, x2 + 0.5, crop.y); cairo_line_to (cr, x2 + 0.5, crop.y + crop.height); cairo_move_to (cr, crop.x, y1 + 0.5); cairo_line_to (cr, crop.x + crop.width, y1 + 0.5); cairo_move_to (cr, crop.x, y2 + 0.5); cairo_line_to (cr, crop.x + crop.width, y2 + 0.5); cairo_stroke (cr); } cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); cairo_rectangle (cr, crop.x + 0.5, crop.y + 0.5, crop.width - 1.0, crop.height - 1.0); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.0); cairo_rectangle (cr, crop.x + 2.0, crop.y + 2.0, crop.width - 4.0, crop.height - 4.0); cairo_stroke (cr); return FALSE; } typedef enum { BELOW, LOWER, BETWEEN, UPPER, ABOVE } Range; static Range find_range (gint x, gint min, gint max) { gint tolerance = 12; if (x < min - tolerance) return BELOW; if (x <= min + tolerance) return LOWER; if (x < max - tolerance) return BETWEEN; if (x <= max + tolerance) return UPPER; return ABOVE; } static Location find_location (GdkRectangle *rect, gint x, gint y) { Range x_range, y_range; Location location[5][5] = { { OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE }, { OUTSIDE, TOP_LEFT, TOP, TOP_RIGHT, OUTSIDE }, { OUTSIDE, LEFT, INSIDE, RIGHT, OUTSIDE }, { OUTSIDE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_RIGHT, OUTSIDE }, { OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE } }; x_range = find_range (x, rect->x, rect->x + rect->width); y_range = find_range (y, rect->y, rect->y + rect->height); return location[y_range][x_range]; } static void update_cursor (UmCropArea *area, gint x, gint y) { gint cursor_type; GdkRectangle crop; gint region; region = area->priv->active_region; if (region == OUTSIDE) { crop_to_widget (area, &crop); region = find_location (&crop, x, y); } switch (region) { case OUTSIDE: cursor_type = GDK_LEFT_PTR; break; case TOP_LEFT: cursor_type = GDK_TOP_LEFT_CORNER; break; case TOP: cursor_type = GDK_TOP_SIDE; break; case TOP_RIGHT: cursor_type = GDK_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER; break; case LEFT: cursor_type = GDK_LEFT_SIDE; break; case INSIDE: cursor_type = GDK_FLEUR; break; case RIGHT: cursor_type = GDK_RIGHT_SIDE; break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: cursor_type = GDK_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER; break; case BOTTOM: cursor_type = GDK_BOTTOM_SIDE; break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: cursor_type = GDK_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (cursor_type != area->priv->current_cursor) { GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new (cursor_type); gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (area)), cursor); g_object_unref (cursor); area->priv->current_cursor = cursor_type; } } static int eval_radial_line (gdouble center_x, gdouble center_y, gdouble bounds_x, gdouble bounds_y, gdouble user_x) { gdouble decision_slope; gdouble decision_intercept; decision_slope = (bounds_y - center_y) / (bounds_x - center_x); decision_intercept = -(decision_slope * bounds_x); return (int) (decision_slope * user_x + decision_intercept); } static gboolean um_crop_area_motion_notify_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event) { UmCropArea *area = UM_CROP_AREA (widget); gint x, y; gint delta_x, delta_y; gint width, height; gint adj_width, adj_height; gint pb_width, pb_height; GdkRectangle damage; gint left, right, top, bottom; gdouble new_width, new_height; gdouble center_x, center_y; gint min_width, min_height; if (area->priv->browse_pixbuf == NULL) return FALSE; update_cursor (area, event->x, event->y); crop_to_widget (area, &damage); gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget, damage.x - 1, damage.y - 1, damage.width + 2, damage.height + 2); pb_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); pb_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); x = (event->x - area->priv->image.x) / area->priv->scale; y = (event->y - area->priv->image.y) / area->priv->scale; delta_x = x - area->priv->last_press_x; delta_y = y - area->priv->last_press_y; area->priv->last_press_x = x; area->priv->last_press_y = y; left = area->priv->crop.x; right = area->priv->crop.x + area->priv->crop.width - 1; top = area->priv->crop.y; bottom = area->priv->crop.y + area->priv->crop.height - 1; center_x = (left + right) / 2.0; center_y = (top + bottom) / 2.0; switch (area->priv->active_region) { case INSIDE: width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; left += delta_x; right += delta_x; top += delta_y; bottom += delta_y; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (right > pb_width) right = pb_width; if (bottom > pb_height) bottom = pb_height; adj_width = right - left + 1; adj_height = bottom - top + 1; if (adj_width != width) { if (delta_x < 0) right = left + width - 1; else left = right - width + 1; } if (adj_height != height) { if (delta_y < 0) bottom = top + height - 1; else top = bottom - height + 1; } break; case TOP_LEFT: if (area->priv->aspect < 0) { top = y; left = x; } else if (y < eval_radial_line (center_x, center_y, left, top, x)) { top = y; new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; left = right - new_width; } else { left = x; new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; top = bottom - new_height; } break; case TOP: top = y; if (area->priv->aspect > 0) { new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; right = left + new_width; } break; case TOP_RIGHT: if (area->priv->aspect < 0) { top = y; right = x; } else if (y < eval_radial_line (center_x, center_y, right, top, x)) { top = y; new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; right = left + new_width; } else { right = x; new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; top = bottom - new_height; } break; case LEFT: left = x; if (area->priv->aspect > 0) { new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; bottom = top + new_height; } break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: if (area->priv->aspect < 0) { bottom = y; left = x; } else if (y < eval_radial_line (center_x, center_y, left, bottom, x)) { left = x; new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; bottom = top + new_height; } else { bottom = y; new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; left = right - new_width; } break; case RIGHT: right = x; if (area->priv->aspect > 0) { new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; bottom = top + new_height; } break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: if (area->priv->aspect < 0) { bottom = y; right = x; } else if (y < eval_radial_line (center_x, center_y, right, bottom, x)) { right = x; new_height = (right - left) / area->priv->aspect; bottom = top + new_height; } else { bottom = y; new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; right = left + new_width; } break; case BOTTOM: bottom = y; if (area->priv->aspect > 0) { new_width = (bottom - top) * area->priv->aspect; right= left + new_width; } break; default: return FALSE; } min_width = area->priv->base_width / area->priv->scale; min_height = area->priv->base_height / area->priv->scale; width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; if (area->priv->aspect < 0) { if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (right > pb_width) right = pb_width; if (bottom > pb_height) bottom = pb_height; width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; switch (area->priv->active_region) { case LEFT: case TOP_LEFT: case BOTTOM_LEFT: if (width < min_width) left = right - min_width; break; case RIGHT: case TOP_RIGHT: case BOTTOM_RIGHT: if (width < min_width) right = left + min_width; break; default: ; } switch (area->priv->active_region) { case TOP: case TOP_LEFT: case TOP_RIGHT: if (height < min_height) top = bottom - min_height; break; case BOTTOM: case BOTTOM_LEFT: case BOTTOM_RIGHT: if (height < min_height) bottom = top + min_height; break; default: ; } } else { if (left < 0 || top < 0 || right > pb_width || bottom > pb_height || width < min_width || height < min_height) { left = area->priv->crop.x; right = area->priv->crop.x + area->priv->crop.width - 1; top = area->priv->crop.y; bottom = area->priv->crop.y + area->priv->crop.height - 1; } } area->priv->crop.x = left; area->priv->crop.y = top; area->priv->crop.width = right - left + 1; area->priv->crop.height = bottom - top + 1; crop_to_widget (area, &damage); gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget, damage.x - 1, damage.y - 1, damage.width + 2, damage.height + 2); return FALSE; } static gboolean um_crop_area_button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { UmCropArea *area = UM_CROP_AREA (widget); GdkRectangle crop; if (area->priv->browse_pixbuf == NULL) return FALSE; crop_to_widget (area, &crop); area->priv->last_press_x = (event->x - area->priv->image.x) / area->priv->scale; area->priv->last_press_y = (event->y - area->priv->image.y) / area->priv->scale; area->priv->active_region = find_location (&crop, event->x, event->y); gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget, crop.x - 1, crop.y - 1, crop.width + 2, crop.height + 2); return FALSE; } static gboolean um_crop_area_button_release_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { UmCropArea *area = UM_CROP_AREA (widget); GdkRectangle crop; if (area->priv->browse_pixbuf == NULL) return FALSE; crop_to_widget (area, &crop); area->priv->last_press_x = -1; area->priv->last_press_y = -1; area->priv->active_region = OUTSIDE; gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget, crop.x - 1, crop.y - 1, crop.width + 2, crop.height + 2); return FALSE; } static void um_crop_area_finalize (GObject *object) { UmCropArea *area = UM_CROP_AREA (object); if (area->priv->browse_pixbuf) { g_object_unref (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); area->priv->browse_pixbuf = NULL; } if (area->priv->pixbuf) { g_object_unref (area->priv->pixbuf); area->priv->pixbuf = NULL; } if (area->priv->color_shifted) { g_object_unref (area->priv->color_shifted); area->priv->color_shifted = NULL; } } static void um_crop_area_class_init (UmCropAreaClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = um_crop_area_finalize; widget_class->draw = um_crop_area_draw; widget_class->button_press_event = um_crop_area_button_press_event; widget_class->button_release_event = um_crop_area_button_release_event; widget_class->motion_notify_event = um_crop_area_motion_notify_event; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (UmCropAreaPrivate)); } static void um_crop_area_init (UmCropArea *area) { area->priv = (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((area), UM_TYPE_CROP_AREA, UmCropAreaPrivate)); gtk_widget_add_events (GTK_WIDGET (area), GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); area->priv->scale = 0.0; area->priv->image.x = 0; area->priv->image.y = 0; area->priv->image.width = 0; area->priv->image.height = 0; area->priv->active_region = OUTSIDE; area->priv->base_width = 48; area->priv->base_height = 48; area->priv->aspect = 1; } GtkWidget * um_crop_area_new (void) { return g_object_new (UM_TYPE_CROP_AREA, NULL); } GdkPixbuf * um_crop_area_get_picture (UmCropArea *area) { gint width, height; width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); width = MIN (area->priv->crop.width, width - area->priv->crop.x); height = MIN (area->priv->crop.height, height - area->priv->crop.y); return gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf (area->priv->browse_pixbuf, area->priv->crop.x, area->priv->crop.y, width, height); } void um_crop_area_set_picture (UmCropArea *area, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { int width; int height; if (area->priv->browse_pixbuf) { g_object_unref (area->priv->browse_pixbuf); area->priv->browse_pixbuf = NULL; } if (pixbuf) { area->priv->browse_pixbuf = g_object_ref (pixbuf); width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } area->priv->crop.width = 2 * area->priv->base_width; area->priv->crop.height = 2 * area->priv->base_height; area->priv->crop.x = (width - area->priv->crop.width) / 2; area->priv->crop.y = (height - area->priv->crop.height) / 2; area->priv->scale = 0.0; area->priv->image.x = 0; area->priv->image.y = 0; area->priv->image.width = 0; area->priv->image.height = 0; gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (area)); } void um_crop_area_set_min_size (UmCropArea *area, gint width, gint height) { area->priv->base_width = width; area->priv->base_height = height; if (area->priv->aspect > 0) { area->priv->aspect = area->priv->base_width / (gdouble)area->priv->base_height; } } void um_crop_area_set_constrain_aspect (UmCropArea *area, gboolean constrain) { if (constrain) { area->priv->aspect = area->priv->base_width / (gdouble)area->priv->base_height; } else { area->priv->aspect = -1; } }