In cbdcbce01d we introduced a Tim
Pope-inspired Git template scheme that automatically ran `ctags`
asynchronously through a hook after certain source control operations.
This hook is bypassed if a user uses `<leader>ct` to reindex their tags
from within Vim.
This change binds `<leader>ct` to use a Vimscript function that will
identify if the `ctags` hook exists in the local repository and executes
it. The function falls back to existing functionality if the hook does
not exist. We are moving the function out of `vimrc` as a first step
toward breaking our Vim configuration up by topic area.
* Set up Vundle in vimrc.
* Delete old copies of vim scripts.
* Bundles are automatically set up as referenced submodules.
* Ignore .netrwhist files given presence of submodules.
* Set up vundle in install script.
Features include:
* :Gblame for interactive vertical split with git blame output.
* :Ggrep to search the work tree (or any arbitrary commit) with git grep,
skipping over that which is not tracked in the repository.
* :Glog loads all previous revisions of a file into the quickfix list so
you can iterate over them and watch the file evolve.
* :Gbrowse to open the current file on GitHub, with optional line range
(try it in visual mode).