buildargs := -b dirhtml -aE source .PHONY: cleanbuild clean serve serve_versions versions versions_git versions_index .NOTINTERMEDIATE: .PRECIOUS: versions/index.html versions/%/index.html checkouts/%/docs/html/index.html archived/%.tar.gz BRANCHES := main dev TAGS := $(shell git tag) FILTERTED_TAGS := $(foreach tag,$(TAGS),$(shell if [[ -n "$$(git log --max-count=1 --oneline "$(tag)" -- .)" ]]; then echo "$(tag)"; fi)) VERSIONS := $(BRANCHES) $(FILTERTED_TAGS) cleanbuild: @$(MAKE) clean @$(MAKE) html clean: rm -rf html source/cli .buildinfo .doctrees versions checkouts html: sphinx-build $(SPHINXARGS) $(buildargs) html serve: html cd html && python -m http.server 9999 checkouts/%/docs/html/index.html: @mkdir -p checkouts @# use backslashed multi-line cmd because otherwise variables will be lost @branch="$$(echo "$(@D)" | sed 's|^checkouts/||g;s|/docs/html$$||g')" && \ ref="$$branch" && \ if ! git log --max-count=1 --oneline "$$branch" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \ commit="$$(git ls-remote origin refs/{tags,heads}/"$$branch" | cut -f 1)" ; \ [[ -n "$$commit" ]] && echo "found commit $$commit for $$branch" >&2 && \ ref="$$commit" && git branch -f "$$branch" "$$ref" ; \ fi && \ [[ -n "$$(git log --max-count=1 --oneline "$$ref" -- .)" ]] || \ (echo "ERROR: branch '$$branch' seems to have no docs/ dir, checked ref '$$ref'" >&2 && exit 1) && \ checkout="checkouts/$$branch" && \ ver="$$(echo "$$branch" | sed 's|^v\([0-9]\)|\1|g')" && \ set -x && \ ([[ -e "$$checkout/.git" ]] || git clone .. "$$checkout" ) && \ (! [[ -e "$$checkout/docs/source/" ]] || echo "version = '$$ver'" >> "$$checkout/docs/source/") && \ $(MAKE) -C "$$checkout/docs" SPHINXARGS="-D version=$$ver" archived/%.tar.gz: checkouts/%/docs/html/index.html mkdir -p archived tar -C "checkouts/$*/docs/html" -czf "$@" . versions/%/index.html: archived/%.tar.gz @mkdir -p "$(@D)" @echo "working on version '$*'" tar -xf "archived/$*.tar.gz" -C "$(@D)" @# ensure index file exists and update its timestamp for Make's dependency detection [[ -e "$(@)" ]] && touch "$(@)" versions/versions.css: versjon/versions.css @mkdir -p versions cp versjon/versions.css versions/ versions_git: @$(MAKE) $(patsubst %, versions/%/index.html, $(VERSIONS)) versions/index.html: $(sort $(wildcard versions/*/index.html)) rm -rf versions/stable @cd versions && set -x && versjon --stable-version main --user_templates ../versjon @# ensure the global index.html exists and is newer than each version's index.html [[ -e "$(@)" ]] && touch "$(@)" versions: versions_git versions/versions.css @$(MAKE) versions/index.html serve_versions: versions/index.html cd versions && python -m http.server 9888