import atexit import shutil import os import subprocess import click import tempfile from constants import FLASH_PARTS, LOCATIONS from fastboot import fastboot_flash from image import dd_image, partprobe, shrink_fs, losetup_rootfs_image, dump_aboot, dump_lk2nd, dump_qhypstub, get_device_and_flavour, get_image_name, get_image_path from wrapper import enforce_wrap ABOOT = FLASH_PARTS['ABOOT'] LK2ND = FLASH_PARTS['LK2ND'] QHYPSTUB = FLASH_PARTS['QHYPSTUB'] ROOTFS = FLASH_PARTS['ROOTFS'] @click.command(name='flash') @click.argument('what', type=click.Choice(list(FLASH_PARTS.values()))) @click.argument('location', type=str, required=False) def cmd_flash(what: str, location: str): """Flash a partition onto a device. `location` takes either a path to a block device or one of emmc, sdcard""" enforce_wrap() device, flavour = get_device_and_flavour() device_image_name = get_image_name(device, flavour) device_image_path = get_image_path(device, flavour) # TODO: PARSE DEVICE SECTOR SIZE sector_size = 4096 if what not in FLASH_PARTS.values(): raise Exception(f'Unknown what "{what}", must be one of {", ".join(FLASH_PARTS.values())}') if what == ROOTFS: if location is None: raise Exception(f'You need to specify a location to flash {what} to') path = '' if location.startswith("/dev/"): path = location else: if location not in LOCATIONS: raise Exception(f'Invalid location {location}. Choose one of {", ".join(LOCATIONS)}') dir = '/dev/disk/by-id' for file in os.listdir(dir): sanitized_file = file.replace('-', '').replace('_', '').lower() if f'jumpdrive{location.split("-")[0]}' in sanitized_file: path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir, file)) partprobe(path) result =['lsblk', path, '-o', 'SIZE'], capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to lsblk {path}') if result.stdout == b'SIZE\n 0B\n': raise Exception( f'Disk {path} has a size of 0B. That probably means it is not available (e.g. no microSD inserted or no microSD card slot installed in the device) or corrupt or defect' ) if path == '': raise Exception('Unable to discover Jumpdrive') minimal_image_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() minimal_image_path = os.path.join(minimal_image_dir, f'minimal-{device_image_name}') def clean_dir(): shutil.rmtree(minimal_image_dir) atexit.register(clean_dir) shutil.copyfile(device_image_path, minimal_image_path) loop_device = losetup_rootfs_image(minimal_image_path, sector_size) partprobe(loop_device) shrink_fs(loop_device, minimal_image_path, sector_size) result = dd_image(input=minimal_image_path, output=path) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to flash {minimal_image_path} to {path}') else: loop_device = losetup_rootfs_image(device_image_path, sector_size) if what == ABOOT: path = dump_aboot(f'{loop_device}p1') fastboot_flash('boot', path) elif what == LK2ND: path = dump_lk2nd(f'{loop_device}p1') fastboot_flash('lk2nd', path) elif what == QHYPSTUB: path = dump_qhypstub(f'{loop_device}p1') fastboot_flash('qhypstub', path) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown what "{what}", this must be a bug in kupferbootstrap!')