* After removing the matchit.vim plugin from the vimrc.bundles file in
this pull request https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles/pull/379. It
was brought to my attention that plugins in the macros directory are
not automatically loaded due to backwards compatibility issues.
* Add entry to vimrc to source the matchit.vim plugin from the macros
directory, if the user does not have it installed already. This is how
Tim Pope adds the matchit.vim plugin to vimrc in his vim-sensible plugin.
* Every time I pull updates from this repo into my own dotfiles, I have to
reconfigure my preferred theme (solarized)
* Seems like there is not a majority or plurality of thoughbotters using a
single colorscheme
* Easiest to just not specify a colorscheme
* See https://forum.upcase.com/t/why-is-the-default-vim-theme-on-dotfiles-is-github/4232
I am constantly forgetting that I can't use `ctrl-p` to open
`.travis.yml` or any other file with a leading `.`. This change comes
about after some discussion in general on how to handle this. Passing
`--hidden` to the `ag` command allows it to find files with a leading
Unfortunately, this also includes the content of your `.git`
directory. To overcome this, we add `/.git/` to `agignore`.
`Rnavcommand` has been removed from rails.vim. These commands don't work
if you are using a recent version of the plugin. Users who want to
regain this functionality can do it through projections.
Fugitive was updated to switch to horizontal diffs on narrow screens.
Everyone I've seen experience this behavior finds it disorienting. This
setting forces a vertical diff without users having to use different
shortcuts to enter diff mode.
Running `zg` adds words to the `spellfile`:
Setting the spellfile keeps it out of its default location, `vim/spell`, which
would otherwise be inside thoughtbot/dotfiles. We don't necessarily want to
share the `spellfile` across the team.
The Syntastic HTML linter will warn on propriety attributes. The
likelihood that you *accidentally* typed "ng-repeat" is low. Let's just
assume you know what you're doing and ignore warnings about "ng-*"
With `shiftround` enabled, using `>>` will indent the line to the next
multiple of `shiftwidth`. This is useful when you are indenting
improperly indented code.
Default setting is `.,w,b,u,t,i`:
* `.`: scan the current buffer ('wrapscan' is ignored)
* `w`: scan buffers from other windows
* `b`: scan other loaded buffers that are in the buffer list
* `u`: scan the unloaded buffers that are in the buffer list
* `t`: tag completion
* `i`: scan current and included files
The default setting is more likely to find a useful match, and modern
machines can search many open and unloaded buffers without pausing.
* Automatically :write before commands such as `:next` or `:!`
* Saves keystrokes by eliminating writes before running tests, etc
* See `:help 'autowrite'` for more information
It gets very annoying to manually force CtrlP to re-index every time I
add a new file. Since ag is so fast, we can turn off caching when it
powers CtrlP without any noticeable impact on search speed.
Newer versions of vim (such as 7.3.923) syntax highlight Rackup and JSON
files correctly. In the interest of keeping the dotfiles slim and our
machines up-to-date, I think the solution is to remove these from
dotfiles and install a newer version of vim in thoughtbot/laptop:
* Syntax highlight `Appraisals` as Ruby. Used especially for our open
source libraries.
* Syntax highlight rackup (`config.ru`) files as Ruby. Used in all our
Ruby web apps. Rails apps are rarely touched but some of the Sinatra
and Middleman apps are occasionally edited.
* Syntax highlight JSON files as JavaScript. Used in our Trail Map.
* Bash users experience errors when using the double-escaped spaces for the CtrlP-SilverSearcher integration.
Thanks to @adamyonk for raising this issue
* Use `ag` as the find method for listing files in CtrlP Vim plugin
* ag indexes and searches far faster than the native engine
* ag also respects .gitignore files on on a per-directory basis, avoiding duplication
It's not very useful to be dropped into the middle of your diff when
opening a new commit. This change prevents cursor position from being
restored for the `gitcommit` filetype.
I've had this in [my own dotfiles] for a while now, and really like
having the separation of what I consider to be code/configuration from
what to me feels more like a Gemfile, in that it lists out all of the
external dependencies in a single place.
[my own dotfiles](https://github.com/calebthompson/dotfiles/blob/master/vim/vimrc.bundles.symlink)
* Awesomer vundle integration:
* Refactor .vimrc and .vimrc.bundles to support standalone
* Install vim bundles as part of install.sh without sourcing the
normal vimrc, which prevents error messages from uninstalled
plugins referenced in the main vimrc.
vim-ruby is where Vim's support for Ruby comes from - file type
detection, syntax highlighting, etc. Vim bundles vim-ruby, but the
GitHub project is always ahead of what's released with Vim.
Includes features such as:
* `:Bundle`, which wraps `bundle`.
* An internalized version of `bundle open`: `:Bopen` (and `:Bsplit`,
`:Btabedit`, etc.).
* `'path'` and `'tags'` are automatically altered to include all gems
from your bundle. (Generate those tags with
* Highlight Bundler keywords in `Gemfile`.
* Support for `gf` in `Gemfile.lock`, plus syntax highlighting that
distinguishes between installed and missing gems.
Having this file be sourced last allows user to
overwrite the configs in `.vimrc` without having to modify it.
* fixed file's path to work with `filereadable`
* ag is faster than ack
* ag searches all files by default (but still ignores gitignored files). This
removes the need for ack's `--type-add=` options.
* The command is 33% shorter than ack!
* Set up Vundle in vimrc.
* Delete old copies of vim scripts.
* Bundles are automatically set up as referenced submodules.
* Ignore .netrwhist files given presence of submodules.
* Set up vundle in install script.