/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Intel, Inc * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * Authors: Thomas Wood * Rodrigo Moya * Christophe Fergeau */ #include #include #include "keyboard-shortcuts.h" #define CUSTOM_KEYS_BASENAME "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings" static char * replace_pictures_folder (const char *description) { g_autoptr(GRegex) pictures_regex = NULL; const char *path; g_autofree gchar *dirname = NULL; g_autofree gchar *ret = NULL; if (description == NULL) return NULL; if (strstr (description, "$PICTURES") == NULL) return g_strdup (description); pictures_regex = g_regex_new ("\\$PICTURES", 0, 0, NULL); path = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES); dirname = g_filename_display_basename (path); ret = g_regex_replace (pictures_regex, description, -1, 0, dirname, 0, NULL); if (ret == NULL) return g_strdup (description); return g_steal_pointer (&ret); } static void parse_start_tag (GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attr_names, const gchar **attr_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { KeyList *keylist = (KeyList *) user_data; KeyListEntry key; const char *name, *schema, *description, *package, *context, *orig_description, *reverse_entry; gboolean is_reversed, hidden; name = NULL; schema = NULL; package = NULL; context = NULL; /* The top-level element, names the section in the tree */ if (g_str_equal (element_name, "KeyListEntries")) { const char *wm_name = NULL; const char *group = NULL; while (*attr_names && *attr_values) { if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "name")) { if (**attr_values) name = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "group")) { if (**attr_values) group = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "wm_name")) { if (**attr_values) wm_name = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "schema")) { if (**attr_values) schema = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "package")) { if (**attr_values) package = *attr_values; } ++attr_names; ++attr_values; } if (name) { if (keylist->name) g_warning ("Duplicate section name"); g_free (keylist->name); keylist->name = g_strdup (name); } if (wm_name) { if (keylist->wm_name) g_warning ("Duplicate window manager name"); g_free (keylist->wm_name); keylist->wm_name = g_strdup (wm_name); } if (package) { if (keylist->package) g_warning ("Duplicate gettext package name"); g_free (keylist->package); keylist->package = g_strdup (package); bind_textdomain_codeset (keylist->package, "UTF-8"); } if (group) { if (keylist->group) g_warning ("Duplicate group"); g_free (keylist->group); keylist->group = g_strdup (group); } if (schema) { if (keylist->schema) g_warning ("Duplicate schema"); g_free (keylist->schema); keylist->schema = g_strdup (schema); } return; } if (!g_str_equal (element_name, "KeyListEntry") || attr_names == NULL || attr_values == NULL) return; schema = NULL; description = NULL; context = NULL; orig_description = NULL; reverse_entry = NULL; is_reversed = FALSE; hidden = FALSE; while (*attr_names && *attr_values) { if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "name")) { /* skip if empty */ if (**attr_values) name = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "schema")) { if (**attr_values) { schema = *attr_values; } } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "description")) { if (**attr_values) orig_description = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "msgctxt")) { if (**attr_values) context = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "reverse-entry")) { if (**attr_values) reverse_entry = *attr_values; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "is-reversed")) { if (g_str_equal (*attr_values, "true")) is_reversed = TRUE; } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "hidden")) { if (g_str_equal (*attr_values, "true")) hidden = TRUE; } ++attr_names; ++attr_values; } if (name == NULL) return; if (schema == NULL && keylist->schema == NULL) { g_debug ("Ignored GConf keyboard shortcut '%s'", name); return; } if (context != NULL) description = g_dpgettext2 (keylist->package, context, orig_description); else description = dgettext (keylist->package, orig_description); key.name = g_strdup (name); key.type = CC_KEYBOARD_ITEM_TYPE_GSETTINGS; key.description = replace_pictures_folder (description); key.schema = schema ? g_strdup (schema) : g_strdup (keylist->schema); key.reverse_entry = g_strdup (reverse_entry); key.is_reversed = is_reversed; key.hidden = hidden; g_array_append_val (keylist->entries, key); } static const guint forbidden_keyvals[] = { /* Navigation keys */ GDK_KEY_Home, GDK_KEY_Left, GDK_KEY_Up, GDK_KEY_Right, GDK_KEY_Down, GDK_KEY_Page_Up, GDK_KEY_Page_Down, GDK_KEY_End, GDK_KEY_Tab, /* Return */ GDK_KEY_KP_Enter, GDK_KEY_Return, GDK_KEY_Mode_switch }; static gboolean keyval_is_forbidden (guint keyval) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(forbidden_keyvals); i++) { if (keyval == forbidden_keyvals[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean is_valid_binding (const CcKeyCombo *combo) { if ((combo->mask == 0 || combo->mask == GDK_SHIFT_MASK) && combo->keycode != 0) { guint keyval = combo->keyval; if ((keyval >= GDK_KEY_a && keyval <= GDK_KEY_z) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_A && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Z) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_0 && keyval <= GDK_KEY_9) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_kana_fullstop && keyval <= GDK_KEY_semivoicedsound) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_Arabic_comma && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Arabic_sukun) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_Serbian_dje && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_Greek_ALPHAaccent && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Greek_omega) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_hebrew_doublelowline && keyval <= GDK_KEY_hebrew_taf) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_Thai_kokai && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Thai_lekkao) || (keyval >= GDK_KEY_Hangul_Kiyeog && keyval <= GDK_KEY_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh) || (keyval == GDK_KEY_space && combo->mask == 0) || keyval_is_forbidden (keyval)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } gboolean is_empty_binding (const CcKeyCombo *combo) { if (combo->keyval == 0 && combo->mask == 0 && combo->keycode == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } gboolean is_valid_accel (const CcKeyCombo *combo) { /* Unlike gtk_accelerator_valid(), we want to allow Tab when combined * with some modifiers (Alt+Tab and friends) */ return gtk_accelerator_valid (combo->keyval, combo->mask) || (combo->keyval == GDK_KEY_Tab && combo->mask != 0); } gchar* find_free_settings_path (GSettings *settings) { g_auto(GStrv) used_names = NULL; g_autofree gchar *dir = NULL; int i, num, n_names; used_names = g_settings_get_strv (settings, "custom-keybindings"); n_names = g_strv_length (used_names); for (num = 0; dir == NULL; num++) { g_autofree gchar *tmp = NULL; gboolean found = FALSE; tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/custom%d/", CUSTOM_KEYS_BASENAME, num); for (i = 0; i < n_names && !found; i++) found = strcmp (used_names[i], tmp) == 0; if (!found) dir = g_steal_pointer (&tmp); } return g_steal_pointer (&dir); } KeyList* parse_keylist_from_file (const gchar *path) { KeyList *keylist; g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL; g_autofree gchar *buf = NULL; gsize buf_len; guint i; g_autoptr(GMarkupParseContext) ctx = NULL; GMarkupParser parser = { parse_start_tag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /* Parse file */ if (!g_file_get_contents (path, &buf, &buf_len, &err)) return NULL; keylist = g_new0 (KeyList, 1); keylist->entries = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (KeyListEntry)); ctx = g_markup_parse_context_new (&parser, 0, keylist, NULL); if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (ctx, buf, buf_len, &err)) { g_warning ("Failed to parse '%s': '%s'", path, err->message); g_free (keylist->name); g_free (keylist->package); g_free (keylist->wm_name); for (i = 0; i < keylist->entries->len; i++) g_free (((KeyListEntry *) &(keylist->entries->data[i]))->name); g_array_free (keylist->entries, TRUE); g_free (keylist); return NULL; } return keylist; } /* * Stolen from GtkCellRendererAccel: * https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkcellrendereraccel.c#n261 */ gchar* convert_keysym_state_to_string (const CcKeyCombo *combo) { gchar *name; if (combo->keyval == 0 && combo->keycode == 0) { /* This label is displayed in a treeview cell displaying * a disabled accelerator key combination. */ name = g_strdup (_("Disabled")); } else { name = gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode (NULL, combo->keyval, combo->keycode, combo->mask); if (name == NULL) name = gtk_accelerator_name_with_keycode (NULL, combo->keyval, combo->keycode, combo->mask); } return name; }