This makes loading faster, with less I/O, avoids unnecessary code duplication (around 1k lines shaved), and ensures that all the panels link and work appropriately. By the same token, it will stop external panels from being created, and loaded.
643 lines
19 KiB
643 lines
19 KiB
/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Author: Cosimo Cecchi <>
#include "cc-search-panel.h"
#include "cc-search-locations-dialog.h"
#include <egg-list-box/egg-list-box.h>
#include <gio/gdesktopappinfo.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
CC_PANEL_REGISTER (CcSearchPanel, cc_search_panel)
#define WID(s) GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (self->priv->builder, s))
struct _CcSearchPanelPrivate
GtkBuilder *builder;
GtkWidget *list_box;
GtkWidget *up_button;
GtkWidget *down_button;
GSettings *search_settings;
GHashTable *sort_order;
GtkWidget *locations_dialog;
#define SHELL_PROVIDER_GROUP "Shell Search Provider"
static gint
list_sort_func (gconstpointer a,
gconstpointer b,
gpointer user_data)
CcSearchPanel *self = user_data;
GtkWidget *widget_a, *widget_b;
GAppInfo *app_a, *app_b;
const gchar *id_a, *id_b;
gint idx_a, idx_b, num_sorted;
gpointer lookup;
widget_a = GTK_WIDGET (a);
widget_b = GTK_WIDGET (b);
app_a = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget_a), "app-info");
app_b = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget_b), "app-info");
id_a = g_app_info_get_id (app_a);
id_b = g_app_info_get_id (app_b);
/* find the index of the application in the GSettings preferences */
idx_a = -1;
idx_b = -1;
lookup = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->sort_order, id_a);
if (lookup)
idx_a = GPOINTER_TO_INT (lookup) - 1;
lookup = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->sort_order, id_b);
if (lookup)
idx_b = GPOINTER_TO_INT (lookup) - 1;
/* if neither app is found, use alphabetical order */
if ((idx_a == -1) && (idx_b == -1))
return g_utf8_collate (g_app_info_get_name (app_a), g_app_info_get_name (app_b));
num_sorted = g_hash_table_size (self->priv->sort_order) - 1;
if (num_sorted > 1)
/* if app_a is the last, it goes after everything */
if (idx_a == num_sorted)
return 1;
/* if app_b is the last, it goes after everything */
else if (idx_b == num_sorted)
return -1;
/* if app_a isn't found, it's sorted after app_b */
if (idx_a == -1)
return 1;
/* if app_b isn't found, it's sorted after app_a */
if (idx_b == -1)
return -1;
/* finally, if both apps are found, return their order in the list */
return (idx_a - idx_b);
static void
search_panel_invalidate_button_state (CcSearchPanel *self)
GList *children;
gboolean is_first, is_last;
GtkWidget *child;
child = egg_list_box_get_selected_child (EGG_LIST_BOX (self->priv->list_box));
children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (self->priv->list_box));
if (!child || !children)
is_first = (child == g_list_first (children)->data);
is_last = (child == g_list_last (children)->data);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->priv->up_button, !is_first);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->priv->down_button, !is_last);
g_list_free (children);
static void
search_panel_invalidate_sort_order (CcSearchPanel *self)
gchar **sort_order;
gint idx;
g_hash_table_remove_all (self->priv->sort_order);
sort_order = g_settings_get_strv (self->priv->search_settings, "sort-order");
for (idx = 0; sort_order[idx] != NULL; idx++)
g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->sort_order, g_strdup (sort_order[idx]), GINT_TO_POINTER (idx + 1));
egg_list_box_resort (EGG_LIST_BOX (self->priv->list_box));
g_strfreev (sort_order);
search_panel_invalidate_button_state (self);
static gint
propagate_compare_func (gconstpointer a,
gconstpointer b,
gpointer user_data)
CcSearchPanel *self = user_data;
const gchar *key_a = a, *key_b = b;
gint idx_a, idx_b;
idx_a = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->sort_order, key_a));
idx_b = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->sort_order, key_b));
return (idx_a - idx_b);
static void
search_panel_propagate_sort_order (CcSearchPanel *self)
GList *keys, *l;
GPtrArray *sort_order;
sort_order = g_ptr_array_new ();
keys = g_hash_table_get_keys (self->priv->sort_order);
keys = g_list_sort_with_data (keys, propagate_compare_func, self);
for (l = keys; l != NULL; l = l->next)
g_ptr_array_add (sort_order, l->data);
g_ptr_array_add (sort_order, NULL);
g_settings_set_strv (self->priv->search_settings, "sort-order",
(const gchar **) sort_order->pdata);
g_ptr_array_unref (sort_order);
g_list_free (keys);
static void
search_panel_set_no_providers (CcSearchPanel *self)
GtkWidget *w;
/* center the list box in the scrolled window */
gtk_widget_set_valign (self->priv->list_box, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
w = gtk_label_new (_("No applications found"));
gtk_widget_show (w);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self->priv->list_box), w);
static void
search_panel_move_selected (CcSearchPanel *self,
gboolean down)
GtkWidget *box, *other_box;
GAppInfo *app_info, *other_app_info;
const gchar *app_id, *other_app_id;
gint idx, other_idx;
GList *children, *l;
box = egg_list_box_get_selected_child (EGG_LIST_BOX (self->priv->list_box));
app_info = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (box), "app-info");
app_id = g_app_info_get_id (app_info);
other_app_id = NULL;
children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (self->priv->list_box));
l = g_list_find (children, box);
if (l != NULL)
other_box = down ? g_list_next (l)->data : g_list_previous (l)->data;
other_app_info = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (other_box), "app-info");
other_app_id = g_app_info_get_id (other_app_info);
other_idx = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->sort_order, app_id));
idx = down ? (other_idx + 1) : (other_idx - 1);
if (other_app_id != NULL)
g_hash_table_replace (self->priv->sort_order, g_strdup (other_app_id), GINT_TO_POINTER (other_idx));
g_hash_table_replace (self->priv->sort_order, g_strdup (app_id), GINT_TO_POINTER (idx));
search_panel_propagate_sort_order (self);
g_list_free (children);
static void
down_button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget,
CcSearchPanel *self)
search_panel_move_selected (self, TRUE);
static void
up_button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget,
CcSearchPanel *self)
search_panel_move_selected (self, FALSE);
static void
settings_button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget,
gpointer user_data)
CcSearchPanel *self = user_data;
if (self->priv->locations_dialog == NULL)
self->priv->locations_dialog = cc_search_locations_dialog_new (self);
g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (self->priv->locations_dialog),
(gpointer *) &self->priv->locations_dialog);
gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (self->priv->locations_dialog));
static GVariant *
switch_settings_mapping_set (const GValue *value,
const GVariantType *expected_type,
gpointer user_data)
GtkWidget *box = user_data;
CcSearchPanel *self = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (box), "self");
GAppInfo *app_info = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (box), "app-info");
gchar **disabled;
GPtrArray *new_disabled;
gint idx;
gboolean remove, found;
GVariant *variant;
remove = g_value_get_boolean (value);
found = FALSE;
new_disabled = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
disabled = g_settings_get_strv (self->priv->search_settings, "disabled");
for (idx = 0; disabled[idx] != NULL; idx++)
if (g_strcmp0 (disabled[idx], g_app_info_get_id (app_info)) == 0)
found = TRUE;
if (remove)
g_ptr_array_add (new_disabled, g_strdup (disabled[idx]));
if (!found && !remove)
g_ptr_array_add (new_disabled, g_strdup (g_app_info_get_id (app_info)));
g_ptr_array_add (new_disabled, NULL);
variant = g_variant_new_strv ((const gchar **) new_disabled->pdata, -1);
g_ptr_array_unref (new_disabled);
g_strfreev (disabled);
return variant;
static gboolean
switch_settings_mapping_get (GValue *value,
GVariant *variant,
gpointer user_data)
GtkWidget *box = user_data;
GAppInfo *app_info = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (box), "app-info");
const gchar **disabled;
gint idx;
gboolean found;
found = FALSE;
disabled = g_variant_get_strv (variant, NULL);
for (idx = 0; disabled[idx] != NULL; idx++)
if (g_strcmp0 (disabled[idx], g_app_info_get_id (app_info)) == 0)
found = TRUE;
g_value_set_boolean (value, !found);
return TRUE;
static void
search_panel_add_one_app_info (CcSearchPanel *self,
GAppInfo *app_info)
GtkWidget *box, *w;
GIcon *icon;
/* reset valignment of the list box */
gtk_widget_set_valign (self->priv->list_box, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
gtk_widget_set_hexpand (box, TRUE);
gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 6);
g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (box), "app-info",
g_object_ref (app_info), g_object_unref);
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (box), "self", self);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self->priv->list_box), box);
icon = g_app_info_get_icon (app_info);
if (icon == NULL)
icon = g_themed_icon_new ("application-x-executable");
g_object_ref (icon);
w = gtk_image_new_from_gicon (icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), w);
g_object_unref (icon);
w = gtk_label_new (g_app_info_get_name (app_info));
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), w);
w = gtk_switch_new ();
gtk_widget_set_valign (w, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (box), w, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
g_settings_bind_with_mapping (self->priv->search_settings, "disabled",
w, "active",
box, NULL);
gtk_widget_show_all (box);
static void
search_panel_add_one_provider (CcSearchPanel *self,
GFile *provider)
gchar *path, *desktop_id;
GKeyFile *keyfile;
GAppInfo *app_info;
GError *error = NULL;
path = g_file_get_path (provider);
keyfile = g_key_file_new ();
g_key_file_load_from_file (keyfile, path, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);
if (error != NULL)
g_warning ("Error loading %s: %s - search provider will be ignored",
path, error->message);
goto out;
if (!g_key_file_has_group (keyfile, SHELL_PROVIDER_GROUP))
goto out;
desktop_id = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, SHELL_PROVIDER_GROUP,
"DesktopId", &error);
if (error != NULL)
g_warning ("Unable to read desktop ID from %s: %s - search provider will be ignored",
path, error->message);
goto out;
app_info = G_APP_INFO (g_desktop_app_info_new (desktop_id));
g_free (desktop_id);
if (app_info == NULL)
goto out;
search_panel_add_one_app_info (self, app_info);
g_object_unref (app_info);
g_free (path);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_key_file_unref (keyfile);
static void
next_search_provider_ready (GObject *source,
GAsyncResult *res,
gpointer user_data)
CcSearchPanel *self = user_data;
GFile *providers_location, *provider;
GList *files;
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *path;
files = g_file_enumerator_next_files_finish (G_FILE_ENUMERATOR (source),
res, &error);
providers_location = g_file_enumerator_get_container (G_FILE_ENUMERATOR (source));
if (error != NULL)
path = g_file_get_path (providers_location);
g_warning ("Error reading from %s: %s - search providers might be missing from the panel",
path, error->message);
g_error_free (error);
g_free (path);
if (files != NULL)
provider = g_file_get_child (providers_location, g_file_info_get_name (files->data));
search_panel_add_one_provider (self, provider);
g_object_unref (provider);
g_file_enumerator_next_files_async (G_FILE_ENUMERATOR (source), 1,
next_search_provider_ready, self);
/* propagate a write to GSettings, to make sure we always have
* all the providers in the list.
search_panel_propagate_sort_order (self);
g_list_free_full (files, g_object_unref);
static void
enumerate_search_providers_ready (GObject *source,
GAsyncResult *res,
gpointer user_data)
CcSearchPanel *self = user_data;
GFileEnumerator *enumerator;
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *path;
enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children_finish (G_FILE (source), res, &error);
if (error != NULL)
path = g_file_get_path (G_FILE (source));
if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND))
g_warning ("Error opening %s: %s - search provider configuration won't be possible",
path, error->message);
search_panel_set_no_providers (self);
g_error_free (error);
g_file_enumerator_next_files_async (enumerator, 1,
next_search_provider_ready, self);
g_object_unref (enumerator);
static void
populate_search_providers (CcSearchPanel *self)
GFile *providers_location;
providers_location = g_file_new_for_path (DATADIR "/gnome-shell/search-providers");
g_file_enumerate_children_async (providers_location,
enumerate_search_providers_ready, self);
g_object_unref (providers_location);
static void
cc_search_panel_finalize (GObject *object)
CcSearchPanelPrivate *priv = CC_SEARCH_PANEL (object)->priv;
g_clear_object (&priv->builder);
g_clear_object (&priv->search_settings);
g_hash_table_destroy (priv->sort_order);
if (priv->locations_dialog)
gtk_widget_destroy (priv->locations_dialog);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (cc_search_panel_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
cc_search_panel_constructed (GObject *object)
CcSearchPanel *self = CC_SEARCH_PANEL (object);
GtkWidget *box, *widget, *search_box;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (cc_search_panel_parent_class)->constructed (object);
/* add the disable all switch */
search_box = WID ("search_vbox");
box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
widget = gtk_label_new (_("Enabled"));
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), widget);
widget = gtk_switch_new ();
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), widget);
g_settings_bind (self->priv->search_settings, "disable-external",
widget, "active",
g_object_bind_property (widget, "active",
search_box, "sensitive",
gtk_widget_show_all (box);
cc_shell_embed_widget_in_header (cc_panel_get_shell (CC_PANEL (self)), box);
static void
cc_search_panel_init (CcSearchPanel *self)
GError *error;
GtkWidget *widget;
GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
guint res;
self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, CC_TYPE_SEARCH_PANEL, CcSearchPanelPrivate);
self->priv->builder = gtk_builder_new ();
error = NULL;
res = gtk_builder_add_from_file (self->priv->builder,
GNOMECC_UI_DIR "/search.ui",
if (res == 0)
g_warning ("Could not load interface file: %s",
(error != NULL) ? error->message : "unknown error");
g_clear_error (&error);
scrolled_window = WID ("scrolled_window");
widget = GTK_WIDGET (egg_list_box_new ());
egg_list_box_set_sort_func (EGG_LIST_BOX (widget),
list_sort_func, self, NULL);
egg_list_box_add_to_scrolled (EGG_LIST_BOX (widget), GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled_window));
self->priv->list_box = widget;
gtk_widget_show (widget);
g_signal_connect_swapped (widget, "child-selected",
G_CALLBACK (search_panel_invalidate_button_state), self);
self->priv->up_button = WID ("up_button");
g_signal_connect (self->priv->up_button, "clicked",
G_CALLBACK (up_button_clicked), self);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->priv->up_button, FALSE);
self->priv->down_button = WID ("down_button");
g_signal_connect (self->priv->down_button, "clicked",
G_CALLBACK (down_button_clicked), self);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->priv->down_button, FALSE);
widget = WID ("settings_button");
g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked",
G_CALLBACK (settings_button_clicked), self);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (widget, cc_search_locations_dialog_is_available ());
self->priv->search_settings = g_settings_new ("");
self->priv->sort_order = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, NULL);
g_signal_connect_swapped (self->priv->search_settings, "changed::sort-order",
G_CALLBACK (search_panel_invalidate_sort_order), self);
search_panel_invalidate_sort_order (self);
populate_search_providers (self);
widget = WID ("search_vbox");
gtk_widget_reparent (widget, (GtkWidget *) self);
static void
cc_search_panel_class_init (CcSearchPanelClass *klass)
GObjectClass *oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
oclass->constructed = cc_search_panel_constructed;
oclass->finalize = cc_search_panel_finalize;
g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (CcSearchPanelPrivate));