2001-08-09 Richard Hestilow <hestilow@ximian.com> * Makeflie.am (EXTRA_DIST): Install all pixmaps. (pixmaps_DATA): Add blank-screen.png. * pref-file.c: Replace "programs" value with a regenerated string. (print_aligned_row): Added. (print_list_to_str): Added. * preferences.h (Screensaver): Add new fields "filename", "compat_command_line", "fakepreview", and "fakes", to deal with the new xml storage. (Preferences): Add new fields "savers_hash" and "invalidsavers". * preferences.c (screensaver_list_prepend_dir): Added. (screensaver_cmp_func): Added. (screensaver_list_load): Added. (preferences_new): Initialize savers_hash. (clean_saver_list): Added. (preferences_load): Load screensavers from xml. (parse_arg_default): Added. (screensaver_read_xml): Updated for the new format. (screensaver_new_from_file): Added. * prefs-widget.c (double_click_cb): Added. (): Remove right click menu, add double click handler. (model_is_cell_editable): Fix for etable bug. (random_timeout_cb): Avoid vidwhacker and webcollage. * preview.c: Optionally show fakepreview if set, and deal with compat_command_line, and refresh pixbufs. (command_exists): Renamed to rc_command_exists. * rc-parse.c: (parse_screensaver_list): Merely update the existing entries, via the provided hash. * screensaver-prefs-dialog.c (get_argument_data): Just find the xml file using ::filename. * screensavers/magic.pl.in: Added. * screensavers/Makefile.am: Generate .xml.h files for translators, and install all .xml files and .png files, and run magic.pl on make install.
510 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
510 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
#!@PERL@ -w
# magic.pl
# Script to convert Xscreensaver cruft into xml files.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
# Authors:
# Richard Hestilow <hestilow@ximian.com>
# This program is licensed under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for details.
use Getopt::Long;
my $rcfile; # .xscreensaver usually
my $adfile; # app defaults file
my $outdir;
my @merge;
my @avoid;
my $suffix = ".xml";
my $quiet;
my $help;
sub usage
print << "EOF"
XScreensaver->XML conversion utility
Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Usage: $0 [options]
--rcfile <file> XScreensaver RC file
--adfile <file> XScreensaver AppDefaults file
--outdir <dir> Directory to output to (defaults to current dir)
--merge <dirs> Merge with preexisting XML files. If used in
conjunction with --outdir, will make copies in
the specified output directory rather than modifying
the existing files.
--avoid <dirs> The opposite of --merge: Will not output XML files
that already exist in the specified directories.
Note that merging and avoiding the same directory
is meaningless.
--suffix <suffix> Suffix for output files. Defaults to "$suffix".
--quiet Be quiet.
--help Display this error message.
exit 1;
sub badopt
my $opt = $_[0];
print "Unknown option $opt\n\n";
usage ();
sub find_file
my ($file, @dirs) = @_;
foreach $dir (@dirs)
if (-f "$dir/$file")
return "$dir/$file";
return "";
GetOptions ("rcfile=s", \$rcfile,
"adfile=s", \$adfile,
"outdir=s", \$outdir,
"merge=s", \@merge,
"avoid=s", \@avoid,
"suffix=s", \$suffix,
"quiet+", \$quiet,
"help+", \$help,
"<>", \&badopt);
if ($help)
usage ();
my %savers = ();
my @updated_list;
my @added_list;
# Sigh
foreach $thefile ($rcfile, $adfile)
unless ($thefile) { next; }
if ($thefile)
unless (open RCFILE, "<$thefile")
die "Cannot open rcfile $thefile\n";
my $fcontents = "";
my $progseen = 0;
while (<RCFILE>)
if (/\*programs:/)
$progseen = 1;
elsif ($progseen)
$fcontents .= $_;
if (/\\n\n/)
$fcontents =~ s/\\n$//g;
foreach $_ (split /\\n\\\n/, $fcontents)
$_ =~ s/\\/ /g;
my $name;
my $label;
my $command;
if ($_ =~ /\".+\".+\".+\"/)
# multiple quotes
if ($_ =~ /\"(.+)\"\s+((\w+) .+\".+\".+)[\t ]*/)
$label = $1;
$name = $3;
$command = $2;
elsif ($_ =~ /\"(.+)\"\s*([\w\-]+) ((.+\w)?)[\t ]+/)
$label = $1;
$name = $2;
$command = $3;
elsif ($_ =~ /\-?(\w[\w\-]+) ((.+\w)?)[\t ]+/)
if ($1 eq "-") { print "$1 $2\n";}
my %saver = ("name" => $1,
"command" => $2);
$savers{$1} = \%saver;
if ($name eq "rd-bomb") { print "$label $name $command\n";}
if ($name eq "cosmos") { print "$label $name $command\n";}
if ($name)
if ($savers{$name} and $label)
if ($name eq "xmountains") { print "erk\n"};
my %saver = %{$savers{$name}};
my @fakes;
if ($saver{"fakes"})
@fakes = @{$saver{"fakes"}};
push @fakes, $label;
$saver{"fakes"} = \@fakes;
$savers{$name} = \%saver;
my %saver = ("label" => $label,
"name" => $name,
"command" => $command);
$savers{$name} = \%saver;
close RCFILE;
if ($adfile)
my $fcontents = "";
unless (open ADFILE, "<$adfile")
die "Cannot open app-defaults file $adfile\n";
while (<ADFILE>)
$fcontents .= $_;
foreach $_ (split /\n\*/, $fcontents)
unless (/hacks\.(.+)\.(.+)\:(.+)/)
unless ($2 eq "documentation" or $2 eq "name")
$_ =~ s/hacks\.(.+)\.(.+)\://g;
my $name = $1;
my $type = $2;
$_ =~ s/[\t ]*\\[\t ]*\n/ /g;
$_ =~ s/\n[\t ]/\n/g;
$_ =~ s/\.[\t ]+/\. /g;
$_ =~ s/[\t ]+\n/\n/g;
$_ =~ s/^\n//g;
$_ =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$_ =~ s/^[\t ]+//g;
$_ =~ s/\n[\t ]/\n/g;
$_ =~ s/\</</g;
$_ =~ s/\>/>/g;
$_ =~ s/[\t ]*\n$//g;
$_ =~ s/\n\n\! \(xrdb prevention kludge\: whole file\) \*\///g;
my $desc;
my $label;
if ($type eq "documentation")
$desc = $_;
$label = $_;
my %saver = ();
if ($savers{$name})
%saver = %{$savers{$name}};
$saver{"name"} = $name;
if ($desc)
$saver{"desc"} = $desc;
if ($label)
if ($saver{$label})
my @fakes;
if ($saver{"fakes"})
@fakes = @{$saver{"fakes"}};
push @fakes, $label;
$saver{"fakes"} = \@fakes;
$saver{"label"} = $label;
$savers{$name} = \%saver;
close ADFILE;
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %savers)
my %saver = %{$savers{$key}};
my $name = $saver{"name"};
my $label = $saver{"label"};
if ($key eq "xmountains")
print "$name\n";
my $command = $saver{"command"};
my $desc = $saver{"desc"};
my @fakes;
my $filename = "$name$suffix";
my $fullname;
my $mergefile;
my $mergeexists = 0;
my $samefile = 0;
my $buf = "";
my $str;
if ($saver{"fakes"}) {
@fakes = @{$saver{"fakes"}};
if (!$label)
# luckily, we can pretty much assume $name is ascii.
$label = $name;
my @tmparr = split //, $label;
if (scalar (@tmparr))
$tmparr[0] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$label = join "", @tmparr;
if (@avoid)
my $avoidfile = find_file ($filename, @avoid);
if ($avoidfile and -f $avoidfile)
if (@merge)
$mergefile = find_file ($filename, @merge);
# FIXME: What about multiple-merge case?
if (!$mergefile and scalar (@merge) == 1)
$mergefile = $merge[0] . "/$filename";
if ($mergefile and !$outdir)
$fullname = $mergefile;
if (-f $mergefile)
$samefile = 1;
if (!defined $fullname)
if ($outdir)
unless (-d $outdir)
unless (mkdir $outdir)
die "Cannot create directory $outdir";
$fullname = "$outdir/$filename";
$fullname = "$filename";
if (@merge and -f $mergefile)
$mergeexists = 1;
if (!$samefile)
unless (open OUTFILE, ">$fullname")
die "Cannot open output file $fullname\n";
# note that we do not print out commands for merging.
# this is because we assume the file has argument metadata
if ($mergefile and $mergeexists)
unless (open XMLFILE, "<$mergefile")
die "Cannot open file $mergefile for merging\n";
my $opendesc = 0;
my $foo;
foreach $foo (<XMLFILE>)
if ($foo =~ /\<screensaver.*\>/)
$str = "<screensaver name=\"$name\"";
$str .= " _label=\"$label\"";
$str .= ">\n";
if ($samefile)
$buf .= $str;
print OUTFILE $str;
elsif ($foo =~ /\<fake/)
# we handle the fakes later
elsif ($desc and $foo =~ /\<_description\>.*\<\/_description\>/)
$opendesc = 0;
elsif ($desc and $foo =~ /\<_description\>/)
$opendesc = 1;
elsif ($desc and $foo =~ /\<\/_description\>/)
$opendesc = 0;
elsif ($desc and $opendesc)
# part of an old description, do nothing
elsif ($foo =~ /\<\/screensaver\>/)
$str = "";
if ($desc and !$opendesc)
$str .= " <_description>$desc</_description>\n";
foreach $fake (@fakes)
$str .= " <fake name=\"$fake\"/>\n";
$str .= "</screensaver>";
if ($samefile)
$buf .= $str;
print OUTFILE $str;
if ($samefile)
$buf .= $foo;
print OUTFILE $foo;
close OUTFILE;
unless (open OUTFILE, ">$mergefile")
die "Cannot open output file $mergefile";
print OUTFILE $buf;
close OUTFILE;
push @updated_list, $fullname;
print OUTFILE "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
print OUTFILE "<screensaver name=\"$name\"";
if ($label)
print OUTFILE " _label=\"$label\"";
print OUTFILE ">\n\n";
if ($command)
print OUTFILE " <fullcommand arg=\"$command\"/>\n\n";
if ($desc)
print OUTFILE " <_description>$desc</_description>\n\n";
foreach $fake (@fakes)
print OUTFILE " <fake name=\"$fake\"/>\n";
print OUTFILE "</screensaver>\n";
close OUTFILE;
push @added_list, $fullname;
if ($quiet)
exit 0;
my $file;
if (scalar (@added_list))
print "The following files have been added:\n";
foreach $file (@added_list)
print "$file\n";
print "\n";