Merge pull request #9 from croaky/master

Coffeescript for vim
This commit is contained in:
Dan Croak 2011-10-24 07:26:54 -07:00
commit 318b6202fb
6 changed files with 862 additions and 0 deletions

vim/ftdetect/coffee.vim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
" Language: CoffeeScript
" Maintainer: Mick Koch <>
" URL:
" License: WTFPL
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.coffee set filetype=coffee
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *Cakefile set filetype=coffee

vim/ftdetect/eco.vim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.eco set filetype=eco

vim/ftplugin/coffee.vim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
" Language: CoffeeScript
" Maintainer: Mick Koch <>
" URL:
" License: WTFPL
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal errorformat=Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m\ on\ line\ %l,
\Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ Parse\ error\ on\ line\ %l:\ %m,
\SyntaxError:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m,
" Extra options passed to CoffeeMake
if !exists("coffee_make_options")
let coffee_make_options = ""
" Update `makeprg` for the current filename. This is needed to support filenames
" with spaces and quotes while also supporting generic `make`.
function! s:SetMakePrg()
let &l:makeprg = "coffee -c " . g:coffee_make_options . ' $* '
\ . fnameescape(expand('%'))
" Set `makeprg` initially.
call s:SetMakePrg()
" Set `makeprg` on rename.
autocmd BufFilePost,BufWritePost,FileWritePost <buffer> call s:SetMakePrg()
" Reset the global variables used by CoffeeCompile.
function! s:CoffeeCompileResetVars()
" Position in the source buffer
let s:coffee_compile_src_buf = -1
let s:coffee_compile_src_pos = []
" Position in the CoffeeCompile buffer
let s:coffee_compile_buf = -1
let s:coffee_compile_win = -1
let s:coffee_compile_pos = []
" If CoffeeCompile is watching a buffer
let s:coffee_compile_watch = 0
" Save the cursor position when moving to and from the CoffeeCompile buffer.
function! s:CoffeeCompileSavePos()
let buf = bufnr('%')
let pos = getpos('.')
if buf == s:coffee_compile_buf
let s:coffee_compile_pos = pos
let s:coffee_compile_src_buf = buf
let s:coffee_compile_src_pos = pos
" Restore the cursor to the source buffer.
function! s:CoffeeCompileRestorePos()
let win = bufwinnr(s:coffee_compile_src_buf)
if win != -1
exec win 'wincmd w'
call setpos('.', s:coffee_compile_src_pos)
" Close the CoffeeCompile buffer and clean things up.
function! s:CoffeeCompileClose()
silent! autocmd! CoffeeCompileAuPos
silent! autocmd! CoffeeCompileAuWatch
call s:CoffeeCompileRestorePos()
call s:CoffeeCompileResetVars()
" Update the CoffeeCompile buffer given some input lines.
function! s:CoffeeCompileUpdate(startline, endline)
let input = join(getline(a:startline, a:endline), "\n")
" Coffee doesn't like empty input.
if !len(input)
" Compile input.
let output = system('coffee -scb 2>&1', input)
" Move to the CoffeeCompile buffer.
exec s:coffee_compile_win 'wincmd w'
" Replace buffer contents with new output and delete the last empty line.
setlocal modifiable
exec '% delete _'
put! =output
exec '$ delete _'
setlocal nomodifiable
" Highlight as JavaScript if there is no compile error.
if v:shell_error
setlocal filetype=
setlocal filetype=javascript
" Restore the cursor in the compiled output.
call setpos('.', s:coffee_compile_pos)
" Update the CoffeeCompile buffer with the whole source buffer and restore the
" cursor.
function! s:CoffeeCompileWatchUpdate()
call s:CoffeeCompileSavePos()
call s:CoffeeCompileUpdate(1, '$')
call s:CoffeeCompileRestorePos()
" Peek at compiled CoffeeScript in a scratch buffer. We handle ranges like this
" to prevent the cursor from being moved (and its position saved) before the
" function is called.
function! s:CoffeeCompile(startline, endline, args)
" Don't compile the CoffeeCompile buffer.
if bufnr('%') == s:coffee_compile_buf
" Parse arguments.
let watch = a:args =~ '\<watch\>'
let unwatch = a:args =~ '\<unwatch\>'
let vert = a:args =~ '\<vert\%[ical]\>'
let size = str2nr(matchstr(a:args, '\<\d\+\>'))
" Remove any watch listeners.
silent! autocmd! CoffeeCompileAuWatch
" If just unwatching, don't compile.
if unwatch
let s:coffee_compile_watch = 0
if watch
let s:coffee_compile_watch = 1
call s:CoffeeCompileSavePos()
" Build the CoffeeCompile buffer if it doesn't exist.
if s:coffee_compile_buf == -1
let src_win = bufwinnr(s:coffee_compile_src_buf)
" Create the new window and resize it.
if vert
let width = size ? size : winwidth(src_win) / 2
vertical new
exec 'vertical resize' width
" Try to guess the compiled output's height.
let height = size ? size : min([winheight(src_win) / 2,
\ a:endline - a:startline + 2])
botright new
exec 'resize' height
" Set up scratch buffer.
setlocal bufhidden=wipe buftype=nofile
setlocal nobuflisted nomodifiable noswapfile nowrap
autocmd BufWipeout <buffer> call s:CoffeeCompileClose()
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :hide<CR>
" Save the cursor position on each buffer switch.
augroup CoffeeCompileAuPos
autocmd BufEnter,BufLeave * call s:CoffeeCompileSavePos()
augroup END
let s:coffee_compile_buf = bufnr('%')
let s:coffee_compile_win = bufwinnr(s:coffee_compile_buf)
" Go back to the source buffer and do the initial compile.
call s:CoffeeCompileRestorePos()
if s:coffee_compile_watch
call s:CoffeeCompileWatchUpdate()
augroup CoffeeCompileAuWatch
autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> call s:CoffeeCompileWatchUpdate()
augroup END
call s:CoffeeCompileUpdate(a:startline, a:endline)
" Complete arguments for the CoffeeCompile command.
function! s:CoffeeCompileComplete(arg, cmdline, cursor)
let args = ['unwatch', 'vertical', 'watch']
if !len(a:arg)
return args
let match = '^' . a:arg
for arg in args
if arg =~ match
return [arg]
" Don't let new windows overwrite the CoffeeCompile variables.
if !exists("s:coffee_compile_buf")
call s:CoffeeCompileResetVars()
" Peek at compiled CoffeeScript.
command! -range=% -bar -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:CoffeeCompileComplete
\ CoffeeCompile call s:CoffeeCompile(<line1>, <line2>, <q-args>)
" Compile the current file.
command! -bang -bar -nargs=* CoffeeMake make<bang> <args>
" Run some CoffeeScript.
command! -range=% -bar CoffeeRun <line1>,<line2>:w !coffee -s

vim/indent/coffee.vim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
" Language: CoffeeScript
" Maintainer: Mick Koch <>
" URL:
" License: WTFPL
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetCoffeeIndent(v:lnum)
" Make sure GetCoffeeIndent is run when these are typed so they can be
" indented or outdented.
setlocal indentkeys+=0],0),0.,=else,=when,=catch,=finally
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetCoffeeIndent")
" Keywords to indent after
let s:INDENT_AFTER_KEYWORD = '^\%(if\|unless\|else\|for\|while\|until\|'
\ . 'loop\|switch\|when\|try\|catch\|finally\|'
\ . 'class\)\>'
" Operators to indent after
let s:INDENT_AFTER_OPERATOR = '\%([([{:=]\|[-=]>\)$'
" Keywords and operators that continue a line
let s:CONTINUATION = '\<\%(is\|isnt\|and\|or\)\>$'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%(-\@<!-\|+\@<!+\|<\|[-=]\@<!>\|\*\|/\@<!/\|%\||\|'
\ . '&\|,\|\.\@<!\.\)$'
" Operators that block continuation indenting
let s:CONTINUATION_BLOCK = '[([{:=]$'
" A continuation dot access
let s:DOT_ACCESS = '^\.'
" Keywords to outdent after
let s:OUTDENT_AFTER = '^\%(return\|break\|continue\|throw\)\>'
" A compound assignment like `... = if ...`
let s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT = '[:=]\s*\%(if\|unless\|for\|while\|until\|'
\ . 'switch\|try\|class\)\>'
" A postfix condition like `return ... if ...`.
let s:POSTFIX_CONDITION = '\S\s\+\zs\<\%(if\|unless\)\>'
" A single-line else statement like `else ...` but not `else if ...
let s:SINGLE_LINE_ELSE = '^else\s\+\%(\<\%(if\|unless\)\>\)\@!'
" Max lines to look back for a match
let s:MAX_LOOKBACK = 50
" Syntax names for strings
let s:SYNTAX_STRING = 'coffee\%(String\|AssignString\|Embed\|Regex\|Heregex\|'
\ . 'Heredoc\)'
" Syntax names for comments
let s:SYNTAX_COMMENT = 'coffee\%(Comment\|BlockComment\|HeregexComment\)'
" Syntax names for strings and comments
" Get the linked syntax name of a character.
function! s:SyntaxName(linenum, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:linenum, a:col, 1), 'name')
" Check if a character is in a comment.
function! s:IsComment(linenum, col)
return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_COMMENT
" Check if a character is in a string.
function! s:IsString(linenum, col)
return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_STRING
" Check if a character is in a comment or string.
function! s:IsCommentOrString(linenum, col)
return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_STRING_COMMENT
" Check if a whole line is a comment.
function! s:IsCommentLine(linenum)
" Check the first non-whitespace character.
return s:IsComment(a:linenum, indent(a:linenum) + 1)
" Repeatedly search a line for a regex until one is found outside a string or
" comment.
function! s:SmartSearch(linenum, regex)
" Start at the first column.
let col = 0
" Search until there are no more matches, unless a good match is found.
while 1
call cursor(a:linenum, col + 1)
let [_, col] = searchpos(a:regex, 'cn', a:linenum)
" No more matches.
if !col
if !s:IsCommentOrString(a:linenum, col)
return 1
" No good match found.
return 0
" Skip a match if it's in a comment or string, is a single-line statement that
" isn't adjacent, or is a postfix condition.
function! s:ShouldSkip(startlinenum, linenum, col)
if s:IsCommentOrString(a:linenum, a:col)
return 1
" Check for a single-line statement that isn't adjacent.
if s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, '\<then\>') && a:startlinenum - a:linenum > 1
return 1
if s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, s:POSTFIX_CONDITION) &&
\ !s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT)
return 1
return 0
" Find the farthest line to look back to, capped to line 1 (zero and negative
" numbers cause bad things).
function! s:MaxLookback(startlinenum)
return max([1, a:startlinenum - s:MAX_LOOKBACK])
" Get the skip expression for searchpair().
function! s:SkipExpr(startlinenum)
return "s:ShouldSkip(" . a:startlinenum . ", line('.'), col('.'))"
" Search for pairs of text.
function! s:SearchPair(start, end)
" The cursor must be in the first column for regexes to match.
call cursor(0, 1)
let startlinenum = line('.')
" Don't need the W flag since MaxLookback caps the search to line 1.
return searchpair(a:start, '', a:end, 'bcn',
\ s:SkipExpr(startlinenum),
\ s:MaxLookback(startlinenum))
" Try to find a previous matching line.
function! s:GetMatch(curline)
let firstchar = a:curline[0]
if firstchar == '}'
return s:SearchPair('{', '}')
elseif firstchar == ')'
return s:SearchPair('(', ')')
elseif firstchar == ']'
return s:SearchPair('\[', '\]')
elseif a:curline =~ '^else\>'
return s:SearchPair('\<\%(if\|unless\|when\)\>', '\<else\>')
elseif a:curline =~ '^catch\>'
return s:SearchPair('\<try\>', '\<catch\>')
elseif a:curline =~ '^finally\>'
return s:SearchPair('\<try\>', '\<finally\>')
return 0
" Get the nearest previous line that isn't a comment.
function! s:GetPrevNormalLine(startlinenum)
let curlinenum = a:startlinenum
while curlinenum > 0
let curlinenum = prevnonblank(curlinenum - 1)
if !s:IsCommentLine(curlinenum)
return curlinenum
return 0
" Try to find a comment in a line.
function! s:FindComment(linenum)
let col = 0
while 1
call cursor(a:linenum, col + 1)
let [_, col] = searchpos('#', 'cn', a:linenum)
if !col
if s:IsComment(a:linenum, col)
return col
return 0
" Get a line without comments or surrounding whitespace.
function! s:GetTrimmedLine(linenum)
let comment = s:FindComment(a:linenum)
let line = getline(a:linenum)
if comment
" Subtract 1 to get to the column before the comment and another 1 for
" zero-based indexing.
let line = line[:comment - 2]
return substitute(substitute(line, '^\s\+', '', ''),
\ '\s\+$', '', '')
function! s:GetCoffeeIndent(curlinenum)
let prevlinenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(a:curlinenum)
" Don't do anything if there's no previous line.
if !prevlinenum
return -1
let curline = s:GetTrimmedLine(a:curlinenum)
" Try to find a previous matching statement. This handles outdenting.
let matchlinenum = s:GetMatch(curline)
if matchlinenum
return indent(matchlinenum)
" Try to find a matching `when`.
if curline =~ '^when\>' && !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\<switch\>')
let linenum = a:curlinenum
while linenum > 0
let linenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(linenum)
if getline(linenum) =~ '^\s*when\>'
return indent(linenum)
return -1
let prevline = s:GetTrimmedLine(prevlinenum)
let previndent = indent(prevlinenum)
" Always indent after these operators.
if prevline =~ s:INDENT_AFTER_OPERATOR
return previndent + &shiftwidth
" Indent after a continuation if it's the first.
if prevline =~ s:CONTINUATION
let prevprevlinenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(prevlinenum)
let prevprevline = s:GetTrimmedLine(prevprevlinenum)
if prevprevline !~ s:CONTINUATION && prevprevline !~ s:CONTINUATION_BLOCK
return previndent + &shiftwidth
return -1
" Indent after these keywords and compound assignments if they aren't a
" single-line statement.
if prevline =~ s:INDENT_AFTER_KEYWORD || prevline =~ s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT
if !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\<then\>') && prevline !~ s:SINGLE_LINE_ELSE
return previndent + &shiftwidth
return -1
" Indent a dot access if it's the first.
if curline =~ s:DOT_ACCESS && prevline !~ s:DOT_ACCESS
return previndent + &shiftwidth
" Outdent after these keywords if they don't have a postfix condition or are
" a single-line statement.
if prevline =~ s:OUTDENT_AFTER
if !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, s:POSTFIX_CONDITION) ||
\ s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\<then\>')
return previndent - &shiftwidth
" No indenting or outdenting is needed.
return -1
" Wrap s:GetCoffeeIndent to keep the cursor position.
function! GetCoffeeIndent(curlinenum)
let oldcursor = getpos('.')
let indent = s:GetCoffeeIndent(a:curlinenum)
call setpos('.', oldcursor)
return indent

vim/syntax/coffee.vim Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
" Language: CoffeeScript
" Maintainer: Mick Koch <>
" URL:
" License: WTFPL
" Bail if our syntax is already loaded.
if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax == 'coffee'
if version < 600
syn clear
" Include JavaScript for coffeeEmbed.
syn include @coffeeJS syntax/javascript.vim
" Highlight long strings.
syn sync minlines=100
" CoffeeScript identifiers can have dollar signs.
setlocal isident+=$
" These are `matches` instead of `keywords` because vim's highlighting
" priority for keywords is higher than matches. This causes keywords to be
" highlighted inside matches, even if a match says it shouldn't contain them --
" like with coffeeAssign and coffeeDot.
syn match coffeeStatement /\<\%(return\|break\|continue\|throw\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeStatement Statement
syn match coffeeRepeat /\<\%(for\|while\|until\|loop\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeRepeat Repeat
syn match coffeeConditional /\<\%(if\|else\|unless\|switch\|when\|then\)\>/
\ display
hi def link coffeeConditional Conditional
syn match coffeeException /\<\%(try\|catch\|finally\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeException Exception
syn match coffeeKeyword /\<\%(new\|in\|of\|by\|and\|or\|not\|is\|isnt\|class\|extends\|super\|own\|do\)\>/
\ display
hi def link coffeeKeyword Keyword
syn match coffeeOperator /\<\%(instanceof\|typeof\|delete\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeOperator Operator
" The first case matches symbol operators only if they have an operand before.
syn match coffeeExtendedOp /\%(\S\s*\)\@<=[+\-*/%&|\^=!<>?.]\+\|--\|++\|::/
\ display
syn match coffeeExtendedOp /\%(and\|or\)=/ display
hi def link coffeeExtendedOp coffeeOperator
" This is separate from `coffeeExtendedOp` to help differentiate commas from
" dots.
syn match coffeeSpecialOp /[,;]/ display
hi def link coffeeSpecialOp SpecialChar
syn match coffeeBoolean /\<\%(true\|on\|yes\|false\|off\|no\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeBoolean Boolean
syn match coffeeGlobal /\<\%(null\|undefined\)\>/ display
hi def link coffeeGlobal Type
" A special variable
syn match coffeeSpecialVar /\<\%(this\|prototype\|arguments\)\>/ display
" An @-variable
syn match coffeeSpecialVar /@\%(\I\i*\)\?/ display
hi def link coffeeSpecialVar Special
" A class-like name that starts with a capital letter
syn match coffeeObject /\<\u\w*\>/ display
hi def link coffeeObject Structure
" A constant-like name in SCREAMING_CAPS
syn match coffeeConstant /\<\u[A-Z0-9_]\+\>/ display
hi def link coffeeConstant Constant
" A variable name
syn cluster coffeeIdentifier contains=coffeeSpecialVar,coffeeObject,
\ coffeeConstant
" A non-interpolated string
syn cluster coffeeBasicString contains=@Spell,coffeeEscape
" An interpolated string
syn cluster coffeeInterpString contains=@coffeeBasicString,coffeeInterp
" Regular strings
syn region coffeeString start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
\ contains=@coffeeInterpString
syn region coffeeString start=/'/ skip=/\\\\\|\\'/ end=/'/
\ contains=@coffeeBasicString
hi def link coffeeString String
" A integer, including a leading plus or minus
syn match coffeeNumber /\i\@<![-+]\?\d\+\%([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?/ display
" A hex number
syn match coffeeNumber /\<0[xX]\x\+\>/ display
hi def link coffeeNumber Number
" A floating-point number, including a leading plus or minus
syn match coffeeFloat /\i\@<![-+]\?\d*\.\@<!\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?/
\ display
hi def link coffeeFloat Float
" An error for reserved keywords
if !exists("coffee_no_reserved_words_error")
syn match coffeeReservedError /\<\%(case\|default\|function\|var\|void\|with\|const\|let\|enum\|export\|import\|native\|__hasProp\|__extends\|__slice\|__bind\|__indexOf\)\>/
\ display
hi def link coffeeReservedError Error
" This is separate from `coffeeExtendedOp` since assignments require it.
syn match coffeeAssignOp /:/ contained display
hi def link coffeeAssignOp coffeeOperator
" Strings used in string assignments, which can't have interpolations
syn region coffeeAssignString start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/ contained
\ contains=@coffeeBasicString
syn region coffeeAssignString start=/'/ skip=/\\\\\|\\'/ end=/'/ contained
\ contains=@coffeeBasicString
hi def link coffeeAssignString String
" A normal object assignment
syn match coffeeObjAssign /@\?\I\i*\s*:\@<!::\@!/
\ contains=@coffeeIdentifier,coffeeAssignOp
hi def link coffeeObjAssign Identifier
" An object-string assignment
syn match coffeeObjStringAssign /\("\|'\)[^\1]*\1\s*;\@<!::\@!'\@!/
\ contains=coffeeAssignString,coffeeAssignOp
" An object-integer assignment
syn match coffeeObjNumberAssign /\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\?\s*:\@<!::\@!/
\ contains=coffeeNumber,coffeeAssignOp
syn keyword coffeeTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
hi def link coffeeTodo Todo
syn match coffeeComment /#.*/ contains=@Spell,coffeeTodo
hi def link coffeeComment Comment
syn region coffeeBlockComment start=/####\@!/ end=/###/
\ contains=@Spell,coffeeTodo
hi def link coffeeBlockComment coffeeComment
" A comment in a heregex
syn region coffeeHeregexComment start=/#/ end=/\ze\/\/\/\|$/ contained
\ contains=@Spell,coffeeTodo
hi def link coffeeHeregexComment coffeeComment
" Embedded JavaScript
syn region coffeeEmbed matchgroup=coffeeEmbedDelim
\ start=/`/ skip=/\\\\\|\\`/ end=/`/
\ contains=@coffeeJS
hi def link coffeeEmbedDelim Delimiter
syn region coffeeInterp matchgroup=coffeeInterpDelim start=/#{/ end=/}/ contained
\ contains=@coffeeAll
hi def link coffeeInterpDelim PreProc
" A string escape sequence
syn match coffeeEscape /\\\d\d\d\|\\x\x\{2\}\|\\u\x\{4\}\|\\./ contained display
hi def link coffeeEscape SpecialChar
" A regex -- must not follow a parenthesis, number, or identifier, and must not
" be followed by a number
syn region coffeeRegex start=/\%(\%()\|\i\@<!\d\)\s*\|\i\)\@<!\/=\@!\s\@!/
\ skip=/\[[^\]]\{-}\/[^\]]\{-}\]/
\ end=/\/[gimy]\{,4}\d\@!/
\ oneline contains=@coffeeBasicString
hi def link coffeeRegex String
" A heregex
syn region coffeeHeregex start=/\/\/\// end=/\/\/\/[gimy]\{,4}/
\ contains=@coffeeInterpString,coffeeHeregexComment
\ fold
hi def link coffeeHeregex coffeeRegex
" Heredoc strings
syn region coffeeHeredoc start=/"""/ end=/"""/ contains=@coffeeInterpString
\ fold
syn region coffeeHeredoc start=/'''/ end=/'''/ contains=@coffeeBasicString
\ fold
hi def link coffeeHeredoc String
" An error for trailing whitespace, as long as the line isn't just whitespace
if !exists("coffee_no_trailing_space_error")
syn match coffeeSpaceError /\S\@<=\s\+$/ display
hi def link coffeeSpaceError Error
" An error for trailing semicolons, for help transitioning from JavaScript
if !exists("coffee_no_trailing_semicolon_error")
syn match coffeeSemicolonError /;$/ display
hi def link coffeeSemicolonError Error
" Ignore reserved words in dot accesses.
syn match coffeeDotAccess /\.\@<!\.\s*\I\i*/he=s+1 contains=@coffeeIdentifier
hi def link coffeeDotAccess coffeeExtendedOp
" Ignore reserved words in prototype accesses.
syn match coffeeProtoAccess /::\s*\I\i*/he=s+2 contains=@coffeeIdentifier
hi def link coffeeProtoAccess coffeeExtendedOp
" This is required for interpolations to work.
syn region coffeeCurlies matchgroup=coffeeCurly start=/{/ end=/}/
\ contains=@coffeeAll
syn region coffeeBrackets matchgroup=coffeeBracket start=/\[/ end=/\]/
\ contains=@coffeeAll
syn region coffeeParens matchgroup=coffeeParen start=/(/ end=/)/
\ contains=@coffeeAll
" These are highlighted the same as commas since they tend to go together.
hi def link coffeeBlock coffeeSpecialOp
hi def link coffeeBracket coffeeBlock
hi def link coffeeCurly coffeeBlock
hi def link coffeeParen coffeeBlock
" This is used instead of TOP to keep things coffee-specific for good
" embedding. `contained` groups aren't included.
syn cluster coffeeAll contains=coffeeStatement,coffeeRepeat,coffeeConditional,
\ coffeeException,coffeeKeyword,coffeeOperator,
\ coffeeExtendedOp,coffeeSpecialOp,coffeeBoolean,
\ coffeeGlobal,coffeeSpecialVar,coffeeObject,
\ coffeeConstant,coffeeString,coffeeNumber,
\ coffeeFloat,coffeeReservedError,coffeeObjAssign,
\ coffeeObjStringAssign,coffeeObjNumberAssign,
\ coffeeComment,coffeeBlockComment,coffeeEmbed,
\ coffeeRegex,coffeeHeregex,coffeeHeredoc,
\ coffeeSpaceError,coffeeSemicolonError,
\ coffeeDotAccess,coffeeProtoAccess,
\ coffeeCurlies,coffeeBrackets,coffeeParens
if !exists('b:current_syntax')
let b:current_syntax = 'coffee'

vim/syntax/eco.vim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: eco
" Maintainer: Jay Adkisson
" Mostly stolen from eruby.vim
if !exists("g:eco_default_subtype")
let g:eco_default_subtype = "html"
if !exists("b:eco_subtype")
let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
let b:eco_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eco_subtype=\zs\w\+')
if b:eco_subtype == ''
let b:eco_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand("%:t"),'\c\%(\.eco\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$')
if b:eco_subtype == 'rhtml'
let b:eco_subtype = 'html'
elseif b:eco_subtype == 'jst'
let b:eco_subtype = 'html'
elseif b:eco_subtype == 'rb'
let b:eco_subtype = 'ruby'
elseif b:eco_subtype == 'yml'
let b:eco_subtype = 'yaml'
elseif b:eco_subtype == 'js' || b:eco_subtype == 'json'
let b:eco_subtype = 'javascript'
elseif b:eco_subtype == 'txt'
" Conventional; not a real file type
let b:eco_subtype = 'text'
elseif b:eco_subtype == ''
if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax != ''
let b:eco_subtype = b:current_syntax
let b:eco_subtype = g:eco_default_subtype
if exists("b:eco_subtype") && b:eco_subtype != '' && b:eco_subtype != 'eco'
exec "runtime! syntax/".b:eco_subtype.".vim"
syn include @coffeeTop syntax/coffee.vim
syn cluster ecoRegions contains=ecoBlock,ecoExpression,ecoComment
syn region ecoBlock matchgroup=ecoDelimiter start=/<%/ end=/%>/ contains=@coffeeTop containedin=ALLBUT,@ecoRegions keepend
syn region ecoExpression matchgroup=ecoDelimiter start=/<%[=\-]/ end=/%>/ contains=@coffeeTop containedin=ALLBUT,@ecoRegions keepend
syn region ecoComment matchgroup=ecoComment start=/<%#/ end=/%>/ contains=@coffeeTodo,@Spell containedin=ALLBUT,@ecoRegions keepend
" eco features not in coffeescript proper
syn keyword ecoEnd end containedin=@ecoRegions
syn match ecoIndentColon /\s+\w+:/ containedin=@ecoRegions
" Define the default highlighting.
hi def link ecoDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link ecoComment Comment
hi def link ecoEnd coffeeConditional
hi def link ecoIndentColon None
let b:current_syntax = 'eco'
" vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8: