/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The GNOME Foundation * Written by Jonathan Blandford * Jens Granseuer * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "appearance.h" #include "gconf-property-editor.h" static GConfEnumStringPair toolbar_style_enums[] = { { 0, "both" }, { 1, "both-horiz" }, { 2, "icons" }, { 3, "text" }, { -1, NULL } }; static void show_handlebar (AppearanceData *data, gboolean show) { GtkWidget *handlebox = glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_handlebox"); GtkWidget *toolbar = glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_toolbar"); GtkWidget *align = glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_align"); g_object_ref (handlebox); g_object_ref (toolbar); if (GTK_BIN (align)->child) gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (align), GTK_BIN (align)->child); if (GTK_BIN (handlebox)->child) gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (handlebox), GTK_BIN (handlebox)->child); if (show) { gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (align), handlebox); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (handlebox), toolbar); g_object_unref (handlebox); } else { gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (align), toolbar); } g_object_unref (toolbar); } static void set_toolbar_style (AppearanceData *data, const char *value) { static const GtkToolbarStyle gtk_toolbar_styles[] = { GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH, GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ, GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS, GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT }; int enum_val; if (!gconf_string_to_enum (toolbar_style_enums, value, &enum_val)) enum_val = 0; gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_toolbar")), gtk_toolbar_styles[enum_val]); } static void set_have_icons (AppearanceData *data, gboolean value) { static const char *menu_item_names[] = { "menu_item_1", "menu_item_2", "menu_item_3", "menu_item_4", "menu_item_5", "cut", "copy", "paste", NULL }; const char **name; for (name = menu_item_names; *name != NULL; name++) { GtkImageMenuItem *item = GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, *name)); GtkWidget *image; if (value) { image = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "image"); if (image) { gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (item, image); g_object_unref (image); } } else { image = gtk_image_menu_item_get_image (item); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "image", image); g_object_ref (image); gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (item, NULL); } } } /** GConf Callbacks and Conversions **/ static GConfValue * toolbar_from_widget (GConfPropertyEditor *peditor, GConfValue *value) { GConfValue *new_value; new_value = gconf_value_new (GCONF_VALUE_STRING); gconf_value_set_string (new_value, gconf_enum_to_string (toolbar_style_enums, gconf_value_get_int (value))); return new_value; } static GConfValue * toolbar_to_widget (GConfPropertyEditor *peditor, GConfValue *value) { GConfValue *new_value; const gchar *str; gint val; str = (value && (value->type == GCONF_VALUE_STRING)) ? gconf_value_get_string (value) : NULL; if (!gconf_string_to_enum (toolbar_style_enums, str, &val)) val = 0; new_value = gconf_value_new (GCONF_VALUE_INT); gconf_value_set_int (new_value, val); return new_value; } static void toolbar_style_cb (GConfPropertyEditor *peditor, gchar *key, GConfValue *value, AppearanceData *data) { set_toolbar_style (data, gconf_value_get_string (value)); } static void menus_have_icons_cb (GConfPropertyEditor *peditor, gchar *key, GConfValue *value, AppearanceData *data) { set_have_icons (data, gconf_value_get_bool (value)); } static void toolbar_detachable_cb (GConfClient *client, guint id, GConfEntry *entry, AppearanceData *data) { show_handlebar (data, gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value)); } /** GUI Callbacks **/ static gint button_press_block_cb (GtkWidget *toolbar, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { return TRUE; } /** Public Functions **/ void ui_init (AppearanceData *data) { GObject *peditor; char *toolbar_style; gconf_client_add_dir (data->client, "/desktop/gnome/interface", GCONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_ONELEVEL, NULL); peditor = gconf_peditor_new_boolean (NULL, "/desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels", glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "menu_accel_toggle"), NULL); peditor = gconf_peditor_new_boolean (NULL, "/desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons", glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "menu_icons_toggle"), NULL); g_signal_connect (peditor, "value_changed", (GCallback) menus_have_icons_cb, data); set_have_icons (data, gconf_client_get_bool (data->client, "/desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons", NULL)); peditor = gconf_peditor_new_combo_box (NULL, "/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style", glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_style_select"), "conv-to-widget-cb", toolbar_to_widget, "conv-from-widget-cb", toolbar_from_widget, NULL); g_signal_connect (peditor, "value_changed", (GCallback) toolbar_style_cb, data); g_signal_connect (glade_xml_get_widget (data->xml, "toolbar_handlebox"), "button_press_event", (GCallback) button_press_block_cb, NULL); show_handlebar (data, gconf_client_get_bool (data->client, "/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_detachable", NULL)); toolbar_style = gconf_client_get_string (data->client, "/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style", NULL); set_toolbar_style (data, toolbar_style); g_free (toolbar_style); /* no ui for detachable toolbars */ gconf_client_notify_add (data->client, "/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_detachable", (GConfClientNotifyFunc) toolbar_detachable_cb, data, NULL, NULL); }