import click import logging import multiprocessing import os import shutil import subprocess from copy import deepcopy from joblib import Parallel, delayed from constants import REPOSITORIES, CROSSDIRECT_PKGS, QEMU_BINFMT_PKGS, GCC_HOSTSPECS, ARCHES, Arch from config import config from chroot import get_build_chroot, Chroot from ssh import run_ssh_command, scp_put_files from wrapper import enforce_wrap from utils import git from binfmt import register as binfmt_register makepkg_env = os.environ.copy() | { 'LANG': 'C', 'MAKEFLAGS': f"-j{multiprocessing.cpu_count() if config.file['build']['threads'] < 1 else config.file['build']['threads']}", 'QEMU_LD_PREFIX': '/usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu' } makepkg_cross_env = makepkg_env | {'PACMAN': os.path.join(config.runtime['script_source_dir'], 'local/bin/pacman_aarch64')} makepkg_cmd = [ 'makepkg', '--noconfirm', '--ignorearch', '--needed', ] pacman_cmd = [ 'pacman', '-Syuu', '--noconfirm', '--overwrite=*', '--needed', ] class Package: name = '' names: list[str] = [] depends: list[str] = [] local_depends = None repo = '' mode = '' def __init__( self, path: str, native_chroot: Chroot, ) -> None: self.path = path dir = config.get_path('pkgbuilds') self._loadinfo(dir, native_chroot) def _loadinfo(self, dir, native_chroot: Chroot): result = native_chroot.run_cmd( makepkg_cmd + ['--printsrcinfo'], cwd=os.path.join(dir, self.path), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) lines = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') names = [] depends = [] multi_pkgs = False for line_raw in lines: line = line_raw.lstrip() if line.startswith('pkgbase'): = line.split(' = ')[1] names.append( multi_pkgs = True if line.startswith('pkgname'): names.append(line.split(' = ')[1]) if not multi_pkgs: = line.split(' = ')[1] if line.startswith('pkgbase') or line.startswith('provides'): names.append(line.split(' = ')[1]) if line.startswith('depends') or line.startswith('makedepends') or line.startswith('checkdepends') or line.startswith('optdepends'): depends.append(line.split(' = ')[1].split('=')[0].split(': ')[0]) self.names = list(set(names)) self.depends = list(set(depends)) self.repo = self.path.split('/')[2] mode = '' with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'PKGBUILD'), 'r') as file: for line in'\n'): if line.startswith('_mode='): mode = line.split('=')[1] break if mode not in ['host', 'cross']: logging.fatal(f'Package {self.path} has an invalid mode configured: \'{mode}\'') exit(1) self.mode = mode def __repr__(self): return f'package({},{repr(self.names)})' def clone_pkbuilds(pkgbuilds_dir: str, repo_url: str, branch: str, interactive=False): git_dir = os.path.join(pkgbuilds_dir, '.git') if not os.path.exists(git_dir):'Cloning branch {branch} from {repo}') result = git(['clone', '-b', branch, repo_url, pkgbuilds_dir]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Error cloning pkgbuilds') else: result = git(['--git-dir', git_dir, 'branch', '--show-current'], capture_output=True) current_branch = result.stdout.decode().strip() if current_branch != branch: logging.warning(f'pkgbuilds repository is on the wrong branch: {current_branch}, requested: {branch}') if interactive and click.confirm('Would you like to switch branches?', default=False): result = git(['switch', branch], dir=pkgbuilds_dir) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('failed switching branches') if interactive: if not click.confirm('Would you like to try updating the PKGBUILDs repo?'): return result = git(['pull'], pkgbuilds_dir) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('failed to update pkgbuilds') def init_pkgbuilds(interactive=False): pkgbuilds_dir = config.get_path('pkgbuilds') repo_url = config.file['pkgbuilds']['git_repo'] branch = config.file['pkgbuilds']['git_branch'] clone_pkbuilds(pkgbuilds_dir, repo_url, branch, interactive=interactive) def init_prebuilts(arch: Arch, dir: str = None): """Ensure that all `constants.REPOSITORIES` inside `dir` exist""" prebuilts_dir = dir if dir else config.get_package_dir(arch) os.makedirs(prebuilts_dir, exist_ok=True) for repo in REPOSITORIES: os.makedirs(os.path.join(prebuilts_dir, repo), exist_ok=True) for ext1 in ['db', 'files']: for ext2 in ['', '.tar.xz']: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(prebuilts_dir, repo, f'{repo}.{ext1}{ext2}')): result = [ 'tar', '-czf', f'{repo}.{ext1}{ext2}', '-T', '/dev/null', ], cwd=os.path.join(prebuilts_dir, repo), ) if result.returncode != 0: logging.fatal('Failed to create prebuilt repos') exit(1) def discover_packages() -> dict[str, Package]: dir = config.get_path('pkgbuilds') packages = {} paths = [] init_pkgbuilds(interactive=False) for repo in REPOSITORIES: for _dir in os.listdir(os.path.join(dir, repo)): paths.append(os.path.join(dir, repo, _dir)) native_chroot = setup_build_chroot(config.runtime['arch'], add_kupfer_repos=False) results = Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 4)(delayed(Package)(path, native_chroot) for path in paths) for package in results: packages[] = package # This filters the deps to only include the ones that are provided in this repo for package in packages.values(): package.local_depends = package.depends.copy() for dep in package.depends.copy(): found = dep in packages for p in packages.values(): if found: break for name in p.names: if dep == name: logging.debug(f'Found {} that provides {dep}') found = True break if not found: logging.debug(f'Removing {dep} from dependencies') package.local_depends.remove(dep) return packages def filter_packages_by_paths(repo: dict[str, Package], paths: list[str]) -> list[Package]: if 'all' in paths: return repo.values() result = [] for pkg in repo.values(): if pkg.path.replace(config.get_path('pkgbuilds').rstrip('/') + '/', '') in paths: result += [pkg] return result def generate_dependency_chain(package_repo: dict[str, Package], to_build: list[Package]) -> list[set[Package]]: """ This figures out all dependencies and their sub-dependencies for the selection and adds those packages to the selection. First the top-level packages get selected by searching the paths. Then their dependencies and sub-dependencies and so on get added to the selection. """ visited = set[Package]() visited_names = set[str]() dep_levels: list[set[Package]] = [set(), set()] def visit(package: Package, visited=visited, visited_names=visited_names): visited.add(package) visited_names.update(package.names) def join_levels(levels: list[set[Package]]) -> dict[Package, int]: result = dict[Package, int]() for i, level in enumerate(levels): result[level] = i def get_dependencies(package: Package, package_repo: dict[str, Package] = package_repo) -> list[Package]: for dep_name in package.depends: if dep_name in visited_names: continue elif dep_name in package_repo: dep_pkg = package_repo[dep_name] visit(dep_pkg) yield dep_pkg def get_recursive_dependencies(package: Package, package_repo: dict[str, Package] = package_repo) -> list[Package]: for pkg in get_dependencies(package, package_repo): yield pkg for sub_pkg in get_recursive_dependencies(pkg, package_repo): yield sub_pkg logging.debug('Generating dependency chain:') # init level 0 for package in to_build: visit(package) dep_levels[0].add(package) logging.debug(f'Adding requested package {}') # add dependencies of our requested builds to level 0 for dep_pkg in get_recursive_dependencies(package): logging.debug(f"Adding {}'s dependency {} to level 0") dep_levels[0].add(dep_pkg) visit(dep_pkg) """ Starting with `level` = 0, iterate over the packages in `dep_levels[level]`: 1. Moving packages that are dependencies of other packages up to `level`+1 2. Adding yet unadded local dependencies of all pkgs on `level` to `level`+1 3. increment level """ level = 0 # protect against dependency cycles repeat_count = 0 _last_level: set[Package] = None while dep_levels[level]: level_copy = dep_levels[level].copy() modified = False logging.debug(f'Scanning dependency level {level}') if level > 100: raise Exception('Dependency chain reached 100 levels depth, this is probably a bug. Aborting!') for pkg in level_copy: pkg_done = False if pkg not in dep_levels[level]: # pkg has been moved, move on continue # move pkg to level+1 if something else depends on it for other_pkg in level_copy: if pkg == other_pkg: continue if pkg_done: break if type(other_pkg) != Package: raise Exception('Not a Package object:' + repr(other_pkg)) for dep_name in other_pkg.depends: if dep_name in pkg.names: dep_levels[level].remove(pkg) dep_levels[level + 1].add(pkg) logging.debug(f'Moving {} to level {level+1} because {} depends on it as {dep_name}') modified = True pkg_done = True break for dep_name in pkg.depends: if dep_name in visited_names: continue elif dep_name in package_repo: dep_pkg = package_repo[dep_name] logging.debug(f"Adding {}'s dependency {dep_name} to level {level}") dep_levels[level].add(dep_pkg) visit(dep_pkg) modified = True if _last_level == dep_levels[level]: repeat_count += 1 else: repeat_count = 0 if repeat_count > 10: raise Exception(f'Probable dependency cycle detected: Level has been passed on unmodifed multiple times: #{level}: {_last_level}') _last_level = dep_levels[level].copy() if not modified: # if the level was modified, make another pass. level += 1 dep_levels.append(set[Package]()) # reverse level list into buildorder (deps first!), prune empty levels return list([lvl for lvl in dep_levels[::-1] if lvl]) def add_file_to_repo(file_path: str, repo_name: str, arch: Arch): repo_dir = os.path.join(config.get_package_dir(arch), repo_name) pacman_cache_dir = os.path.join(config.get_path('pacman'), arch) file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) target_file = os.path.join(repo_dir, file_name) os.makedirs(repo_dir, exist_ok=True) if file_path != target_file: logging.debug(f'moving {file_path} to {target_file} ({repo_dir})') shutil.copy( file_path, repo_dir, ) os.unlink(file_path) # clean up same name package from pacman cache cache_file = os.path.join(pacman_cache_dir, file_name) if os.path.exists(cache_file): os.unlink(cache_file) result =[ 'repo-add', '--remove', '--prevent-downgrade', os.path.join( repo_dir, f'{repo_name}.db.tar.xz', ), target_file, ]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed add package {target_file} to repo {repo_name}') for ext in ['db', 'files']: file = os.path.join(repo_dir, f'{repo_name}.{ext}') if os.path.exists(file + '.tar.xz'): os.unlink(file) shutil.copyfile(file + '.tar.xz', file) old = file + '.tar.xz.old' if os.path.exists(old): os.unlink(old) def add_package_to_repo(package: Package, arch: Arch):'Adding {package.path} to repo {package.repo}') pkgbuild_dir = os.path.join(config.get_path('pkgbuilds'), package.path) files = [] for file in os.listdir(pkgbuild_dir): # Forced extension by makepkg.conf if file.endswith('.pkg.tar.xz') or file.endswith('.pkg.tar.zst'): repo_dir = os.path.join(config.get_package_dir(arch), package.repo) files.append(os.path.join(repo_dir, file)) add_file_to_repo(os.path.join(pkgbuild_dir, file), package.repo, arch) return files def check_package_version_built(package: Package, arch: Arch) -> bool: native_chroot = setup_build_chroot(config.runtime['arch']) config_path = '/' + native_chroot.write_makepkg_conf( target_arch=arch, cross_chroot_relative=os.path.join('chroot', arch), cross=True, ) cmd = ['cd', package.path, '&&'] + makepkg_cmd + [ '--config', config_path, '--nobuild', '--noprepare', '--packagelist', ] result = native_chroot.run_cmd( cmd, capture_output=True, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to get package list for {package.path}:' + '\n' + result.stdout.decode() + '\n' + result.stderr.decode()) missing = False for line in result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if line != "": file = os.path.join(config.get_package_dir(arch), package.repo, os.path.basename(line)) logging.debug(f'Checking if {file} is built') if os.path.exists(file): add_file_to_repo(file, repo_name=package.repo, arch=arch) else: missing = True return not missing def setup_build_chroot( arch: Arch, extra_packages: list[str] = [], add_kupfer_repos: bool = True, clean_chroot: bool = False, ) -> Chroot: chroot = get_build_chroot(arch, add_kupfer_repos=add_kupfer_repos)'Initializing {arch} build chroot') chroot.initialize(reset=clean_chroot) chroot.write_pacman_conf() # in case it was initialized with different repos chroot.activate() chroot.mount_pacman_cache() chroot.mount_pkgbuilds() chroot.mount_packages() if extra_packages: chroot.try_install_packages(extra_packages, allow_fail=False) return chroot def setup_sources(package: Package, chroot: Chroot, pkgbuilds_dir: str = None): pkgbuilds_dir = pkgbuilds_dir if pkgbuilds_dir else config.get_path('pkgbuilds') makepkg_setup_args = [ '--nobuild', '--holdver', '--nodeps', ]'Setting up sources for {package.path} in {}') result = chroot.run_cmd(makepkg_cmd + makepkg_setup_args, cwd=package.path) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to check sources for {package.path}') def build_package( package: Package, arch: Arch, repo_dir: str = None, enable_crosscompile: bool = True, enable_crossdirect: bool = True, enable_ccache: bool = True, clean_chroot: bool = False, ): makepkg_compile_opts = ['--holdver'] makepkg_conf_path = 'etc/makepkg.conf' repo_dir = repo_dir if repo_dir else config.get_path('pkgbuilds') foreign_arch = config.runtime['arch'] != arch target_chroot = setup_build_chroot( arch=arch, extra_packages=(list(set(package.depends) - set(package.names))), clean_chroot=clean_chroot, ) native_chroot = target_chroot if not foreign_arch else setup_build_chroot( arch=config.runtime['arch'], extra_packages=['base-devel'] + CROSSDIRECT_PKGS, clean_chroot=clean_chroot, ) cross = foreign_arch and package.mode == 'cross' and enable_crosscompile if cross:'Cross-compiling {package.path}') build_root = native_chroot makepkg_compile_opts += ['--nodeps'] #env = makepkg_cross_env env = makepkg_env if enable_ccache: env['PATH'] = f"/usr/lib/ccache:{env['PATH']}"'Setting up dependencies for cross-compilation') # include crossdirect for ccache symlinks and qemu-user results = native_chroot.try_install_packages(package.depends + CROSSDIRECT_PKGS + [f"{GCC_HOSTSPECS[native_chroot.arch][arch]}-gcc"]) if results['crossdirect'].returncode != 0: raise Exception('Unable to install crossdirect') # mount foreign arch chroot inside native chroot chroot_relative = os.path.join('chroot', makepkg_path_absolute = native_chroot.write_makepkg_conf(target_arch=arch, cross_chroot_relative=chroot_relative, cross=True) makepkg_conf_path = os.path.join('etc', os.path.basename(makepkg_path_absolute)) native_chroot.mount_crosscompile(target_chroot) else:'Host-compiling {package.path}') build_root = target_chroot makepkg_compile_opts += ['--syncdeps'] env = deepcopy(makepkg_env) if foreign_arch and enable_crossdirect and not in CROSSDIRECT_PKGS: env['PATH'] = f"/native/usr/lib/crossdirect/{arch}:{env['PATH']}" target_chroot.mount_crossdirect(native_chroot) else: if enable_ccache: logging.debug('ccache enabled') env['PATH'] = f"/usr/lib/ccache:{env['PATH']}" logging.debug(('Building for native arch. ' if not foreign_arch else '') + 'Skipping crossdirect.') setup_sources(package, build_root) makepkg_conf_absolute = os.path.join('/', makepkg_conf_path) build_cmd = f'makepkg --config {makepkg_conf_absolute} --needed --noconfirm --ignorearch {" ".join(makepkg_compile_opts)}' logging.debug(f'Building: Running {build_cmd}') result = build_root.run_cmd(build_cmd, inner_env=env, cwd=package.path) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to compile package {package.path}') def get_unbuilt_package_levels(repo: dict[str, Package], packages: list[Package], arch: Arch, force: bool = False) -> list[set[Package]]: package_levels = generate_dependency_chain(repo, packages) build_names = set[str]() build_levels = list[set[Package]]() i = 0 for level_packages in package_levels: level = set[Package]() for package in level_packages: if ((not check_package_version_built(package, arch)) or set.intersection(set(package.depends), set(build_names)) or (force and package in packages)): level.add(package) build_names.update(package.names) if level: build_levels.append(level) logging.debug(f'Adding to level {i}:' + '\n' + ('\n'.join([ for p in level]))) i += 1 return build_levels def build_packages( repo: dict[str, Package], packages: list[Package], arch: Arch, force: bool = False, enable_crosscompile: bool = True, enable_crossdirect: bool = True, enable_ccache: bool = True, clean_chroot: bool = False, ): build_levels = get_unbuilt_package_levels(repo, packages, arch, force=force) if not build_levels:'Everything built already') return files = [] for level, need_build in enumerate(build_levels):"(Level {level}) Building {', '.join([ for x in need_build])}") for package in need_build: build_package( package, arch=arch, enable_crosscompile=enable_crosscompile, enable_crossdirect=enable_crossdirect, enable_ccache=enable_ccache, clean_chroot=clean_chroot, ) files += add_package_to_repo(package, arch) return files def build_packages_by_paths( paths: list[str], arch: Arch, repo: dict[str, Package], force=False, enable_crosscompile: bool = True, enable_crossdirect: bool = True, enable_ccache: bool = True, clean_chroot: bool = False, ): if isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths] for _arch in set([arch, config.runtime['arch']]): init_prebuilts(_arch) packages = filter_packages_by_paths(repo, paths) return build_packages( repo, packages, arch, force=force, enable_crosscompile=enable_crosscompile, enable_crossdirect=enable_crossdirect, enable_ccache=enable_ccache, clean_chroot=clean_chroot, )'packages') def cmd_packages(): pass @cmd_packages.command(name='update') @click.option('--non-interactive', is_flag=True) def cmd_update(non_interactive: bool = False): enforce_wrap() init_pkgbuilds(interactive=not non_interactive) @cmd_packages.command(name='build') @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--arch', default=None) @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) def cmd_build(paths: list[str], force=False, arch=None): build(paths, force, arch) def build(paths: list[str], force: bool, arch: Arch): if arch is None: # TODO: arch = config.get_profile()... arch = 'aarch64' if arch not in ARCHES: raise Exception(f'Unknown architecture "{arch}". Choices: {", ".join(ARCHES)}') enforce_wrap() repo: dict[str, Package] = discover_packages() native = config.runtime['arch'] if arch != native: # build qemu-user, binfmt, crossdirect chroot = setup_build_chroot(native) build_packages_by_paths( ['cross/' + pkg for pkg in CROSSDIRECT_PKGS], native, repo, enable_crosscompile=False, enable_crossdirect=False, enable_ccache=False, )['pacman', '-Syy', '--noconfirm', '--needed', '--config', os.path.join(chroot.path, 'etc/pacman.conf')] + QEMU_BINFMT_PKGS) binfmt_register(arch) return build_packages_by_paths( paths, arch, repo, force=force, enable_crosscompile=config.file['build']['crosscompile'], enable_crossdirect=config.file['build']['crossdirect'], enable_ccache=config.file['build']['ccache'], clean_chroot=config.file['build']['clean_mode'], ) @cmd_packages.command(name='sideload') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) def cmd_sideload(paths: list[str]): files = build(paths, True, None) scp_put_files(files, '/tmp') run_ssh_command([ 'sudo', '-S', 'pacman', '-U', ] + [os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(file)) for file in files] + [ '--noconfirm', '--overwrite=*', ]) @cmd_packages.command(name='clean') def cmd_clean(): enforce_wrap() result = git( [ 'clean', '-dffX', ] + REPOSITORIES, dir=config.get_path('pkgbuilds'), ) if result.returncode != 0: logging.fatal('Failed to git clean') exit(1) @cmd_packages.command(name='check') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) def cmd_check(paths): paths = list(paths) packages = filter_packages_by_paths(discover_packages(), paths) for package in packages: name = is_git_package = False if name.endswith('-git'): is_git_package = True required_arches = '' provided_arches = [] mode_key = '_mode' pkgbase_key = 'pkgbase' pkgname_key = 'pkgname' arches_key = '_arches' arch_key = 'arch' commit_key = '_commit' source_key = 'source' sha256sums_key = 'sha256sums' required = { mode_key: True, pkgbase_key: False, pkgname_key: True, 'pkgdesc': False, 'pkgver': True, 'pkgrel': True, arches_key: True, arch_key: True, 'license': True, 'url': False, 'provides': is_git_package, 'conflicts': False, 'depends': False, 'optdepends': False, 'makedepends': False, 'backup': False, 'install': False, 'options': False, commit_key: is_git_package, source_key: False, sha256sums_key: False, } with open(os.path.join(package.path, 'PKGBUILD'), 'r') as file: content = if '\t' in content: logging.fatal(f'\\t is not allowed in {os.path.join(package.path, "PKGBUILD")}') exit(1) lines = content.split('\n') if len(lines) == 0: logging.fatal(f'Empty {os.path.join(package.path, "PKGBUILD")}') exit(1) line_index = 0 key_index = 0 hold_key = False key = "" while True: line = lines[line_index] if line.startswith('#'): line_index += 1 continue if line.startswith('_') and not line.startswith(mode_key) and not line.startswith(arches_key) and not line.startswith(commit_key): line_index += 1 continue formatted = True next_key = False next_line = False reason = "" if hold_key: next_line = True else: if key_index < len(required): key = list(required)[key_index] if line.startswith(key): if key == pkgbase_key: required[pkgname_key] = False if key == source_key: required[sha256sums_key] = True next_key = True next_line = True elif key in required and not required[key]: next_key = True if line == ')': hold_key = False next_key = True if key == arches_key: required_arches = line.split('=')[1] if line.endswith('=('): hold_key = True if line.startswith(' ') or line == ')': next_line = True if line.startswith(' ') and not line.startswith(' '): formatted = False reason = 'Multiline variables should be indented with 4 spaces' if '"' in line and '$' not in line and ' ' not in line and ';' not in line: formatted = False reason = 'Found literal " although no "$", " " or ";" was found in the line justifying the usage of a literal "' if '\'' in line: formatted = False reason = 'Found literal \' although either a literal " or no qoutes should be used' if ('=(' in line and ' ' in line and '"' not in line and not line.endswith('=(')) or (hold_key and line.endswith(')')): formatted = False reason = 'Multiple elements in a list need to be in separate lines' if formatted and not next_key and not next_line: if key_index == len(required): if lines[line_index] == '': break else: formatted = False reason = 'Expected final emtpy line after all variables' else: formatted = False reason = f'Expected to find "{key}"' if not formatted: logging.fatal(f'Line {line_index+1} in {os.path.join(package.path, "PKGBUILD")} is not formatted correctly: "{line}"') if reason != "": logging.fatal(reason) exit(1) if key == arch_key: if line.endswith(')'): if line.startswith(f'{arch_key}=('): check_arches_hint(os.path.join(package.path, "PKGBUILD"), required_arches, [line[6:-1]]) else: check_arches_hint(os.path.join(package.path, "PKGBUILD"), required_arches, provided_arches) elif line.startswith(' '): provided_arches.append(line[4:]) if next_key and not hold_key: key_index += 1 if next_line: line_index += 1'{package.path} nicely formatted!') def check_arches_hint(path: str, required: str, provided: list[str]): if required == 'all': for arch in ARCHES: if arch not in provided: logging.warning(f'Missing {arch} in arches list in {path}, because hint is `all`')