# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-module-docstring from __future__ import annotations import abc import importlib import logging import pathlib import warnings from dataclasses import dataclass from searx.utils import load_module from searx.result_types.answer import BaseAnswer _default = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("searx.answerers") @dataclass class AnswererInfo: """Object that holds informations about an answerer, these infos are shown to the user in the Preferences menu. To be able to translate the information into other languages, the text must be written in English and translated with :py:obj:`flask_babel.gettext`. """ name: str """Name of the *answerer*.""" description: str """Short description of the *answerer*.""" examples: list[str] """List of short examples of the usage / of query terms.""" keywords: list[str] """See :py:obj:`Answerer.keywords`""" class Answerer(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class of answerers.""" keywords: list[str] """Keywords to which the answerer has *answers*.""" @abc.abstractmethod def answer(self, query: str) -> list[BaseAnswer]: """Function that returns a list of answers to the question/query.""" @abc.abstractmethod def info(self) -> AnswererInfo: """Informations about the *answerer*, see :py:obj:`AnswererInfo`.""" class ModuleAnswerer(Answerer): """A wrapper class for legacy *answerers* where the names (keywords, answer, info) are implemented on the module level (not in a class). .. note:: For internal use only! """ def __init__(self, mod): for name in ["keywords", "self_info", "answer"]: if not getattr(mod, name, None): raise SystemExit(2) if not isinstance(mod.keywords, tuple): raise SystemExit(2) self.module = mod self.keywords = mod.keywords # type: ignore def answer(self, query: str) -> list[BaseAnswer]: return self.module.answer(query) def info(self) -> AnswererInfo: kwargs = self.module.self_info() kwargs["keywords"] = self.keywords return AnswererInfo(**kwargs) class AnswerStorage(dict): """A storage for managing the *answerers* of SearXNG. With the :py:obj:`AnswerStorage.ask`” method, a caller can ask questions to all *answerers* and receives a list of the results.""" answerer_list: set[Answerer] """The list of :py:obj:`Answerer` in this storage.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.answerer_list = set() def load_builtins(self): """Loads ``answerer.py`` modules from the python packages in :origin:`searx/answerers`. The python modules are wrapped by :py:obj:`ModuleAnswerer`.""" for f in _default.iterdir(): if f.name.startswith("_"): continue if f.is_file() and f.suffix == ".py": self.register_by_fqn(f"searx.answerers.{f.stem}.SXNGAnswerer") continue # for backward compatibility (if a fork has additional answerers) if f.is_dir() and (f / "answerer.py").exists(): warnings.warn( f"answerer module {f} is deprecated / migrate to searx.answerers.Answerer", DeprecationWarning ) mod = load_module("answerer.py", str(f)) self.register(ModuleAnswerer(mod)) def register_by_fqn(self, fqn: str): """Register a :py:obj:`Answerer` via its fully qualified class namen(FQN).""" mod_name, _, obj_name = fqn.rpartition('.') mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) code_obj = getattr(mod, obj_name, None) if code_obj is None: msg = f"answerer {fqn} is not implemented" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.register(code_obj()) def register(self, answerer: Answerer): """Register a :py:obj:`Answerer`.""" self.answerer_list.add(answerer) for _kw in answerer.keywords: self[_kw] = self.get(_kw, []) self[_kw].append(answerer) def ask(self, query: str) -> list[BaseAnswer]: """An answerer is identified via keywords, if there is a keyword at the first position in the ``query`` for which there is one or more answerers, then these are called, whereby the entire ``query`` is passed as argument to the answerer function.""" results = [] keyword = None for keyword in query.split(): if keyword: break if not keyword or keyword not in self: return results for answerer in self[keyword]: for answer in answerer.answer(query): # In case of *answers* prefix ``answerer:`` is set, see searx.result_types.Result answer.engine = f"answerer: {keyword}" results.append(answer) return results @property def info(self) -> list[AnswererInfo]: return [a.info() for a in self.answerer_list]