import logging import os from typing import Optional from config.state import config from constants import Arch, ARCHES from dictscheme import DictScheme from distro.distro import get_kupfer_local from distro.package import LocalPackage from packages.pkgbuild import Pkgbuild, _pkgbuilds_cache, discover_pkgbuilds, get_pkgbuild_by_path, init_pkgbuilds from utils import read_files_from_tar, color_str from .deviceinfo import DEFAULT_IMAGE_SECTOR_SIZE, DeviceInfo, parse_deviceinfo DEVICE_DEPRECATIONS = { "oneplus-enchilada": "sdm845-oneplus-enchilada", "oneplus-fajita": "sdm845-oneplus-fajita", "xiaomi-beryllium-ebbg": "sdm845-xiaomi-beryllium-ebbg", "xiaomi-beryllium-tianma": "sdm845-xiaomi-beryllium-tianma", "bq-paella": "msm8916-bq-paella", } class DeviceSummary(DictScheme): name: str description: str arch: str package_name: Optional[str] package_path: Optional[str] def nice_str(self, newlines: bool = False, colors: bool = False) -> str: separator = '\n' if newlines else ', ' assert bool(self.package_path) == bool(self.package_name) package_path = {"Package Path": self.package_path} if self.package_path else {} fields = { "Device":, "Description": self.description or f"[no package {'description' if self.package_name else 'associated (?!)'} and deviceinfo not parsed]", "Architecture": self.arch, "Package Name": self.package_name or "no package associated. PROBABLY A BUG!", **package_path, } return separator.join([f"{color_str(name, bold=True, use_colors=colors)}: {value}" for name, value in fields.items()]) class Device(DictScheme): name: str arch: Arch package: Pkgbuild deviceinfo: Optional[DeviceInfo] def __repr__(self): return f'Device<{},{self.arch},{self.package.path if self.package else "[no package]"}>' def __str__(self): return self.nice_str(newlines=True) def nice_str(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: return self.get_summary().nice_str(*args, **kwargs) def get_summary(self) -> DeviceSummary: result: dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} description = ((self.package.description if self.package else "").strip() or (self.deviceinfo.get("name", "[No name in deviceinfo]") if self.deviceinfo else "")).strip() result["name"] = result["description"] = description result["arch"] = self.arch result["package_name"] = if self.package else None result["package_path"] = self.package.path if self.package else None return DeviceSummary(result) def parse_deviceinfo(self, try_download: bool = True, lazy: bool = True) -> DeviceInfo: if not lazy or 'deviceinfo' not in self or self.deviceinfo is None: # avoid import loop from import check_package_version_built is_built = check_package_version_built(self.package, self.arch, try_download=try_download) if not is_built: raise Exception(f"device package {} for device {} couldn't be acquired!") pkgs: dict[str, LocalPackage] = get_kupfer_local(arch=self.arch, in_chroot=False, scan=True).get_packages() if not in pkgs: raise Exception(f"device package {} somehow not in repos, this is a kupferbootstrap bug") pkg = pkgs[] file_path = pkg.acquire() assert file_path assert os.path.exists(file_path) deviceinfo_path = 'etc/kupfer/deviceinfo' for path, f in read_files_from_tar(file_path, [deviceinfo_path]): if path != deviceinfo_path: raise Exception(f'Somehow, we got a wrong file: expected: "{deviceinfo_path}", got: "{path}"') with f as fd: lines = fd.readlines() assert lines if lines and isinstance(lines[0], bytes): lines = [line.decode() for line in lines] info = parse_deviceinfo(lines, assert info.arch assert info.arch == self.arch self['deviceinfo'] = info assert self.deviceinfo return self.deviceinfo def get_image_sectorsize(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[int]: """Gets the deviceinfo_rootfs_image_sector_size if defined, otherwise None""" return self.parse_deviceinfo(**kwargs).get('rootfs_image_sector_size', None) def get_image_sectorsize_default(self, **kwargs) -> int: return self.get_image_sectorsize(**kwargs) or DEFAULT_IMAGE_SECTOR_SIZE def check_devicepkg_name(name: str, log_level: Optional[int] = None): valid = True if not name.startswith('device-'): valid = False if log_level is not None: logging.log(log_level, f'invalid device package name "{name}": doesn\'t start with "device-"') if name.endswith('-common'): valid = False if log_level is not None: logging.log(log_level, f'invalid device package name "{name}": ends with "-common"') return valid def parse_device_pkg(pkgbuild: Pkgbuild) -> Device: if len(pkgbuild.arches) != 1: raise Exception(f"{}: Device package must have exactly one arch, but has {pkgbuild.arches}") arch = pkgbuild.arches[0] if arch == 'any' or arch not in ARCHES: raise Exception(f'unknown arch for device package: {arch}') if pkgbuild.repo != 'device': logging.warning(f'device package {} is in unexpected repo "{pkgbuild.repo}", expected "device"') name = prefix = 'device-' if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[len(prefix):] return Device(name=name, arch=arch, package=pkgbuild, deviceinfo=None) _device_cache: dict[str, Device] = {} _device_cache_populated: bool = False def get_devices(pkgbuilds: Optional[dict[str, Pkgbuild]] = None, lazy: bool = True) -> dict[str, Device]: global _device_cache, _device_cache_populated use_cache = _device_cache_populated and lazy if not use_cache:"Searching PKGBUILDs for device packages") if not pkgbuilds: pkgbuilds = discover_pkgbuilds(lazy=lazy, repositories=['device']) _device_cache.clear() for pkgbuild in pkgbuilds.values(): if not (pkgbuild.repo == 'device' and check_devicepkg_name(, log_level=None)): continue dev = parse_device_pkg(pkgbuild) _device_cache[] = dev _device_cache_populated = True return _device_cache.copy() def get_device(name: str, pkgbuilds: Optional[dict[str, Pkgbuild]] = None, lazy: bool = True, scan_all=False) -> Device: global _device_cache, _device_cache_populated assert lazy or pkgbuilds if name in DEVICE_DEPRECATIONS: warning = f"Deprecated device {name}" replacement = DEVICE_DEPRECATIONS[name] if replacement: warning += (f': Device has been renamed to {replacement}! Please adjust your profile config!\n' 'This will become an error in a future version!') name = replacement logging.warning(warning) if lazy and name in _device_cache: return _device_cache[name] if scan_all: devices = get_devices(pkgbuilds=pkgbuilds, lazy=lazy) if name not in devices: raise Exception(f'Unknown device {name}!\n' f'Available: {list(devices.keys())}') return devices[name] else: pkgname = f'device-{name}' if pkgbuilds: if pkgname not in pkgbuilds: raise Exception(f'Unknown device {name}!') pkgbuild = pkgbuilds[pkgname] else: if lazy and pkgname in _pkgbuilds_cache: pkgbuild = _pkgbuilds_cache[pkgname] else: init_pkgbuilds() relative_path = os.path.join('device', pkgname) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.get_path('pkgbuilds'), relative_path)): logging.debug(f'Exact device pkgbuild path "pkgbuilds/{relative_path}" doesn\'t exist, scanning entire repo') return get_device(name, pkgbuilds=pkgbuilds, lazy=lazy, scan_all=True) pkgbuild = [p for p in get_pkgbuild_by_path(relative_path, lazy=lazy) if == pkgname][0] device = parse_device_pkg(pkgbuild) if lazy: _device_cache[name] = device return device def get_profile_device(profile_name: Optional[str] = None, hint_or_set_arch: bool = False): profile = config.enforce_profile_device_set(profile_name=profile_name, hint_or_set_arch=hint_or_set_arch) return get_device(profile.device)