thoughtbot dotfiles =================== ![prompt]( Requirements ------------ Set zsh as your login shell: chsh -s $(which zsh) Install ------- Clone onto your laptop: git clone ~/dotfiles (Or, [fork and keep your fork updated]( Install [rcm]( brew install rcm Install the dotfiles: env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup After the initial installation, you can run `rcup` without the one-time variable `RCRC` being set (`rcup` will symlink the repo's `rcrc` to `~/.rcrc` for future runs of `rcup`). [See example]( This command will create symlinks for config files in your home directory. Setting the `RCRC` environment variable tells `rcup` to use standard configuration options: * Exclude the ``, `` and `LICENSE` files, which are part of the `dotfiles` repository but do not need to be symlinked in. * Give precedence to personal overrides which by default are placed in `~/dotfiles-local` * Please configure the `rcrc` file if you'd like to make personal overrides in a different directory Update ------ From time to time you should pull down any updates to these dotfiles, and run rcup to link any new files and install new vim plugins. **Note** You _must_ run `rcup` after pulling to ensure that all files in plugins are properly installed, but you can safely run `rcup` multiple times so update early and update often! Make your own customizations ---------------------------- Create a directory for your personal customizations: mkdir ~/dotfiles-local Put your customizations in `~/dotfiles-local` appended with `.local`: * `~/dotfiles-local/aliases.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/git_template.local/*` * `~/dotfiles-local/gitconfig.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/psqlrc.local` (we supply a blank `.psqlrc.local` to prevent `psql` from throwing an error, but you should overwrite the file with your own copy) * `~/dotfiles-local/tmux.conf.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.bundles.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local` * `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/*` For example, your `~/dotfiles-local/aliases.local` might look like this: # Productivity alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo' Your `~/dotfiles-local/gitconfig.local` might look like this: [alias] l = log --pretty=colored [pretty] colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset [user] name = Dan Croak email = Your `~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.local` might look like this: " Color scheme colorscheme github highlight NonText guibg=#060606 highlight Folded guibg=#0A0A0A guifg=#9090D0 If you don't wish to install a vim plugin from the default set of vim plugins in `.vimrc.bundles`, you can ignore the plugin by calling it out with `UnPlug` in your `~/.vimrc.bundles.local`. " Don't install vim-scripts/tComment UnPlug 'tComment' `UnPlug` can be used to install your own fork of a plugin or to install a shared plugin with different custom options. " Only load vim-coffee-script if a Coffeescript buffer is created UnPlug 'vim-coffee-script' Plug 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script', { 'for': 'coffee' } " Use a personal fork of vim-run-interactive UnPlug 'vim-run-interactive' Plug '$HOME/plugins/vim-run-interactive' To extend your `git` hooks, create executable scripts in `~/dotfiles-local/git_template.local/hooks/*` files. Your `~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local` might look like this: # load pyenv if available if which pyenv &>/dev/null ; then eval "$(pyenv init -)" fi Your `~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.bundles.local` might look like this: Plug 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' Plug 'stephenmckinney/vim-solarized-powerline' zsh Configurations ------------------ Additional zsh configuration can go under the `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs` directory. This has two special subdirectories: `pre` for files that must be loaded first, and `post` for files that must be loaded last. For example, `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/pre/virtualenv` makes use of various shell features which may be affected by your settings, so load it first: # Load the virtualenv wrapper . /usr/local/bin/ Setting a key binding can happen in `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/keys`: # Grep anywhere with ^G bindkey -s '^G' ' | grep ' Some changes, like `chpwd`, must happen in `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/post/chpwd`: # Show the entries in a directory whenever you cd in function chpwd { ls } This directory is handy for combining dotfiles from multiple teams; one team can add the `virtualenv` file, another `keys`, and a third `chpwd`. The `~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local` is loaded after `~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs`. vim Configurations ------------------ Similarly to the zsh configuration directory as described above, vim automatically loads all files in the `~/dotfiles-local/vim/plugin` directory. This does not have the same `pre` or `post` subdirectory support that our `zshrc` has. This is an example `~/dotfiles-local/vim/plugin/c.vim`. It is loaded every time vim starts, regardless of the file name: # Indent C programs according to BSD style(9) set cinoptions=:0,t0,+4,(4 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.[ch] setlocal sw=0 ts=8 noet What's in it? ------------- [vim]( configuration: * [fzf]( for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding. * [Rails.vim]( for enhanced navigation of Rails file structure via `gf` and `:A` (alternate), `:Rextract` partials, `:Rinvert` migrations, etc. * Run many kinds of tests [from vim]([ * Set `` to a single space. * Switch between the last two files with space-space. * Syntax highlighting for Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Elixir, more. * Use [Ag]( instead of Grep when available. * Map `ct` to re-index ctags. * Use [vim-mkdir]( for automatically creating non-existing directories before writing the buffer. * Use [vim-plug]( to manage plugins. [tmux]( configuration: * Improve color resolution. * Remove administrative debris (session name, hostname, time) in status bar. * Set prefix to `Ctrl+s` * Soften status bar color from harsh green to light gray. [git]( configuration: * Adds a `create-branch` alias to create feature branches. * Adds a `delete-branch` alias to delete feature branches. * Adds a `merge-branch` alias to merge feature branches into master. * Adds an `up` alias to fetch and rebase `origin/master` into the feature branch. Use `git up -i` for interactive rebases. * Adds `post-{checkout,commit,merge}` hooks to re-index your ctags. * Adds `pre-commit` and `prepare-commit-msg` stubs that delegate to your local config. * Adds `trust-bin` alias to append a project's `bin/` directory to `$PATH`. [Ruby]( configuration: * Add trusted binstubs to the `PATH`. * Load the ASDF version manager. Shell aliases and scripts: * `b` for `bundle`. * `g` with no arguments is `git status` and with arguments acts like `git`. * `migrate` for `bin/rails db:migrate db:rollback && bin/rails db:migrate db:test:prepare`. * `mcd` to make a directory and change into it. * `replace foo bar **/*.rb` to find and replace within a given list of files. * `tat` to attach to tmux session named the same as the current directory. * `v` for `$VISUAL`. Thanks ------ Thank you, [contributors](! Also, thank you to Corey Haines, Gary Bernhardt, and others for sharing your dotfiles and other shell scripts from which we derived inspiration for items in this project. License ------- dotfiles is copyright © 2009-2018 thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [`LICENSE`] file. [`LICENSE`]: /LICENSE About thoughtbot ---------------- ![thoughtbot]( dotfiles is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc. The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc. We love open source software! See [our other projects][community]. We are [available for hire][hire]. [community]: [hire]: