# load our own completion functions fpath=(~/.zsh/completion $fpath) for function in ~/.zsh/functions/*; do source $function done # completion autoload -U compinit compinit # automatically enter directories without cd setopt auto_cd # use vim as an editor export EDITOR=vim # aliases if [ -e "$HOME/.aliases" ]; then source "$HOME/.aliases" fi # vi mode bindkey -v bindkey "^F" vi-cmd-mode bindkey jj vi-cmd-mode # use incremental search bindkey "^R" history-incremental-search-backward # add some readline keys back bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line bindkey "^E" end-of-line # handy keybindings bindkey "^P" history-search-backward bindkey "^Y" accept-and-hold bindkey "^N" insert-last-word bindkey -s "^T" "^[Isudo ^[A" # "t" for "toughguy" # expand functions in the prompt setopt prompt_subst # prompt export PS1='[${SSH_CONNECTION+"%n@%m:"}%~] ' # ignore duplicate history entries setopt histignoredups # keep TONS of history export HISTSIZE=4096 # look for ey config in project dirs export EYRC=./.eyrc # automatically pushd setopt auto_pushd export dirstacksize=5 # awesome cd movements from zshkit setopt AUTOCD setopt AUTOPUSHD PUSHDMINUS PUSHDSILENT PUSHDTOHOME setopt cdablevars # Try to correct command line spelling setopt CORRECT CORRECT_ALL # Enable extended globbing setopt EXTENDED_GLOB