[vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) has a number of
advantages over Vundle:
* Installs and updates plugins very quickly in parallel
* Can lock plugins at versions/tags
* Can rollbacks updates (useful if a plugin breaks) and take/reload
snapshots of current state
* Optionally lazily-load plugins when their relevant command is invoked
* Execute post-update hooks for plugins with compiled extensions, etc.
vim-plug uses a DSL very close to Vundle (simplest form is `Plug` vs.
`Plugin`), and here it is set to continue to use the same plugin
location that Vundle was using before.
After updating, users will need to
1. Rename `Plugin` lines in `.vimrc.bundles.local` to use `Plug`
2. Run `:PlugInstall` (the post-up hook does this)
* Every time I pull updates from this repo into my own dotfiles, I have to
reconfigure my preferred theme (solarized)
* Seems like there is not a majority or plurality of thoughbotters using a
single colorscheme
* Easiest to just not specify a colorscheme
* See https://forum.upcase.com/t/why-is-the-default-vim-theme-on-dotfiles-is-github/4232
Does what rename.vim does (`:Move` or `:Rename`) **plus**:
* Adds `:Unlink` or `:Remove` to delete the current buffer + file
* Adds `:Mkdir` (with no argument, create the current file's containing
* Adds `:SudoWrite` if you forget to edit a file as root
* Automatically chmods a file to `+x` if it starts with `#!`
* Tim Pope! ❤️
Removal in deb7ee5948
was accidental.
Also, removes `vim/bundle` directory as it is no longer useful to us, since
`vundle` creates it when it needs to.
`:e some/non_existent_directory/new_file.txt` usually errors out because
the directory does not exist, but with `vim-mkdir` the non-existent
directory will be created automatically.
* haml, html and markdown highlight still work without these plugins
* treetop and textile are likely very situational
* unsure if anyone is using greplace
I've had this in [my own dotfiles] for a while now, and really like
having the separation of what I consider to be code/configuration from
what to me feels more like a Gemfile, in that it lists out all of the
external dependencies in a single place.
[my own dotfiles](https://github.com/calebthompson/dotfiles/blob/master/vim/vimrc.bundles.symlink)
* Awesomer vundle integration:
* Refactor .vimrc and .vimrc.bundles to support standalone
* Install vim bundles as part of install.sh without sourcing the
normal vimrc, which prevents error messages from uninstalled
plugins referenced in the main vimrc.