import atexit import json import os import re import subprocess import click import logging from signal import pause from subprocess import CompletedProcess from typing import Optional, Union from config.state import config, Profile from chroot.device import DeviceChroot, get_device_chroot from constants import Arch, BASE_LOCAL_PACKAGES, BASE_PACKAGES, POST_INSTALL_CMDS from distro.distro import get_base_distro, get_kupfer_https from devices.device import Device, get_profile_device from exec.cmd import run_root_cmd, generate_cmd_su from exec.file import get_temp_dir, root_write_file, root_makedir, makedir from flavours.flavour import Flavour, get_profile_flavour from net.ssh import copy_ssh_keys from import build_enable_qemu_binfmt, build_packages, filter_pkgbuilds from wrapper import enforce_wrap # image files need to be slightly smaller than partitions to fit IMG_FILE_ROOT_DEFAULT_SIZE = "1800M" IMG_FILE_BOOT_DEFAULT_SIZE = "90M" def dd_image(input: str, output: str, blocksize='1M') -> CompletedProcess: cmd = [ 'dd', f'if={input}', f'of={output}', f'bs={blocksize}', 'oflag=direct', 'status=progress', 'conv=sync,noerror', ] logging.debug(f'running dd cmd: {cmd}') return run_root_cmd(cmd) def partprobe(device: str): return run_root_cmd(['partprobe', device]) def bytes_to_sectors(b: int, sector_size: int, round_up: bool = True): sectors, rest = divmod(b, sector_size) if rest and round_up: sectors += 1 return sectors def get_fs_size(partition: str) -> tuple[int, int]: blocks_cmd = run_root_cmd(['dumpe2fs', '-h', partition], env={"LC_ALL": "C"}, capture_output=True) if blocks_cmd.returncode != 0: logging.debug(f"dumpe2fs stdout:\n: {blocks_cmd.stdout}") logging.debug(f"dumpe2fs stderr:\n {blocks_cmd.stderr}") raise Exception(f'Failed to detect new filesystem size of {partition}') blocks_text = blocks_cmd.stdout.decode('utf-8') if blocks_cmd.stdout else '' try: fs_blocks = int('\\nBlock count:[ ]+([0-9]+)\\n', blocks_text, flags=re.MULTILINE).group(1)) # type: ignore[union-attr] fs_block_size = int('\\nBlock size:[ ]+([0-9]+)\\n', blocks_text).group(1)) # type: ignore[union-attr] except Exception as ex: logging.debug(f"dumpe2fs stdout:\n {blocks_text}") logging.debug(f"dumpe2fs stderr:\n: {blocks_cmd.stderr}")"Failed to scrape block size and count from dumpe2fs:", ex) raise ex return fs_blocks, fs_block_size def align_bytes(size_bytes: int, alignment: int = 4096) -> int: rest = size_bytes % alignment if rest: size_bytes += alignment - rest return size_bytes def shrink_fs(loop_device: str, file: str, sector_size: int): partprobe(loop_device) logging.debug(f"Checking filesystem at {loop_device}p2") result = run_root_cmd(['e2fsck', '-fy', f'{loop_device}p2']) if result.returncode > 2: # raise Exception(f'Failed to e2fsck {loop_device}p2 with exit code {result.returncode}')'Shrinking filesystem at {loop_device}p2') result = run_root_cmd(['resize2fs', '-M', f'{loop_device}p2']) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to resize2fs {loop_device}p2') logging.debug(f'Reading size of shrunken filesystem on {loop_device}p2') fs_blocks, fs_block_size = get_fs_size(f'{loop_device}p2') sectors = bytes_to_sectors(fs_blocks * fs_block_size, sector_size)'Shrinking partition at {loop_device}p2 to {sectors} sectors ({sectors * sector_size} bytes)') child_proccess = subprocess.Popen( generate_cmd_su(['fdisk', '-b', str(sector_size), loop_device], switch_user='root'), # type: ignore stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) child_proccess.stdin.write('\n'.join([ # type: ignore 'd', '2', 'n', 'p', '2', '', f'+{sectors}', 'w', 'q', ]).encode('utf-8')) child_proccess.communicate() returncode = child_proccess.wait() if returncode == 1: # For some reason re-reading the partition table fails, but that is not a problem partprobe(loop_device) if returncode > 1: raise Exception(f'Failed to shrink partition size of {loop_device}p2 with fdisk') partprobe(loop_device).check_returncode() logging.debug(f'Finding end sector of partition at {loop_device}p2') result = run_root_cmd(['fdisk', '-b', str(sector_size), '-l', loop_device], capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: print(result.stdout) print(result.stderr) raise Exception(f'Failed to fdisk -l {loop_device}') end_sector = 0 for line in result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if line.startswith(f'{loop_device}p2'): parts = list(filter(lambda part: part != '', line.split(' '))) end_sector = int(parts[2]) if end_sector == 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to find end sector of {loop_device}p2') end_size = align_bytes((end_sector + 1) * sector_size, 4096) logging.debug(f'({end_sector} + 1) sectors * {sector_size} bytes/sector = {end_size} bytes')'Truncating {file} to {end_size} bytes') result =['truncate', '-s', str(end_size), file]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to truncate {file}') partprobe(loop_device) def losetup_destroy(loop_device): logging.debug(f'Destroying loop device {loop_device}') run_root_cmd( [ 'losetup', '-d', loop_device, ], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) def get_device_name(device: Union[str, Device]) -> str: return if isinstance(device, Device) else device def get_flavour_name(flavour: Union[str, Flavour]) -> str: if isinstance(flavour, Flavour): return return flavour def get_image_name(device: Union[str, Device], flavour: Union[str, Flavour], img_type='full') -> str: return f'{get_device_name(device)}-{get_flavour_name(flavour)}-{img_type}.img' def get_image_path(device: Union[str, Device], flavour: Union[str, Flavour], img_type='full') -> str: return os.path.join(config.get_path('images'), get_image_name(device, flavour, img_type)) def losetup_rootfs_image(image_path: str, sector_size: int) -> str: logging.debug(f'Creating loop device for {image_path} with sector size {sector_size}') result = run_root_cmd([ 'losetup', '-f', '-b', str(sector_size), '-P', image_path, ]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to create loop device for {image_path}') logging.debug(f'Finding loop device for {image_path}') result =['losetup', '-J'], capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: print(result.stdout) print(result.stderr) raise Exception('Failed to list loop devices') data = json.loads(result.stdout.decode('utf-8')) loop_device = '' for d in data['loopdevices']: if d['back-file'] == image_path: loop_device = d['name'] break if loop_device == '': raise Exception(f'Failed to find loop device for {image_path}') partprobe(loop_device) atexit.register(losetup_destroy, loop_device) return loop_device def mount_chroot(rootfs_source: str, boot_src: str, chroot: DeviceChroot): logging.debug(f'Mounting {rootfs_source} at {chroot.path}') chroot.mount_rootfs(rootfs_source) assert (os.path.ismount(chroot.path)) root_makedir(chroot.get_path('boot')) logging.debug(f'Mounting {boot_src} at {chroot.path}/boot') chroot.mount(boot_src, '/boot', options=['defaults']) def dump_file_from_image(image_path: str, file_path: str, target_path: Optional[str] = None): target_path = target_path or os.path.join(get_temp_dir(), os.path.basename(file_path)) result = run_root_cmd([ 'debugfs', image_path, '-R', f'\'dump /{file_path.lstrip("/")} {target_path}\'', ]) if result.returncode != 0 or not os.path.exists(target_path): raise Exception(f'Failed to dump {file_path} from /boot') return target_path def dump_aboot(image_path: str) -> str: return dump_file_from_image(image_path, file_path='/aboot.img') def dump_lk2nd(image_path: str) -> str: """ This doesn't append the image with the appended DTB which is needed for some devices, so it should get added in the future. """ return dump_file_from_image(image_path, file_path='/lk2nd.img') def dump_qhypstub(image_path: str) -> str: return dump_file_from_image(image_path, file_path='/qhyptstub.img') def create_img_file(image_path: str, size_str: str): result =[ 'truncate', '-s', size_str, image_path, ]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to allocate {image_path}') return image_path def partition_device(device: str): boot_partition_size = '100MiB' create_partition_table = ['mklabel', 'msdos'] create_boot_partition = ['mkpart', 'primary', 'ext2', '0%', boot_partition_size] create_root_partition = ['mkpart', 'primary', boot_partition_size, '100%'] enable_boot = ['set', '1', 'boot', 'on'] result = run_root_cmd([ 'parted', '--script', device, ] + create_partition_table + create_boot_partition + create_root_partition + enable_boot) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to create partitions on {device}') def create_filesystem(device: str, blocksize: Optional[int], label=None, options=[], fstype='ext4'): """Creates a new filesystem. Blocksize defaults""" labels = ['-L', label] if label else [] cmd = [f'mkfs.{fstype}', '-F', *labels] if blocksize: # blocksize can be 4k max due to pagesize blocksize = min(blocksize, 4096) if fstype.startswith('ext'): # blocksize for ext-fs must be >=1024 blocksize = max(blocksize, 1024) cmd += [ '-b', str(blocksize), ] cmd.append(device) result = run_root_cmd(cmd) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to create {fstype} filesystem on {device} with CMD: {cmd}') def create_root_fs(device: str, blocksize: Optional[int]): create_filesystem(device, blocksize=blocksize, label='kupfer_root', options=['-O', '^metadata_csum', '-N', '100000']) def create_boot_fs(device: str, blocksize: Optional[int]): create_filesystem(device, blocksize=blocksize, label='kupfer_boot', fstype='ext2') def install_rootfs( rootfs_device: str, bootfs_device: str, device: Union[str, Device], flavour: Flavour, arch: Arch, packages: list[str], use_local_repos: bool, profile: Profile, ): user = profile['username'] or 'kupfer' chroot = get_device_chroot(device=get_device_name(device),, arch=arch, packages=packages, use_local_repos=use_local_repos) mount_chroot(rootfs_device, bootfs_device, chroot) chroot.mount_pacman_cache() chroot.initialize() chroot.activate() chroot.create_user( user=user, password=profile['password'], ) chroot.add_sudo_config(config_name='wheel', privilegee='%wheel', password_required=True) copy_ssh_keys( chroot.path, user=user, ) files = { 'etc/pacman.conf': get_base_distro(arch).get_pacman_conf( check_space=True, extra_repos=get_kupfer_https(arch).repos, in_chroot=True, ), 'etc/hostname': profile['hostname'] or 'kupfer', } for target, content in files.items(): root_write_file(os.path.join(chroot.path, target.lstrip('/')), content)"Running post-install CMDs") for cmd in POST_INSTALL_CMDS: result = chroot.run_cmd(cmd) assert isinstance(result, subprocess.CompletedProcess) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Error running post-install cmd: {cmd}')'Preparing to unmount chroot') res = chroot.run_cmd('sync && umount /boot', attach_tty=True) logging.debug(f'rc: {res}') chroot.deactivate() logging.debug(f'Unmounting rootfs at "{chroot.path}"') res = run_root_cmd(['umount', chroot.path]) assert isinstance(res, CompletedProcess) logging.debug(f'rc: {res.returncode}')'image') def cmd_image(): """Build, flash and boot device images""" sectorsize_option = click.option( '-b', '--sector-size', help="Override the device's sector size", type=int, default=None, ) @cmd_image.command(name='build') @click.argument('profile_name', required=False) @click.option( '--local-repos/--no-local-repos', '-l/-L', help='Whether to use local package repos at all or only use HTTPS repos.', default=True, show_default=True, is_flag=True, ) @click.option( '--build-pkgs/--no-build-pkgs', '-p/-P', help='Whether to build missing/outdated local packages if local repos are enabled.', default=True, show_default=True, is_flag=True, ) @click.option( '--no-download-pkgs', help='Disable trying to download packages instead of building if building is enabled.', default=False, is_flag=True, ) @click.option( '--block-target', help='Override the block device file to write the final image to', type=click.Path(), default=None, ) @click.option( '--skip-part-images', help='Skip creating image files for the partitions and directly work on the target block device.', default=False, is_flag=True, ) @sectorsize_option def cmd_build( profile_name: Optional[str] = None, local_repos: bool = True, build_pkgs: bool = True, no_download_pkgs=False, block_target: Optional[str] = None, sector_size: Optional[int] = None, skip_part_images: bool = False, ): """ Build a device image. Unless overriden, required packages will be built or preferably downloaded from HTTPS repos. """ config.enforce_profile_device_set() config.enforce_profile_flavour_set() enforce_wrap() device = get_profile_device(profile_name) arch = device.arch # check_programs_wrap(['makepkg', 'pacman', 'pacstrap']) profile: Profile = config.get_profile(profile_name) flavour = get_profile_flavour(profile_name) rootfs_size_mb = flavour.parse_flavourinfo().rootfs_size * 1000 + int(profile.size_extra_mb) packages = BASE_LOCAL_PACKAGES + [,] packages_extra = BASE_PACKAGES + profile.pkgs_include if arch != config.runtime.arch: build_enable_qemu_binfmt(arch) if local_repos and build_pkgs:"Making sure all packages are built") # enforce that local base packages are built pkgbuilds = set(filter_pkgbuilds(packages, arch=arch, allow_empty_results=False, use_paths=False)) # extra packages might be a mix of package names that are in our PKGBUILDs and packages from the base distro pkgbuilds |= set(filter_pkgbuilds(packages_extra, arch=arch, allow_empty_results=True, use_paths=False)) build_packages(pkgbuilds, arch, try_download=not no_download_pkgs) sector_size = sector_size or device.get_image_sectorsize() image_path = block_target or get_image_path(device, makedir(os.path.dirname(image_path))'Creating new file at {image_path}') create_img_file(image_path, f"{rootfs_size_mb}M") loop_device = losetup_rootfs_image(image_path, sector_size or device.get_image_sectorsize_default()) partition_device(loop_device) partprobe(loop_device) boot_dev: str root_dev: str loop_boot = loop_device + 'p1' loop_root = loop_device + 'p2' if skip_part_images: boot_dev = loop_boot root_dev = loop_root else:'Creating per-partition image files') boot_dev = create_img_file(get_image_path(device, flavour, 'boot'), IMG_FILE_BOOT_DEFAULT_SIZE) root_dev = create_img_file(get_image_path(device, flavour, 'root'), f'{rootfs_size_mb - 200}M') create_boot_fs(boot_dev, sector_size) create_root_fs(root_dev, sector_size) install_rootfs( root_dev, boot_dev, device, flavour, arch, list(set(packages) | set(packages_extra)), local_repos, profile, ) if not skip_part_images:'Copying partition image files into full image:')'Block-copying /boot to {image_path}') dd_image(input=boot_dev, output=loop_boot)'Block-copying rootfs to {image_path}') dd_image(input=root_dev, output=loop_root)'Done! Image saved to {image_path}') @cmd_image.command(name='inspect') @click.option('--shell', '-s', is_flag=True) @sectorsize_option @click.argument('profile', required=False) def cmd_inspect(profile: Optional[str] = None, shell: bool = False, sector_size: Optional[int] = None): """Loop-mount the device image for inspection.""" config.enforce_profile_device_set() config.enforce_profile_flavour_set() enforce_wrap() device = get_profile_device(profile) arch = device.arch flavour = get_profile_flavour(profile).name sector_size = sector_size or device.get_image_sectorsize_default() chroot = get_device_chroot(, flavour, arch) image_path = get_image_path(device, flavour) loop_device = losetup_rootfs_image(image_path, sector_size) partprobe(loop_device) mount_chroot(loop_device + 'p2', loop_device + 'p1', chroot)'Inspect the rootfs image at {chroot.path}') if shell: chroot.initialized = True chroot.activate() if arch != config.runtime.arch:'Installing requisites for foreign-arch shell') build_enable_qemu_binfmt(arch)'Starting inspection shell') chroot.run_cmd('/bin/bash') else: pause()