stages: - build - deploy image: archlinux/archlinux:base-devel variables: Desktop: "cosmic" build_iso: stage: build script: - ./ - echo "Renaming the output ISO file" - mv out/*.iso out/ParchLinux-cosmic-latest.iso artifacts: paths: - out/ParchLinux-cosmic-latest.iso rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG deploy_iso: stage: deploy dependencies: - build_iso script: - echo "Installing sshpass and rsync" - pacman -Syu --noconfirm sshpass rsync - echo "Removing old ISO files from remote directory" - sshpass -p "$PASS" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no parch@$SSH_ROOT rm -rf /srv/http/cosmic/ - echo "Creating new directory on remote host" - sshpass -p "$PASS" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no parch@$SSH_ROOT mkdir -p /srv/http/cosmic/ - echo "Uploading new ISO via rsync" - sshpass -p "$PASS" rsync -r out/ParchLinux-cosmic-latest.iso parch@$SSH_ROOT:/srv/http/cosmic/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG