/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Tias Guns * Copyright (c) 2009 Soren Hauberg * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "calibrator-gui.h" #include "calibrator.h" /** * find a calibratable touchscreen device (using XInput) * * if pre_device is NULL, the last calibratable device is selected. * retuns number of devices found, * the data of the device is returned in the last 3 function parameters */ static int find_device(const char* pre_device, gboolean verbose, gboolean list_devices, XID* device_id, const char** device_name, XYinfo* device_axis) { gboolean pre_device_is_id = TRUE; int found = 0; Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (display == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to X server\n"); exit(1); } int xi_opcode, event, error; if (!XQueryExtension(display, "XInputExtension", &xi_opcode, &event, &error)) { fprintf(stderr, "X Input extension not available.\n"); exit(1); } /* verbose, get Xi version */ if (verbose) { XExtensionVersion *version = XGetExtensionVersion(display, INAME); if (version && (version != (XExtensionVersion*) NoSuchExtension)) { printf("DEBUG: %s version is %i.%i\n", INAME, version->major_version, version->minor_version); XFree(version); } } if (pre_device != NULL) { /* check whether the pre_device is an ID (only digits) */ int len = strlen(pre_device); int loop; for (loop=0; loopuse == IsXKeyboard || list->use == IsXPointer) /* virtual master device */ continue; /* if we are looking for a specific device */ if (pre_device != NULL) { if ((pre_device_is_id && list->id == (XID) atoi(pre_device)) || (!pre_device_is_id && strcmp(list->name, pre_device) == 0)) { /* OK, fall through */ } else { /* skip, not this device */ continue; } } XAnyClassPtr any = (XAnyClassPtr) (list->inputclassinfo); int j; for (j=0; jnum_classes; j++) { if (any->class == ValuatorClass) { XValuatorInfoPtr V = (XValuatorInfoPtr) any; XAxisInfoPtr ax = (XAxisInfoPtr) V->axes; if (V->mode != Absolute) { if (verbose) printf("DEBUG: Skipping device '%s' id=%i, does not report Absolute events.\n", list->name, (int)list->id); } else if (V->num_axes < 2 || (ax[0].min_value == -1 && ax[0].max_value == -1) || (ax[1].min_value == -1 && ax[1].max_value == -1)) { if (verbose) printf("DEBUG: Skipping device '%s' id=%i, does not have two calibratable axes.\n", list->name, (int)list->id); } else { /* a calibratable device (has 2 axis valuators) */ found++; *device_id = list->id; *device_name = g_strdup(list->name); device_axis->x_min = ax[0].min_value; device_axis->x_max = ax[0].max_value; device_axis->y_min = ax[1].min_value; device_axis->y_max = ax[1].max_value; if (list_devices) printf("Device \"%s\" id=%i\n", *device_name, (int)*device_id); } } /* * Increment 'any' to point to the next item in the linked * list. The length is in bytes, so 'any' must be cast to * a character pointer before being incremented. */ any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } } XFreeDeviceList(slist); XCloseDisplay(display); return found; } static void usage(char* cmd, unsigned thr_misclick) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--list] [--device ] [--precalib ] [--misclick ] [--output-type ] [--fake]\n", cmd); fprintf(stderr, "\t-h, --help: print this help message\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-v, --verbose: print debug messages during the process\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t--list: list calibratable input devices and quit\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t--device : select a specific device to calibrate\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t--precalib: manually provide the current calibration setting (eg. the values in xorg.conf)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t--misclick: set the misclick threshold (0=off, default: %i pixels)\n", thr_misclick); fprintf(stderr, "\t--fake: emulate a fake device (for testing purposes)\n"); } static struct Calib* CalibratorXorgPrint(const char* const device_name0, const XYinfo *axis0, const gboolean verbose0, const int thr_misclick, const int thr_doubleclick) { struct Calib* c = (struct Calib*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Calib)); c->threshold_misclick = thr_misclick; c->threshold_doubleclick = thr_doubleclick; printf("Calibrating standard Xorg driver \"%s\"\n", device_name0); printf("\tcurrent calibration values: min_x=%lf, max_x=%lf and min_y=%lf, max_y=%lf\n", axis0->x_min, axis0->x_max, axis0->y_min, axis0->y_max); printf("\tIf these values are estimated wrong, either supply it manually with the --precalib option, or run the 'get_precalib.sh' script to automatically get it (through HAL).\n"); return c; } static struct Calib* main_common(int argc, char** argv) { gboolean verbose = FALSE; gboolean list_devices = FALSE; gboolean fake = FALSE; gboolean precalib = FALSE; XYinfo pre_axis = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; const char* pre_device = NULL; unsigned thr_misclick = 15; unsigned thr_doubleclick = 7; /* parse input */ if (argc > 1) { int i; for (i=1; i!=argc; i++) { /* Display help ? */ if (strcmp("-h", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--help", argv[i]) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xinput_calibratior, v%s\n\n", "0.0.0"); usage(argv[0], thr_misclick); exit(0); } else /* Verbose output ? */ if (strcmp("-v", argv[i]) == 0 || strcmp("--verbose", argv[i]) == 0) { verbose = TRUE; } else /* Just list devices ? */ if (strcmp("--list", argv[i]) == 0) { list_devices = TRUE; } else /* Select specific device ? */ if (strcmp("--device", argv[i]) == 0) { if (argc > i+1) pre_device = argv[++i]; else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: --device needs a device name or id as argument; use --list to list the calibratable input devices.\n\n"); usage(argv[0], thr_misclick); exit(1); } } else /* Get pre-calibration ? */ if (strcmp("--precalib", argv[i]) == 0) { precalib = TRUE; if (argc > i+1) pre_axis.x_min = atoi(argv[++i]); if (argc > i+1) pre_axis.x_max = atoi(argv[++i]); if (argc > i+1) pre_axis.y_min = atoi(argv[++i]); if (argc > i+1) pre_axis.y_max = atoi(argv[++i]); } else /* Get mis-click threshold ? */ if (strcmp("--misclick", argv[i]) == 0) { if (argc > i+1) thr_misclick = atoi(argv[++i]); else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: --misclick needs a number (the pixel threshold) as argument. Set to 0 to disable mis-click detection.\n\n"); usage(argv[0], thr_misclick); exit(1); } } else /* Fake calibratable device ? */ if (strcmp("--fake", argv[i]) == 0) { fake = TRUE; } /* unknown option */ else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n\n", argv[i]); usage(argv[0], thr_misclick); exit(0); } } } /* Choose the device to calibrate */ XID device_id = (XID) -1; const char* device_name = NULL; XYinfo device_axis = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; if (fake) { /* Fake a calibratable device */ device_name = "Fake_device"; device_axis.x_min=0; device_axis.x_max=1000; device_axis.y_min=0; device_axis.y_max=1000; if (verbose) { printf("DEBUG: Faking device: %s\n", device_name); } } else { /* Find the right device */ int nr_found = find_device(pre_device, verbose, list_devices, &device_id, &device_name, &device_axis); if (list_devices) { /* printed the list in find_device */ if (nr_found == 0) printf("No calibratable devices found.\n"); exit(0); } if (nr_found == 0) { if (pre_device == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "Error: No calibratable devices found.\n"); else fprintf (stderr, "Error: Device \"%s\" not found; use --list to list the calibratable input devices.\n", pre_device); exit(1); } else if (nr_found > 1) { printf ("Warning: multiple calibratable devices found, calibrating last one (%s)\n\tuse --device to select another one.\n", device_name); } if (verbose) { printf("DEBUG: Selected device: %s\n", device_name); } } /* override min/max XY from command line ? */ if (precalib) { if (pre_axis.x_min != -1) device_axis.x_min = pre_axis.x_min; if (pre_axis.x_max != -1) device_axis.x_max = pre_axis.x_max; if (pre_axis.y_min != -1) device_axis.y_min = pre_axis.y_min; if (pre_axis.y_max != -1) device_axis.y_max = pre_axis.y_max; if (verbose) { printf("DEBUG: Setting precalibration: %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n", device_axis.x_min, device_axis.x_max, device_axis.y_min, device_axis.y_max); } } /* lastly, presume a standard Xorg driver (evtouch, mutouch, ...) */ return CalibratorXorgPrint(device_name, &device_axis, verbose, thr_misclick, thr_doubleclick); } static gboolean output_xorgconfd(const XYinfo new_axis, int swap_xy, int new_swap_xy) { const char* sysfs_name = "!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!"; /* xorg.conf.d snippet */ printf(" copy the snippet below into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf'\n"); printf("Section \"InputClass\"\n"); printf(" Identifier \"calibration\"\n"); printf(" MatchProduct \"%s\"\n", sysfs_name); printf(" Option \"MinX\" \"%lf\"\n", new_axis.x_min); printf(" Option \"MaxX\" \"%lf\"\n", new_axis.x_max); printf(" Option \"MinY\" \"%lf\"\n", new_axis.y_min); printf(" Option \"MaxY\" \"%lf\"\n", new_axis.y_max); if (swap_xy != 0) printf(" Option \"SwapXY\" \"%d\" # unless it was already set to 1\n", new_swap_xy); printf("EndSection\n"); return TRUE; } static gboolean finish_data(const XYinfo new_axis, int swap_xy) { gboolean success = TRUE; /* we suppose the previous 'swap_xy' value was 0 */ /* (unfortunately there is no way to verify this (yet)) */ int new_swap_xy = swap_xy; printf("\n\n--> Making the calibration permanent <--\n"); success &= output_xorgconfd(new_axis, swap_xy, new_swap_xy); return success; } static void calibration_finished_cb (CalibArea *area, gpointer user_data) { gboolean success; XYinfo axis; gboolean swap_xy; success = calib_area_finish (area); if (success) { calib_area_get_axis (area, &axis, &swap_xy); success = finish_data (axis, swap_xy); } else fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to apply or save configuration values\n"); gtk_main_quit (); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Calib* calibrator = main_common(argc, argv); CalibArea *calib_area; bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, GNOMELOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); gtk_init (&argc, &argv); g_setenv ("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "all", TRUE); calib_area = calib_area_new (NULL, 0, /* monitor */ NULL, /* NULL to accept input from any device */ calibration_finished_cb, NULL, calibrator->threshold_doubleclick, calibrator->threshold_misclick); gtk_main (); calib_area_free (calib_area); free(calibrator); return 0; }