mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 18:05:44 -05:00
Typification of SearXNG ======================= This patch introduces the typing of the results. The why and how is described in the documentation, please generate the documentation .. $ make docs.clean docs.live and read the following articles in the "Developer documentation": - result types --> The result types are available from the `searx.result_types` module. The following have been implemented so far: - base result type: `searx.result_type.Result` --> - answer results --> including the type for translations (inspired by #3925). For all other types (which still need to be set up in subsequent PRs), template documentation has been created for the transition period. Doc of the fields used in Templates =================================== The template documentation is the basis for the typing and is the first complete documentation of the results (needed for engine development). It is the "working paper" (the plan) with which further typifications can be implemented in subsequent PRs. - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/357 Answer Templates ================ With the new (sub) types for `Answer`, the templates for the answers have also been revised, `Translation` are now displayed with collapsible entries (inspired by #3925). !en-de dog Plugins & Answerer ================== The implementation for `Plugin` and `Answer` has been revised, see documentation: - Plugin: - Answerer: With `AnswerStorage` and `AnswerStorage` to manage those items (in follow up PRs, `ArticleStorage`, `InfoStorage` and .. will be implemented) Autocomplete ============ The autocompletion had a bug where the results from `Answer` had not been shown in the past. To test activate autocompletion and try search terms for which we have answerers - statistics: type `min 1 2 3` .. in the completion list you should find an entry like `[de] min(1, 2, 3) = 1` - random: type `random uuid` .. in the completion list, the first item is a random UUID Extended Types ============== SearXNG extends e.g. the request and response types of flask and httpx, a module has been set up for type extensions: - Extended Types --> Unit-Tests ========== The unit tests have been completely revised. In the previous implementation, the runtime (the global variables such as `searx.settings`) was not initialized before each test, so the runtime environment with which a test ran was always determined by the tests that ran before it. This was also the reason why we sometimes had to observe non-deterministic errors in the tests in the past: - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/2988 is one example for the Runtime issues, with non-deterministic behavior .. - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3650 - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3654 - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3642#issuecomment-2226884469 - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3746#issuecomment-2300965005 Why msgspec.Struct ================== We have already discussed typing based on e.g. `TypeDict` or `dataclass` in the past: - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/1562/files - https://gist.github.com/dalf/972eb05e7a9bee161487132a7de244d2 - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/1412/files - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/1356 In my opinion, TypeDict is unsuitable because the objects are still dictionaries and not instances of classes / the `dataclass` are classes but ... The `msgspec.Struct` combine the advantages of typing, runtime behaviour and also offer the option of (fast) serializing (incl. type check) the objects. Currently not possible but conceivable with `msgspec`: Outsourcing the engines into separate processes, what possibilities this opens up in the future is left to the imagination! Internally, we have already defined that it is desirable to decouple the development of the engines from the development of the SearXNG core / The serialization of the `Result` objects is a prerequisite for this. HINT: The threads listed above were the template for this PR, even though the implementation here is based on msgspec. They should also be an inspiration for the following PRs of typification, as the models and implementations can provide a good direction. Why just one commit? ==================== I tried to create several (thematically separated) commits, but gave up at some point ... there are too many things to tackle at once / The comprehensibility of the commits would not be improved by a thematic separation. On the contrary, we would have to make multiple changes at the same places and the goal of a change would be vaguely recognizable in the fog of the commits. Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
1378 lines
50 KiB
Executable file
1378 lines
50 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=use-dict-literal
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import os
import sys
import base64
from timeit import default_timer
from html import escape
from io import StringIO
import typing
import urllib
import urllib.parse
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, unquote
import warnings
import httpx
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import flask
from flask import (
from flask.wrappers import Response
from flask.json import jsonify
from flask_babel import (
from searx.extended_types import sxng_request
from searx import (
from searx import infopage
from searx import limiter
from searx.botdetection import link_token
from searx.data import ENGINE_DESCRIPTIONS
from searx.result_types import Answer
from searx.settings_defaults import OUTPUT_FORMATS
from searx.settings_loader import DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE
from searx.exceptions import SearxParameterException
from searx.engines import (
from searx import webutils
from searx.webutils import (
from searx.webadapter import (
from searx.utils import gen_useragent, dict_subset
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING, GIT_URL, GIT_BRANCH
from searx.query import RawTextQuery
from searx.plugins.oa_doi_rewrite import get_doi_resolver
from searx.preferences import (
import searx.answerers
import searx.plugins
from searx.metrics import get_engines_stats, get_engine_errors, get_reliabilities, histogram, counter, openmetrics
from searx.flaskfix import patch_application
from searx.locales import (
# renaming names from searx imports ...
from searx.autocomplete import search_autocomplete, backends as autocomplete_backends
from searx import favicons
from searx.redisdb import initialize as redis_initialize
from searx.sxng_locales import sxng_locales
import searx.search
from searx.network import stream as http_stream, set_context_network_name
from searx.search.checker import get_result as checker_get_result
logger = logger.getChild('webapp')
# check secret_key
if not searx_debug and settings['server']['secret_key'] == 'ultrasecretkey':
logger.error('server.secret_key is not changed. Please use something else instead of ultrasecretkey.')
# about static
logger.debug('static directory is %s', settings['ui']['static_path'])
static_files = get_static_files(settings['ui']['static_path'])
# about templates
logger.debug('templates directory is %s', settings['ui']['templates_path'])
default_theme = settings['ui']['default_theme']
templates_path = settings['ui']['templates_path']
themes = get_themes(templates_path)
result_templates = get_result_templates(templates_path)
'name': (False, 'name', ''),
'score': (True, 'score_per_result', 0),
'result_count': (True, 'result_count', 0),
'time': (False, 'total', 0),
'reliability': (False, 'reliability', 100),
# Flask app
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=settings['ui']['static_path'], template_folder=templates_path)
app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True
app.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True
app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') # pylint: disable=no-member
app.jinja_env.filters['group_engines_in_tab'] = group_engines_in_tab # pylint: disable=no-member
app.secret_key = settings['server']['secret_key']
def get_locale():
locale = localeselector()
logger.debug("%s uses locale `%s`", urllib.parse.quote(sxng_request.url), locale)
return locale
babel = Babel(app, locale_selector=get_locale)
def _get_browser_language(req, lang_list):
client = ClientPref.from_http_request(req)
locale = match_locale(client.locale_tag, lang_list, fallback='en')
return locale
def _get_locale_rfc5646(locale):
"""Get locale name for <html lang="...">
Chrom* browsers don't detect the language when there is a subtag (ie a territory).
For example "zh-TW" is detected but not "zh-Hant-TW".
This function returns a locale without the subtag.
parts = locale.split('-')
return parts[0].lower() + '-' + parts[-1].upper()
# code-highlighter
def code_highlighter(codelines, language=None):
if not language:
language = 'text'
# find lexer by programming language
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.warning("pygments lexer: %s " % e)
# if lexer is not found, using default one
lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text', stripall=True)
html_code = ''
tmp_code = ''
last_line = None
line_code_start = None
# parse lines
for line, code in codelines:
if not last_line:
line_code_start = line
# new codeblock is detected
if last_line is not None and last_line + 1 != line:
# highlight last codepart
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline', linenostart=line_code_start, cssclass="code-highlight")
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
# reset conditions for next codepart
tmp_code = ''
line_code_start = line
# add codepart
tmp_code += code + '\n'
# update line
last_line = line
# highlight last codepart
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline', linenostart=line_code_start, cssclass="code-highlight")
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
return html_code
def get_result_template(theme_name: str, template_name: str):
themed_path = theme_name + '/result_templates/' + template_name
if themed_path in result_templates:
return themed_path
return 'result_templates/' + template_name
def custom_url_for(endpoint: str, **values):
suffix = ""
if endpoint == 'static' and values.get('filename'):
file_hash = static_files.get(values['filename'])
if not file_hash:
# try file in the current theme
theme_name = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('theme')
filename_with_theme = "themes/{}/{}".format(theme_name, values['filename'])
file_hash = static_files.get(filename_with_theme)
if file_hash:
values['filename'] = filename_with_theme
if get_setting('ui.static_use_hash') and file_hash:
suffix = "?" + file_hash
if endpoint == 'info' and 'locale' not in values:
locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('locale')
if infopage.INFO_PAGES.get_page(values['pagename'], locale) is None:
locale = infopage.INFO_PAGES.locale_default
values['locale'] = locale
return url_for(endpoint, **values) + suffix
def morty_proxify(url: str):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
if not settings['result_proxy']['url']:
return url
url_params = dict(mortyurl=url)
if settings['result_proxy']['key']:
url_params['mortyhash'] = hmac.new(settings['result_proxy']['key'], url.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
return '{0}?{1}'.format(settings['result_proxy']['url'], urlencode(url_params))
def image_proxify(url: str):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
if not sxng_request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy'):
return url
if url.startswith('data:image/'):
# 50 is an arbitrary number to get only the beginning of the image.
partial_base64 = url[len('data:image/') : 50].split(';')
if (
len(partial_base64) == 2
and partial_base64[0] in ['gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'pjpeg', 'webp', 'tiff', 'bmp']
and partial_base64[1].startswith('base64,')
return url
return None
if settings['result_proxy']['url']:
return morty_proxify(url)
h = new_hmac(settings['server']['secret_key'], url.encode())
return '{0}?{1}'.format(url_for('image_proxy'), urlencode(dict(url=url.encode(), h=h)))
def get_translations():
return {
# when there is autocompletion
'no_item_found': gettext('No item found'),
# /preferences: the source of the engine description (wikipedata, wikidata, website)
'Source': gettext('Source'),
# infinite scroll
'error_loading_next_page': gettext('Error loading the next page'),
def get_enabled_categories(category_names: typing.Iterable[str]):
"""The categories in ``category_names```for which there is no active engine
are filtered out and a reduced list is returned."""
enabled_engines = [item[0] for item in sxng_request.preferences.engines.get_enabled()]
enabled_categories = set()
for engine_name in enabled_engines:
return [x for x in category_names if x in enabled_categories]
def get_pretty_url(parsed_url: urllib.parse.ParseResult):
url_formatting_pref = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('url_formatting')
if url_formatting_pref == 'full':
return [parsed_url.geturl()]
if url_formatting_pref == 'host':
return [parsed_url.netloc]
path = parsed_url.path
path = path[:-1] if len(path) > 0 and path[-1] == '/' else path
path = unquote(path.replace("/", " › "))
return [parsed_url.scheme + "://" + parsed_url.netloc, path]
def get_client_settings():
req_pref = sxng_request.preferences
return {
'autocomplete': req_pref.get_value('autocomplete'),
'autocomplete_min': get_setting('search.autocomplete_min'),
'method': req_pref.get_value('method'),
'infinite_scroll': req_pref.get_value('infinite_scroll'),
'translations': get_translations(),
'search_on_category_select': req_pref.get_value('search_on_category_select'),
'hotkeys': req_pref.get_value('hotkeys'),
'url_formatting': req_pref.get_value('url_formatting'),
'theme_static_path': custom_url_for('static', filename='themes/simple'),
'results_on_new_tab': req_pref.get_value('results_on_new_tab'),
'favicon_resolver': req_pref.get_value('favicon_resolver'),
'advanced_search': req_pref.get_value('advanced_search'),
'query_in_title': req_pref.get_value('query_in_title'),
'safesearch': str(req_pref.get_value('safesearch')),
'theme': req_pref.get_value('theme'),
'doi_resolver': get_doi_resolver(req_pref),
def render(template_name: str, **kwargs):
# values from the preferences
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
client_settings = get_client_settings()
kwargs['client_settings'] = str(
kwargs['preferences'] = sxng_request.preferences
# values from the HTTP requests
kwargs['endpoint'] = 'results' if 'q' in kwargs else sxng_request.endpoint
kwargs['cookies'] = sxng_request.cookies
kwargs['errors'] = sxng_request.errors
kwargs['link_token'] = link_token.get_token()
kwargs['categories_as_tabs'] = list(settings['categories_as_tabs'].keys())
kwargs['categories'] = get_enabled_categories(settings['categories_as_tabs'].keys())
# i18n
kwargs['sxng_locales'] = [l for l in sxng_locales if l[0] in settings['search']['languages']]
locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('locale')
kwargs['locale_rfc5646'] = _get_locale_rfc5646(locale)
if locale in RTL_LOCALES and 'rtl' not in kwargs:
kwargs['rtl'] = True
if 'current_language' not in kwargs:
kwargs['current_language'] = parse_lang(sxng_request.preferences, {}, RawTextQuery('', []))
# values from settings
kwargs['search_formats'] = [x for x in settings['search']['formats'] if x != 'html']
kwargs['instance_name'] = get_setting('general.instance_name')
kwargs['searx_version'] = VERSION_STRING
kwargs['searx_git_url'] = GIT_URL
kwargs['enable_metrics'] = get_setting('general.enable_metrics')
kwargs['get_setting'] = get_setting
kwargs['get_pretty_url'] = get_pretty_url
# values from settings: donation_url
donation_url = get_setting('general.donation_url')
if donation_url is True:
donation_url = custom_url_for('info', pagename='donate')
kwargs['donation_url'] = donation_url
# helpers to create links to other pages
kwargs['url_for'] = custom_url_for # override url_for function in templates
kwargs['image_proxify'] = image_proxify
kwargs['favicon_url'] = favicons.favicon_url
kwargs['proxify'] = morty_proxify if settings['result_proxy']['url'] is not None else None
kwargs['proxify_results'] = settings['result_proxy']['proxify_results']
kwargs['cache_url'] = settings['ui']['cache_url']
kwargs['get_result_template'] = get_result_template
kwargs['opensearch_url'] = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode(
'method': sxng_request.preferences.get_value('method'),
'autocomplete': sxng_request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete'),
kwargs['urlparse'] = urlparse
start_time = default_timer()
result = render_template('{}/{}'.format(kwargs['theme'], template_name), **kwargs)
sxng_request.render_time += default_timer() - start_time # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
return result
def pre_request():
sxng_request.start_time = default_timer() # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
sxng_request.render_time = 0 # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
sxng_request.timings = [] # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
sxng_request.errors = [] # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
client_pref = ClientPref.from_http_request(sxng_request)
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
preferences = Preferences(themes, list(categories.keys()), engines, searx.plugins.STORAGE, client_pref)
user_agent = sxng_request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower()
if 'webkit' in user_agent and 'android' in user_agent:
preferences.key_value_settings['method'].value = 'GET'
sxng_request.preferences = preferences # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)
sxng_request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
# merge GET, POST vars
# HINT request.form is of type werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict
sxng_request.form = dict(sxng_request.form.items()) # type: ignore
for k, v in sxng_request.args.items():
if k not in sxng_request.form:
sxng_request.form[k] = v
if sxng_request.form.get('preferences'):
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)
sxng_request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings'))
# language is defined neither in settings nor in preferences
# use browser headers
if not preferences.get_value("language"):
language = _get_browser_language(sxng_request, settings['search']['languages'])
preferences.parse_dict({"language": language})
logger.debug('set language %s (from browser)', preferences.get_value("language"))
# UI locale is defined neither in settings nor in preferences
# use browser headers
if not preferences.get_value("locale"):
locale = _get_browser_language(sxng_request, LOCALE_NAMES.keys())
preferences.parse_dict({"locale": locale})
logger.debug('set locale %s (from browser)', preferences.get_value("locale"))
# request.user_plugins
sxng_request.user_plugins = [] # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
allowed_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
disabled_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_disabled()
for plugin in searx.plugins.STORAGE:
if (plugin.id not in disabled_plugins) or plugin.id in allowed_plugins:
def add_default_headers(response: flask.Response):
# set default http headers
for header, value in settings['server']['default_http_headers'].items():
if header in response.headers:
response.headers[header] = value
return response
def post_request(response: flask.Response):
total_time = default_timer() - sxng_request.start_time
timings_all = [
'total;dur=' + str(round(total_time * 1000, 3)),
'render;dur=' + str(round(sxng_request.render_time * 1000, 3)),
if len(sxng_request.timings) > 0:
timings = sorted(sxng_request.timings, key=lambda t: t.total)
timings_total = [
'total_' + str(i) + '_' + t.engine + ';dur=' + str(round(t.total * 1000, 3)) for i, t in enumerate(timings)
timings_load = [
'load_' + str(i) + '_' + t.engine + ';dur=' + str(round(t.load * 1000, 3))
for i, t in enumerate(timings)
if t.load
timings_all = timings_all + timings_total + timings_load
response.headers.add('Server-Timing', ', '.join(timings_all))
return response
def index_error(output_format: str, error_message: str):
if output_format == 'json':
return Response(json.dumps({'error': error_message}), mimetype='application/json')
if output_format == 'csv':
response = Response('', mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx.csv'
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
return response
if output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
q=sxng_request.form['q'] if 'q' in sxng_request.form else '',
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
# html
sxng_request.errors.append(gettext('search error'))
return render(
# fmt: off
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(sxng_request.preferences, sxng_request.form),
# fmt: on
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
"""Render index page."""
# redirect to search if there's a query in the request
if sxng_request.form.get('q'):
query = ('?' + sxng_request.query_string.decode()) if sxng_request.query_string else ''
return redirect(url_for('search') + query, 308)
return render(
# fmt: off
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(sxng_request.preferences, sxng_request.form),
current_locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("locale"),
# fmt: on
@app.route('/healthz', methods=['GET'])
def health():
return Response('OK', mimetype='text/plain')
@app.route('/client<token>.css', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def client_token(token=None):
link_token.ping(sxng_request, token)
return Response('', mimetype='text/css')
@app.route('/rss.xsl', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def rss_xsl():
return render_template(
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search():
"""Search query in q and return results.
Supported outputs: html, json, csv, rss.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# output_format
output_format = sxng_request.form.get('format', 'html')
if output_format not in OUTPUT_FORMATS:
output_format = 'html'
if output_format not in settings['search']['formats']:
# check if there is query (not None and not an empty string)
if not sxng_request.form.get('q'):
if output_format == 'html':
return render(
# fmt: off
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(sxng_request.preferences, sxng_request.form),
# fmt: on
return index_error(output_format, 'No query'), 400
# search
search_query = None
raw_text_query = None
result_container = None
search_query, raw_text_query, _, _, selected_locale = get_search_query_from_webapp(
sxng_request.preferences, sxng_request.form
search_obj = searx.search.SearchWithPlugins(search_query, sxng_request, sxng_request.user_plugins)
result_container = search_obj.search()
except SearxParameterException as e:
logger.exception('search error: SearxParameterException')
return index_error(output_format, e.message), 400
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)
return index_error(output_format, gettext('search error')), 500
# 1. check if the result is a redirect for an external bang
if result_container.redirect_url:
return redirect(result_container.redirect_url)
# 2. add Server-Timing header for measuring performance characteristics of
# web applications
sxng_request.timings = result_container.get_timings() # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
# 3. formats without a template
if output_format == 'json':
response = webutils.get_json_response(search_query, result_container)
return Response(response, mimetype='application/json')
if output_format == 'csv':
csv = webutils.CSVWriter(StringIO())
webutils.write_csv_response(csv, result_container)
response = Response(csv.stream.read(), mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx_-_{0}.csv'.format(search_query.query)
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
return response
# 4. formats rendered by a template / RSS & HTML
current_template = None
previous_result = None
results = result_container.get_ordered_results()
if search_query.redirect_to_first_result and results:
return redirect(results[0]['url'], 302)
for result in results:
if output_format == 'html':
if 'content' in result and result['content']:
result['content'] = highlight_content(escape(result['content'][:1024]), search_query.query)
if 'title' in result and result['title']:
result['title'] = highlight_content(escape(result['title'] or ''), search_query.query)
if 'url' in result:
result['pretty_url'] = webutils.prettify_url(result['url'])
if result.get('publishedDate'): # do not try to get a date from an empty string or a None type
try: # test if publishedDate >= 1900 (datetime module bug)
result['pubdate'] = result['publishedDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
except ValueError:
result['publishedDate'] = None
result['publishedDate'] = webutils.searxng_l10n_timespan(result['publishedDate'])
# set result['open_group'] = True when the template changes from the previous result
# set result['close_group'] = True when the template changes on the next result
if current_template != result.get('template'):
result['open_group'] = True
if previous_result:
previous_result['close_group'] = True # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
current_template = result.get('template')
previous_result = result
if previous_result:
previous_result['close_group'] = True
# 4.a RSS
if output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
# 4.b HTML
# suggestions: use RawTextQuery to get the suggestion URLs with the same bang
suggestion_urls = list(
lambda suggestion: {'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(suggestion).getFullQuery(), 'title': suggestion},
correction_urls = list(
lambda correction: {'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(correction).getFullQuery(), 'title': correction},
# engine_timings: get engine response times sorted from slowest to fastest
engine_timings = sorted(result_container.get_timings(), reverse=True, key=lambda e: e.total)
max_response_time = engine_timings[0].total if engine_timings else None
engine_timings_pairs = [(timing.engine, timing.total) for timing in engine_timings]
# search_query.lang contains the user choice (all, auto, en, ...)
# when the user choice is "auto", search.search_query.lang contains the detected language
# otherwise it is equals to search_query.lang
return render(
# fmt: off
results = results,
selected_categories = search_query.categories,
pageno = search_query.pageno,
time_range = search_query.time_range or '',
number_of_results = format_decimal(result_container.number_of_results),
suggestions = suggestion_urls,
answers = result_container.answers,
corrections = correction_urls,
infoboxes = result_container.infoboxes,
engine_data = result_container.engine_data,
paging = result_container.paging,
unresponsive_engines = webutils.get_translated_errors(
current_locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("locale"),
current_language = selected_locale,
search_language = match_locale(
timeout_limit = sxng_request.form.get('timeout_limit', None),
timings = engine_timings_pairs,
max_response_time = max_response_time
# fmt: on
@app.route('/about', methods=['GET'])
def about():
"""Redirect to about page"""
# custom_url_for is going to add the locale
return redirect(custom_url_for('info', pagename='about'))
@app.route('/info/<locale>/<pagename>', methods=['GET'])
def info(pagename, locale):
"""Render page of online user documentation"""
page = infopage.INFO_PAGES.get_page(pagename, locale)
if page is None:
user_locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('locale')
return render(
all_pages=infopage.INFO_PAGES.iter_pages(user_locale, fallback_to_default=True),
@app.route('/autocompleter', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def autocompleter():
"""Return autocompleter results"""
# run autocompleter
results = []
# set blocked engines
disabled_engines = sxng_request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
# parse query
raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(sxng_request.form.get('q', ''), disabled_engines)
sug_prefix = raw_text_query.getQuery()
for obj in searx.answerers.STORAGE.ask(sug_prefix):
if isinstance(obj, Answer):
# normal autocompletion results only appear if no inner results returned
# and there is a query part
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) == 0 and len(sug_prefix) > 0:
# get SearXNG's locale and autocomplete backend from cookie
sxng_locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('language')
backend_name = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete')
for result in search_autocomplete(backend_name, sug_prefix, sxng_locale):
# attention: this loop will change raw_text_query object and this is
# the reason why the sug_prefix was stored before (see above)
if result != sug_prefix:
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) > 0:
for autocomplete_text in raw_text_query.autocomplete_list:
if sxng_request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
# the suggestion request comes from the searx search form
suggestions = json.dumps(results)
mimetype = 'application/json'
# the suggestion request comes from browser's URL bar
suggestions = json.dumps([sug_prefix, results])
mimetype = 'application/x-suggestions+json'
suggestions = escape(suggestions, False)
return Response(suggestions, mimetype=mimetype)
@app.route('/preferences', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def preferences():
"""Render preferences page && save user preferences"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# save preferences using the link the /preferences?preferences=...
if sxng_request.args.get('preferences') or sxng_request.form.get('preferences'):
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
return sxng_request.preferences.save(resp)
# save preferences
if sxng_request.method == 'POST':
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
except ValidationException:
sxng_request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
return resp
return sxng_request.preferences.save(resp)
# render preferences
image_proxy = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy') # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
disabled_engines = sxng_request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
allowed_plugins = sxng_request.preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
# stats for preferences page
filtered_engines = dict(filter(lambda kv: sxng_request.preferences.validate_token(kv[1]), engines.items()))
engines_by_category = {}
for c in categories: # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items
engines_by_category[c] = [e for e in categories[c] if e.name in filtered_engines]
# sort the engines alphabetically since the order in settings.yml is meaningless.
list.sort(engines_by_category[c], key=lambda e: e.name)
# get first element [0], the engine time,
# and then the second element [1] : the time (the first one is the label)
stats = {} # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
max_rate95 = 0
for _, e in filtered_engines.items():
h = histogram('engine', e.name, 'time', 'total')
median = round(h.percentage(50), 1) if h.count > 0 else None
rate80 = round(h.percentage(80), 1) if h.count > 0 else None
rate95 = round(h.percentage(95), 1) if h.count > 0 else None
max_rate95 = max(max_rate95, rate95 or 0)
result_count_sum = histogram('engine', e.name, 'result', 'count').sum
successful_count = counter('engine', e.name, 'search', 'count', 'successful')
result_count = int(result_count_sum / float(successful_count)) if successful_count else 0
stats[e.name] = {
'time': median,
'rate80': rate80,
'rate95': rate95,
'warn_timeout': e.timeout > settings['outgoing']['request_timeout'],
'supports_selected_language': e.traits.is_locale_supported(
str(sxng_request.preferences.get_value('language') or 'all')
'result_count': result_count,
# end of stats
# reliabilities
reliabilities = {}
engine_errors = get_engine_errors(filtered_engines)
checker_results = checker_get_result()
checker_results = (
checker_results['engines'] if checker_results['status'] == 'ok' and 'engines' in checker_results else {}
for _, e in filtered_engines.items():
checker_result = checker_results.get(e.name, {})
checker_success = checker_result.get('success', True)
errors = engine_errors.get(e.name) or []
if counter('engine', e.name, 'search', 'count', 'sent') == 0:
# no request
reliability = None
elif checker_success and not errors:
reliability = 100
elif 'simple' in checker_result.get('errors', {}):
# the basic (simple) test doesn't work: the engine is broken according to the checker
# even if there is no exception
reliability = 0
# pylint: disable=consider-using-generator
reliability = 100 - sum([error['percentage'] for error in errors if not error.get('secondary')])
reliabilities[e.name] = {
'reliability': reliability,
'errors': [],
'checker': checker_results.get(e.name, {}).get('errors', {}).keys(),
# keep the order of the list checker_results[e.name]['errors'] and deduplicate.
# the first element has the highest percentage rate.
reliabilities_errors = []
for error in errors:
error_user_text = None
if error.get('secondary') or 'exception_classname' not in error:
error_user_text = exception_classname_to_text.get(error.get('exception_classname'))
if not error:
error_user_text = exception_classname_to_text[None]
if error_user_text not in reliabilities_errors:
reliabilities[e.name]['errors'] = reliabilities_errors
# supports
supports = {}
for _, e in filtered_engines.items():
supports_selected_language = e.traits.is_locale_supported(
str(sxng_request.preferences.get_value('language') or 'all')
safesearch = e.safesearch
time_range_support = e.time_range_support
for checker_test_name in checker_results.get(e.name, {}).get('errors', {}):
if supports_selected_language and checker_test_name.startswith('lang_'):
supports_selected_language = '?'
elif safesearch and checker_test_name == 'safesearch':
safesearch = '?'
elif time_range_support and checker_test_name == 'time_range':
time_range_support = '?'
supports[e.name] = {
'supports_selected_language': supports_selected_language,
'safesearch': safesearch,
'time_range_support': time_range_support,
return render(
# fmt: off
preferences = True,
selected_categories = get_selected_categories(sxng_request.preferences, sxng_request.form),
locales = LOCALE_NAMES,
current_locale = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("locale"),
image_proxy = image_proxy,
engines_by_category = engines_by_category,
stats = stats,
max_rate95 = max_rate95,
reliabilities = reliabilities,
supports = supports,
answer_storage = searx.answerers.STORAGE.info,
disabled_engines = disabled_engines,
autocomplete_backends = autocomplete_backends,
favicon_resolver_names = favicons.proxy.CFG.resolver_map.keys(),
shortcuts = {y: x for x, y in engine_shortcuts.items()},
themes = themes,
plugins_storage = searx.plugins.STORAGE.info,
current_doi_resolver = get_doi_resolver(sxng_request.preferences),
allowed_plugins = allowed_plugins,
preferences_url_params = sxng_request.preferences.get_as_url_params(),
locked_preferences = get_setting("preferences.lock", []),
doi_resolvers = get_setting("doi_resolvers", {}),
# fmt: on
app.add_url_rule('/favicon_proxy', methods=['GET'], endpoint="favicon_proxy", view_func=favicons.favicon_proxy)
@app.route('/image_proxy', methods=['GET'])
def image_proxy():
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
url = sxng_request.args.get('url')
if not url:
return '', 400
if not is_hmac_of(settings['server']['secret_key'], url.encode(), sxng_request.args.get('h', '')):
return '', 400
maximum_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024
forward_resp = False
resp = None
request_headers = {
'User-Agent': gen_useragent(),
'Accept': 'image/webp,*/*',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'Sec-GPC': '1',
'DNT': '1',
resp, stream = http_stream(method='GET', url=url, headers=request_headers, allow_redirects=True)
content_length = resp.headers.get('Content-Length')
if content_length and content_length.isdigit() and int(content_length) > maximum_size:
return 'Max size', 400
if resp.status_code != 200:
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong response code: %i', resp.status_code)
if resp.status_code >= 400:
return '', resp.status_code
return '', 400
if not resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('image/') and not resp.headers.get(
'Content-Type', ''
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong content-type: %s', resp.headers.get('Content-Type', ''))
return '', 400
forward_resp = True
except httpx.HTTPError:
logger.exception('HTTP error')
return '', 400
if resp and not forward_resp:
# the code is about to return an HTTP 400 error to the browser
# we make sure to close the response between searxng and the HTTP server
except httpx.HTTPError:
logger.exception('HTTP error on closing')
def close_stream():
nonlocal resp, stream
if resp:
del resp
del stream
except httpx.HTTPError as e:
logger.debug('Exception while closing response', e)
headers = dict_subset(resp.headers, {'Content-Type', 'Content-Encoding', 'Content-Length', 'Length'})
response = Response(stream, mimetype=resp.headers['Content-Type'], headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True)
return response
except httpx.HTTPError:
return '', 400
@app.route('/engine_descriptions.json', methods=['GET'])
def engine_descriptions():
locale = get_locale().split('_')[0]
result = ENGINE_DESCRIPTIONS['en'].copy()
if locale != 'en':
for engine, description in ENGINE_DESCRIPTIONS.get(locale, {}).items():
result[engine] = description
for engine, description in result.items():
if len(description) == 2 and description[1] == 'ref':
ref_engine, ref_lang = description[0].split(':')
description = ENGINE_DESCRIPTIONS[ref_lang][ref_engine]
if isinstance(description, str):
description = [description, 'wikipedia']
result[engine] = description
# overwrite by about:description (from settings)
for engine_name, engine_mod in engines.items():
descr = getattr(engine_mod, 'about', {}).get('description', None)
if descr is not None:
result[engine_name] = [descr, "SearXNG config"]
return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/stats', methods=['GET'])
def stats():
"""Render engine statistics page."""
sort_order = sxng_request.args.get('sort', default='name', type=str)
selected_engine_name = sxng_request.args.get('engine', default=None, type=str)
filtered_engines = dict(filter(lambda kv: sxng_request.preferences.validate_token(kv[1]), engines.items()))
if selected_engine_name:
if selected_engine_name not in filtered_engines:
selected_engine_name = None
filtered_engines = [selected_engine_name]
checker_results = checker_get_result()
checker_results = (
checker_results['engines'] if checker_results['status'] == 'ok' and 'engines' in checker_results else {}
engine_stats = get_engines_stats(filtered_engines)
engine_reliabilities = get_reliabilities(filtered_engines, checker_results)
if sort_order not in STATS_SORT_PARAMETERS:
sort_order = 'name'
reverse, key_name, default_value = STATS_SORT_PARAMETERS[sort_order]
def get_key(engine_stat):
reliability = engine_reliabilities.get(engine_stat['name'], {}).get('reliability', 0)
reliability_order = 0 if reliability else 1
if key_name == 'reliability':
key = reliability
reliability_order = 0
key = engine_stat.get(key_name) or default_value
if reverse:
reliability_order = 1 - reliability_order
return (reliability_order, key, engine_stat['name'])
technical_report = []
for error in engine_reliabilities.get(selected_engine_name, {}).get('errors', []):
Error: {error['exception_classname'] or error['log_message']} \
Parameters: {error['log_parameters']} \
File name: {error['filename'] }:{ error['line_no'] } \
Error Function: {error['function']} \
Code: {error['code']} \
' ' * 12, ''
technical_report = ' '.join(technical_report)
engine_stats['time'] = sorted(engine_stats['time'], reverse=reverse, key=get_key)
return render(
# fmt: off
sort_order = sort_order,
engine_stats = engine_stats,
engine_reliabilities = engine_reliabilities,
selected_engine_name = selected_engine_name,
searx_git_branch = GIT_BRANCH,
technical_report = technical_report,
# fmt: on
@app.route('/stats/errors', methods=['GET'])
def stats_errors():
filtered_engines = dict(filter(lambda kv: sxng_request.preferences.validate_token(kv[1]), engines.items()))
result = get_engine_errors(filtered_engines)
return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/stats/checker', methods=['GET'])
def stats_checker():
result = checker_get_result()
return jsonify(result)
def stats_open_metrics():
password = settings['general'].get("open_metrics")
if not (settings['general'].get("enable_metrics") and password):
return Response('open metrics is disabled', status=404, mimetype='text/plain')
if not sxng_request.authorization or sxng_request.authorization.password != password:
return Response('access forbidden', status=401, mimetype='text/plain')
filtered_engines = dict(filter(lambda kv: sxng_request.preferences.validate_token(kv[1]), engines.items()))
checker_results = checker_get_result()
checker_results = (
checker_results['engines'] if checker_results['status'] == 'ok' and 'engines' in checker_results else {}
engine_stats = get_engines_stats(filtered_engines)
engine_reliabilities = get_reliabilities(filtered_engines, checker_results)
metrics_text = openmetrics(engine_stats, engine_reliabilities)
return Response(metrics_text, mimetype='text/plain')
@app.route('/robots.txt', methods=['GET'])
def robots():
return Response(
"""User-agent: *
Allow: /info/en/about
Disallow: /stats
Disallow: /image_proxy
Disallow: /preferences
Disallow: /*?*q=*
@app.route('/opensearch.xml', methods=['GET'])
def opensearch():
method = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('method')
autocomplete = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete')
# chrome/chromium only supports HTTP GET....
if sxng_request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower().find('webkit') >= 0:
method = 'GET'
if method not in ('POST', 'GET'):
method = 'POST'
ret = render('opensearch.xml', opensearch_method=method, autocomplete=autocomplete)
resp = Response(response=ret, status=200, mimetype="application/opensearchdescription+xml")
return resp
def favicon():
theme = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("theme")
return send_from_directory(
os.path.join(app.root_path, settings['ui']['static_path'], 'themes', theme, 'img'), # type: ignore
def clear_cookies():
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
for cookie_name in sxng_request.cookies:
return resp
def config():
"""Return configuration in JSON format."""
_engines = []
for name, engine in engines.items():
if not sxng_request.preferences.validate_token(engine):
_languages = engine.traits.languages.keys()
'name': name,
'categories': engine.categories,
'shortcut': engine.shortcut,
'enabled': not engine.disabled,
'paging': engine.paging,
'language_support': engine.language_support,
'languages': list(_languages),
'regions': list(engine.traits.regions.keys()),
'safesearch': engine.safesearch,
'time_range_support': engine.time_range_support,
'timeout': engine.timeout,
_plugins = []
for _ in searx.plugins.STORAGE:
_plugins.append({'name': _.id, 'enabled': _.default_on})
_limiter_cfg = limiter.get_cfg()
return jsonify(
'categories': list(categories.keys()),
'engines': _engines,
'plugins': _plugins,
'instance_name': settings['general']['instance_name'],
'locales': LOCALE_NAMES,
'default_locale': settings['ui']['default_locale'],
'autocomplete': settings['search']['autocomplete'],
'safe_search': settings['search']['safe_search'],
'default_theme': settings['ui']['default_theme'],
'version': VERSION_STRING,
'brand': {
'PRIVACYPOLICY_URL': get_setting('general.privacypolicy_url'),
'CONTACT_URL': get_setting('general.contact_url'),
'DOCS_URL': get_setting('brand.docs_url'),
'limiter': {
'enabled': limiter.is_installed(),
'botdetection.ip_limit.link_token': _limiter_cfg.get('botdetection.ip_limit.link_token'),
'botdetection.ip_lists.pass_searxng_org': _limiter_cfg.get('botdetection.ip_lists.pass_searxng_org'),
'doi_resolvers': list(settings['doi_resolvers'].keys()),
'default_doi_resolver': settings['default_doi_resolver'],
'public_instance': settings['server']['public_instance'],
def page_not_found(_e):
return render('404.html'), 404
# see https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/cli/
# True if "FLASK_APP=searx/webapp.py FLASK_ENV=development flask run"
flask_run_development = (
os.environ.get("FLASK_APP") is not None and os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV") == 'development' and is_flask_run_cmdline()
# True if reload feature is activated of werkzeug, False otherwise (including uwsgi, etc..)
# __name__ != "__main__" if searx.webapp is imported (make test, make docs, uwsgi...)
# see run() at the end of this file : searx_debug activates the reload feature.
werkzeug_reloader = flask_run_development or (searx_debug and __name__ == "__main__")
# initialize the engines except on the first run of the werkzeug server.
if not werkzeug_reloader or (werkzeug_reloader and os.environ.get("WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN") == "true"):
limiter.initialize(app, settings)
def run():
logger.debug('starting webserver on %s:%s', settings['server']['bind_address'], settings['server']['port'])
application = app
if __name__ == "__main__":