import click import logging import os from glob import glob from typing import Iterable, Optional from config import config from constants import Arch, ARCHES, REPOSITORIES from exec.file import remove_file from distro.distro import get_kupfer_local from distro.package import LocalPackage from ssh import run_ssh_command, scp_put_files from utils import git from wrapper import check_programs_wrap, enforce_wrap from .build import build_packages_by_paths from .pkgbuild import discover_pkgbuilds, filter_pkgbuilds, init_pkgbuilds from .device import cmd_devices_list, get_profile_device from .flavour import cmd_flavours_list def build( paths: Iterable[str], force: bool, arch: Optional[Arch] = None, rebuild_dependants: bool = False, try_download: bool = False, ): arch = arch or get_profile_device(hint_or_set_arch=True).arch if arch not in ARCHES: raise Exception(f'Unknown architecture "{arch}". Choices: {", ".join(ARCHES)}') config.enforce_config_loaded() return build_packages_by_paths( paths, arch, force=force, rebuild_dependants=rebuild_dependants, try_download=try_download,,,,, )'packages') def cmd_packages(): """Build and manage packages and PKGBUILDs""" cmd_packages.add_command(cmd_flavours_list, 'flavours') cmd_packages.add_command(cmd_devices_list, 'devices') @cmd_packages.command(name='update') @click.option('--non-interactive', is_flag=True) def cmd_update(non_interactive: bool = False): """Update PKGBUILDs git repo""" init_pkgbuilds(interactive=not non_interactive) @cmd_packages.command(name='build') @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Rebuild even if package is already built') @click.option('--arch', default=None, required=False, type=click.Choice(ARCHES), help="The CPU architecture to build for") @click.option('--rebuild-dependants', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Rebuild packages that depend on packages that will be [re]built') @click.option('--no-download', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Don't try downloading packages from online repos before building") @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) def cmd_build(paths: list[str], force=False, arch: Optional[Arch] = None, rebuild_dependants: bool = False, no_download: bool = False): """ Build packages (and dependencies) by paths as required. The paths are specified relative to the PKGBUILDs dir, eg. "cross/crossdirect". Multiple paths may be specified as separate arguments. Packages that aren't built already will be downloaded from HTTPS repos unless --no-download is passed, if an exact version match exists on the server. """ build(paths, force, arch=arch, rebuild_dependants=rebuild_dependants, try_download=not no_download) @cmd_packages.command(name='sideload') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) @click.option('--arch', default=None, required=False, type=click.Choice(ARCHES), help="The CPU architecture to build for") @click.option('-B', '--no-build', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Don't try to build packages, just copy and install") def cmd_sideload(paths: Iterable[str], arch: Optional[Arch] = None, no_build: bool = False): """Build packages, copy to the device via SSH and install them""" if not paths: raise Exception("No packages specified") arch = arch or get_profile_device(hint_or_set_arch=True).arch if not no_build: build(paths, False, arch=arch, try_download=True) repo: dict[str, LocalPackage] = get_kupfer_local(arch=arch, scan=True, in_chroot=False).get_packages() files = [pkg.resolved_url.split('file://')[1] for pkg in repo.values() if pkg.resolved_url and in paths] logging.debug(f"Sideload: Found package files: {files}") if not files: logging.fatal("No packages matched") return scp_put_files(files, '/tmp').check_returncode() run_ssh_command([ 'sudo', 'pacman', '-U', ] + [os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(file)) for file in files] + [ '--noconfirm', "'--overwrite=\\*'", ], alloc_tty=True).check_returncode() @cmd_packages.command(name='clean') @click.option('-f', '--force', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Don't prompt for confirmation") @click.option('-n', '--noop', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Print what would be removed but dont execute") @click.argument('what', type=click.Choice(['all', 'src', 'pkg']), nargs=-1) def cmd_clean(what: Iterable[str] = ['all'], force: bool = False, noop: bool = False): """Remove files and directories not tracked in PKGBUILDs.git. Passing in an empty `what` defaults it to `['all']`""" if noop: logging.debug('Running in noop mode!') if force: logging.debug('Running in FORCE mode!') what = what or ['all'] logging.debug(f'Clearing {what} from PKGBUILDs') pkgbuilds = config.get_path('pkgbuilds') if 'all' in what: check_programs_wrap(['git']) warning = "Really reset PKGBUILDs to git state completely?\nThis will erase any untracked changes to your PKGBUILDs directory." if not (noop or force or click.confirm(warning)): return result = git( [ 'clean', '-dffX' + ('n' if noop else ''), ] + REPOSITORIES, dir=pkgbuilds, ) if result.returncode != 0: logging.fatal('Failed to git clean') exit(1) else: what = set(what) dirs = [] for loc in ['pkg', 'src']: if loc in what:'gathering {loc} directories') dirs += glob(os.path.join(pkgbuilds, '*', '*', loc)) dir_lines = '\n'.join(dirs) verb = 'Would remove' if noop else 'Removing' + ' directories:\n' + dir_lines) if not (noop or force): if not click.confirm("Really remove all of these?", default=True): return for dir in dirs: if not noop: remove_file(dir, recursive=True) @cmd_packages.command(name='list') def cmd_list(): enforce_wrap()'Discovering packages.') packages = discover_pkgbuilds()'Done! {len(packages)} Pkgbuilds:') for p in set(packages.values()): print( f'name: {}; ver: {p.version}; provides: {p.provides}; replaces: {p.replaces}; local_depends: {p.local_depends}; depends: {p.depends}' ) @cmd_packages.command(name='check') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1) def cmd_check(paths): """Check that specified PKGBUILDs are formatted correctly""" def check_quoteworthy(s: str) -> bool: quoteworthy = ['"', "'", "$", " ", ";", "&", "<", ">", "*", "?"] for symbol in quoteworthy: if symbol in s: return True return False paths = list(paths) or ['all'] packages = filter_pkgbuilds(paths, allow_empty_results=False) for package in packages: name = is_git_package = False if name.endswith('-git'): is_git_package = True required_arches = '' provided_arches = [] mode_key = '_mode' pkgbase_key = 'pkgbase' pkgname_key = 'pkgname' arches_key = '_arches' arch_key = 'arch' commit_key = '_commit' source_key = 'source' sha256sums_key = 'sha256sums' required = { mode_key: True, pkgbase_key: False, pkgname_key: True, 'pkgdesc': False, 'pkgver': True, 'pkgrel': True, arches_key: True, arch_key: True, 'license': True, 'url': False, 'provides': is_git_package, 'conflicts': False, 'depends': False, 'optdepends': False, 'makedepends': False, 'backup': False, 'install': False, 'options': False, commit_key: is_git_package, source_key: False, sha256sums_key: False, } pkgbuild_path = os.path.join(config.get_path('pkgbuilds'), package.path, 'PKGBUILD') with open(pkgbuild_path, 'r') as file: content = if '\t' in content: logging.fatal(f'\\t is not allowed in {pkgbuild_path}') exit(1) lines = content.split('\n') if len(lines) == 0: logging.fatal(f'Empty {pkgbuild_path}') exit(1) line_index = 0 key_index = 0 hold_key = False key = "" while True: line = lines[line_index] if line.startswith('#'): line_index += 1 continue if line.startswith('_') and not line.startswith(mode_key) and not line.startswith(arches_key) and not line.startswith(commit_key): line_index += 1 continue formatted = True next_key = False next_line = False reason = "" if hold_key: next_line = True else: if key_index < len(required): key = list(required)[key_index] if line.startswith(key): if key == pkgbase_key: required[pkgname_key] = False if key == source_key: required[sha256sums_key] = True next_key = True next_line = True elif key in required and not required[key]: next_key = True if line == ')': hold_key = False next_key = True if key == arches_key: required_arches = line.split('=')[1] if line.endswith('=('): hold_key = True if line.startswith(' ') or line == ')': next_line = True if line.startswith(' ') and not line.startswith(' '): formatted = False reason = 'Multiline variables should be indented with 4 spaces' if '"' in line and not check_quoteworthy(line): formatted = False reason = 'Found literal " although no special character was found in the line to justify the usage of a literal "' if "'" in line and not '"' in line: formatted = False reason = 'Found literal \' although either a literal " or no qoutes should be used' if ('=(' in line and ' ' in line and '"' not in line and not line.endswith('=(')) or (hold_key and line.endswith(')')): formatted = False reason = 'Multiple elements in a list need to be in separate lines' if formatted and not next_key and not next_line: if key_index == len(required): if lines[line_index] == '': break else: formatted = False reason = 'Expected final emtpy line after all variables' else: formatted = False reason = f'Expected to find "{key}"' if not formatted: logging.fatal(f'Formatting error in {pkgbuild_path}: Line {line_index+1}: "{line}"') if reason != "": logging.fatal(reason) exit(1) if key == arch_key: if line.endswith(')'): if line.startswith(f'{arch_key}=('): check_arches_hint(pkgbuild_path, required_arches, [line[6:-1]]) else: check_arches_hint(pkgbuild_path, required_arches, provided_arches) elif line.startswith(' '): provided_arches.append(line[4:]) if next_key and not hold_key: key_index += 1 if next_line: line_index += 1'{package.path} nicely formatted!') def check_arches_hint(path: str, required: str, provided: list[str]): if required == 'all': for arch in ARCHES: if arch not in provided: logging.warning(f'Missing {arch} in arches list in {path}, because hint is `all`')