With the popularity of Babel and ES6, it seems like Coffeescript is no
longer a standard, frequently-used part of the thoughtbot toolset. This
change removes the vim-coffeescript plugin from our default set. Users
who want to retain it can add it back to their `vimrc.bundles.local`.
It checks the home directory location and the default Homebrew location
before falling back to `brew --prefix` (Sloooow!)
This also accounts for non macOS systems that don't have Homebrew.
As of tmux 1.9, the `-bg`, `-fg`, and `-attr` options were condensed
into a single `-style` option, which takes a comma-separated list of
In tmux 2.9, the old options were fully removed.
See https://git.io/fjR7c for more information.
Currently [Homebrew implements analytics] as opt-out, forcing it on its
users without their enthusiastic consent or a full understanding of the
This changes it to opt-in: we opt-out by default, and to opt in to
Homebrew analytics we can override it in `~/.zshrc.local`:
[Homebrew implements analytics]: https://docs.brew.sh/Analytics
- Use the `~` glob operator to exclude *.zwc insead of a separate test
(requires `setopt extendedglob`).
- Exclude both `pre` and `post` in one case alternative.
Set `updatetime` option and `g:ale_lint_on_text_changed` variable in an Vim startup autocommand so that they won't be set when the user disables the `ale` augroup (with something like `silent! augroup! ale` or `augroup \ autocmd! \ augroup END`) in their local vimrc.
This allows users to use ALE with its default linting settings without needing to manually `unlet` the `updatetime` option and `g:ale_lint_on_text_changed` variable also.
I started getting errors after a recent Vim upgrade because of line:
`set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,nbsp:·`
Adding UTF-8 encoding fixes it.
:h encoding
NOTE: For GTK+ 2 or later, it is highly recommended to set 'encoding'
to "utf-8". Although care has been taken to allow different values of
'encoding', "utf-8" is the natural choice for the environment and
avoids unnecessary conversion overhead. "utf-8" has not been made
the default to prevent different behavior of the GUI and terminal
versions, and to avoid changing the encoding of newly created files
without your knowledge (in case 'fileencodings' is empty).
I like this `bin/replace` script, but I've recently switched from `ag`
to [ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep). This checks for the
presence of `rg` and uses it in `bin/replace`, passing the correct
parameter to disable colors.
Per @andyw8 in #588:
`agignore` is now deprecated as the place to declare ignored files for
search. We'll put these files into `gitignore` rather than `ignore` so
that we have consistently ignored files between ag, git, etc.
Recommended by @croaky:
This change leverages the existing `gitcommit` syntax rules to apply the
same formatting and highlighting settings to pull request messages when
they are edited from Vim.
The Github `hub` utilty has added a `pr` subcommand, which takes
precedence over `git-pr` in execution order, so this script is no longer
accessible with `git pr` or `hub pr`.
This change uses a git 2.15 feature to change the diff colors for lines
that have been moved rather than added or deleted. It provides a cue to
readers that a line's content has not changed.
Adding this setting in gitconfig should not break earlier git. (Tested
against 2.14 and the change had no effect.)
This change prevents chained commands from continuing execution if the
`git merge` is operation would be unsuccessful such as a common
operation when a feature branch is ready to be merged and pushed:
git merge-branch && git push origin
If the origin/master and the local master have any difference, we return
status 1 and stop execution rather then emit a false success.
h/t: @croaky
`zsh/configs/prompt.zsh` sets up the dotfile's custom prompt. It
currently does so in a way which prevents overriding the prompt for
specific invocations of zsh.
I noticed this because I've got a helper script for getting a shell
fully configured to work with the AWS CLI that ends with
`PS1='[aws] ' exec "$SHELL"` to distinguish the shell from other
sessions. With a vanilla zsh (and bash) setup, this correctly sets the
prompt on the new shell.
Here's a minimal demonstration with vanilla zsh:
bernerdscha-ltm% echo $PS1
bernerdscha-ltm% PS1="hi> " exec zsh
And with dotfiles:
dotfiles bs-override-ps1 % echo $PS1
${SSH_CONNECTION+"%{$fg_bold[green]%}%n@%m"}%{$fg_bold[blue]%}%c%{$reset_color%}$(git_prompt_info) %#
dotfiles bs-override-ps1 % PS1="hi> " exec zsh
dotfiles bs-override-ps1 %
This PR updates prompt.zsh to only update the prompt if there's not an
existing exported PS1 variable. The export check is relevant because in
the default case where PS1 is not explicitly set by the user it will
have already been set (but not exported) by the default zsh configs.
ASDF manages languages versions for many languages instead of just one.
This commit adds ASDF to path and completions for zsh, so that it's
easier to use.
We've been using vim-plug over Vundle since 5724d12 (April 2015). Users
have had long enough to migrate their `vimrc.bundles.local` to use
vim-plug's `Plug` command.