Felipe Borges 8da25aaef5 system: Replace dynamic System row subtitles with static text
Row subtitles in Settings are typically a description of the main label or setting.
You can see this in Mouse & Touchpad, Privacy, Sharing, and Wi-Fi.
For the System panel we did something a bit different and used the subtitle to show
the status of each panel.

Given the standard use of subtitles elsewhere, this feels a bit surprising which,
as a result, makes the panel harder to read. I think that a standard description
would probably also be more useful than the current labels.


This also removes the thin CcSystemPage abstract class because it was
only introduced to add the support for dynamic System row subtitle. Now
this abstraction is no longer necessary.

Fixes #2776
2024-01-04 11:38:47 +00:00

246 lines
7.9 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* Copyright (C) 2019 Purism SPC
* Copyright (C) 2017 Mohammed Sadiq <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc
* Copyright (C) 2008 William Jon McCann <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "cc-about-page.h"
#include "cc-hostname-entry.h"
#include "cc-list-row.h"
#include "cc-system-details-window.h"
#include <config.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
struct _CcAboutPage
AdwNavigationPage parent_instance;
CcListRow *disk_row;
CcListRow *hardware_model_row;
CcListRow *memory_row;
GtkPicture *os_logo;
CcListRow *os_name_row;
CcListRow *processor_row;
AdwPreferencesGroup *software_updates_group;
GtkWindow *system_details_window;
static void
about_page_setup_overview (CcAboutPage *self)
guint64 ram_size;
g_autofree char *memory_text = NULL;
g_autofree char *cpu_text = NULL;
g_autofree char *os_name_text = NULL;
g_autofree char *hardware_model_text = NULL;
g_autofree gchar *disk_capacity_string = NULL;
GtkWindow *parent;
hardware_model_text = get_hardware_model_string ();
cc_list_row_set_secondary_label (self->hardware_model_row, hardware_model_text);
gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (self->hardware_model_row), hardware_model_text != NULL);
ram_size = get_ram_size_dmi ();
if (ram_size == 0)
ram_size = get_ram_size_libgtop ();
memory_text = g_format_size_full (ram_size, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS);
cc_list_row_set_secondary_label (self->memory_row, memory_text);
cpu_text = get_cpu_info ();
cc_list_row_set_secondary_markup (self->processor_row, cpu_text);
disk_capacity_string = get_primary_disk_info ();
if (disk_capacity_string == NULL)
disk_capacity_string = g_strdup (_("Unknown"));
cc_list_row_set_secondary_label (self->disk_row, disk_capacity_string);
os_name_text = get_os_name ();
cc_list_row_set_secondary_label (self->os_name_row, os_name_text);
self->system_details_window = GTK_WINDOW (cc_system_details_window_new ());
parent = (GtkWindow *) gtk_widget_get_native (GTK_WIDGET (self));
gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (self->system_details_window), parent);
static gboolean
does_gnome_software_allow_updates (void)
const gchar *schema_id = "";
GSettingsSchemaSource *source;
g_autoptr(GSettingsSchema) schema = NULL;
g_autoptr(GSettings) settings = NULL;
source = g_settings_schema_source_get_default ();
if (source == NULL)
return FALSE;
schema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (source, schema_id, FALSE);
if (schema == NULL)
return FALSE;
settings = g_settings_new (schema_id);
return g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "allow-updates");
static gboolean
does_gnome_software_exist (void)
g_autofree gchar *path = g_find_program_in_path ("gnome-software");
return path != NULL;
static gboolean
does_gpk_update_viewer_exist (void)
g_autofree gchar *path = g_find_program_in_path ("gpk-update-viewer");
return path != NULL;
static void
cc_about_page_open_system_details (CcAboutPage *self)
GtkNative *parent;
parent = gtk_widget_get_native (GTK_WIDGET (self));
gtk_window_set_transient_for (self->system_details_window, GTK_WINDOW (parent));
gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (self->system_details_window));
static void
cc_about_page_open_software_update (CcAboutPage *self)
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
gboolean ret;
char *argv[3];
if (does_gnome_software_exist ())
argv[0] = "gnome-software";
argv[1] = "--mode=updates";
argv[2] = NULL;
argv[0] = "gpk-update-viewer";
argv[1] = NULL;
ret = g_spawn_async (NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
if (!ret)
g_warning ("Failed to spawn %s: %s", argv[0], error->message);
static gboolean
use_dark_theme (CcAboutPage *self)
AdwStyleManager *style_manager = adw_style_manager_get_default ();
return adw_style_manager_get_dark (style_manager);
static void
setup_os_logo (CcAboutPage *self)
if (use_dark_theme (self))
gtk_picture_set_filename (self->os_logo, DARK_MODE_DISTRIBUTOR_LOGO);
gtk_picture_set_filename (self->os_logo, DISTRIBUTOR_LOGO);
GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
g_autofree char *logo_name = g_get_os_info ("LOGO");
g_autoptr(GtkIconPaintable) icon_paintable = NULL;
g_autoptr(GPtrArray) array = NULL;
g_autoptr(GIcon) icon = NULL;
gboolean dark;
dark = use_dark_theme (self);
if (logo_name == NULL)
logo_name = g_strdup ("gnome-logo");
array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
if (dark)
g_ptr_array_add (array, (gpointer) g_strdup_printf ("%s-text-dark", logo_name));
g_ptr_array_add (array, (gpointer) g_strdup_printf ("%s-text", logo_name));
if (dark)
g_ptr_array_add (array, (gpointer) g_strdup_printf ("%s-dark", logo_name));
g_ptr_array_add (array, (gpointer) g_strdup_printf ("%s", logo_name));
icon = g_themed_icon_new_from_names ((char **) array->pdata, array->len);
icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gdk_display_get_default ());
icon_paintable = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (icon_theme, icon,
gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (self)),
gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (self)),
gtk_picture_set_paintable (self->os_logo, GDK_PAINTABLE (icon_paintable));
static void
cc_about_page_class_init (CcAboutPageClass *klass)
GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
g_type_ensure (CC_TYPE_HOSTNAME_ENTRY);
gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gnome/control-center/system/about/cc-about-page.ui");
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, disk_row);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, hardware_model_row);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, memory_row);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, os_logo);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, os_name_row);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, processor_row);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, CcAboutPage, software_updates_group);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, cc_about_page_open_software_update);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, cc_about_page_open_system_details);
g_type_ensure (CC_TYPE_LIST_ROW);
static void
cc_about_page_init (CcAboutPage *self)
AdwStyleManager *style_manager;
gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self));
if ((!does_gnome_software_exist () || !does_gnome_software_allow_updates ()) && !does_gpk_update_viewer_exist ())
gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (self->software_updates_group), FALSE);
about_page_setup_overview (self);
style_manager = adw_style_manager_get_default ();
g_signal_connect_swapped (style_manager, "notify::dark", G_CALLBACK (setup_os_logo), self);
setup_os_logo (self);