Next Parch Cosmic Iso #1

opened 2024-08-19 06:22:20 -04:00 by sohrab · 12 comments
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:22:20 -04:00 (Migrated from

Changes for Cosmic

  • Drop the chaotic-aur since cosmic is inside the extra
  • Add cosmic applications
  • Enhance the template
  • Make a proper readme page
  • Fix problems from old release.
# Changes for Cosmic - [x] Drop the chaotic-aur since cosmic is inside the extra - [x] Add cosmic applications - [x] Enhance the template - [x] Make a proper readme page - [x] Fix problems from old release.
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:22:21 -04:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @sohrab

assigned to @sohrab
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:53:10 -04:00 (Migrated from

created branch 2024-08-30 to address this issue

created branch [`2024-08-30`](/iso/team/parch-iso-cosmic/-/compare/main...2024-08-30) to address this issue
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:54:28 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Fix problems from old release. as completed

marked the checklist item **Fix problems from old release.** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:54:29 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Fix problems from old release. as incomplete

marked the checklist item **Fix problems from old release.** as incomplete
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:54:35 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Drop the chaotic-aur since cosmic is inside the extra as completed

marked the checklist item **Drop the chaotic-aur since cosmic is inside the extra** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-19 06:54:36 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Make a proper readme page as completed

marked the checklist item **Make a proper readme page** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:12:52 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Add cosmic applications as completed

marked the checklist item **Add cosmic applications** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:12:56 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Enhance the template as completed

marked the checklist item **Enhance the template** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:13:01 -04:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:51:35 -04:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Fix problems from old release. as completed

marked the checklist item **Fix problems from old release.** as completed
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:51:38 -04:00 (Migrated from

created branch 1-next-parch-cosmic-iso to address this issue

created branch [`1-next-parch-cosmic-iso`](/iso/team/parch-iso-cosmic/-/compare/main...1-next-parch-cosmic-iso) to address this issue
sohrab commented 2024-08-30 15:51:59 -04:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in merge request !2

mentioned in merge request !2
sohrab (Migrated from closed this issue 2024-09-02 16:28:44 -04:00
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Reference: iso/parch-iso-cosmic#1
No description provided.