* Lists all remote branches
* Sorts by last commit date, descending
* Shows how long the branch has been around
* Shows last commit author
$ git branches
6 days ago Dan Croak origin/HEAD
6 days ago Dan Croak origin/master
5 months ago Dan Croak origin/dc-rbenv-zsh
6 months ago Sean Doyle origin/sd-nvm-path
6 months ago Tute Costa origin/vim-multiple-cursors
7 months ago Sean Doyle origin/sd-vundle
8 months ago Sean Griffin origin/sg-disable-spring
9 months ago Mike Burns origin/mb-experimental-tag
Using the `commit.template` setting, read in a commit message template
for each commit. This template is commented out so the commit message
author doesn't need to delete it.
The template serves as a reminder on how to write a better commit
message. The bullets are taken from Caleb's blog post[1]. There is no
_problem_ per se -- we are writing good messages these days -- but it's
handy to be reminded of things to think about. For example, people often
forget to note whether there are any side effects.
This message does not show on `git commit --amend`, only normal `git
[1] http://bit.ly/13HWyiy
This has the effect that Git will never implicitly do a merge commit,
including while doing git pull. If I'm unexpectedly out of sync when I
git pull, I get this message:
> fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
At that point, I know that I've forgotten to do something in my normal
workflow, and I retrace my steps.
I like the value of seeing a failure message if a pull (or just merge)
fails due to not being able to get fast-forwarded. Then I can look to
see whose changes went out, that I may have not expected to be there.
* Fast commits.
* Fast rebase of origin into feature branch.
* Fast merge feature branch into master.
* Fast branch creation.
* Fast branch deletion.