Dan Croak 49a4597dc4 Make it easy to checkout GitHub pull requests
This alias makes the following workflow possible:

Look at changes:

    git co-pr 123
    git diff origin/master

Bundle, validate tests are passing:


Rebase interactively, squash, and potentially improve commit messages:

    git rebase -i master

Merge code into master:

    git checkout master
    git merge pr/123 --ff-only


    git push origin master

Clean up:

    git branch -D pr/123
2014-07-25 19:09:11 -07:00

28 lines
771 B

default = current
ui = auto
aa = add --all
ap = add --patch
ca = commit --amend
ci = commit -v
co = checkout
co-pr = !sh -c 'git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1' -
create-branch = !sh -c 'git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/$1 && git fetch origin && git branch --track $1 origin/$1 && cd . && git checkout $1' -
delete-branch = !sh -c 'git push origin :refs/heads/$1 && git branch -D $1' -
merge-branch = !git checkout master && git merge @{-1}
pr = !hub pull-request
st = status
up = !git fetch origin && git rebase origin/master
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
autocrlf = input
ff = only
path = .gitconfig.local
template = ~/.gitmessage
prune = true