import click import logging import subprocess import os import atexit from glob import glob from shutil import rmtree from config import config from distro import get_base_distro, RepoInfo from shlex import quote as shell_quote from utils import mount, umount from distro import get_kupfer_local from wrapper import enforce_wrap from constants import Arch, GCC_HOSTSPECS, CROSSDIRECT_PKGS from generator import generate_makepkg_conf BIND_BUILD_DIRS = 'BINDBUILDDIRS' BASE_CHROOT_PREFIX = 'base_' BUILD_CHROOT_PREFIX = 'build_' # inspired by arch-chroot # order of these matters! BASIC_MOUNTS = { '/proc': { 'src': 'proc', 'type': 'proc', 'options': ['nosuid,noexec,nodev'] }, '/sys': { 'src': 'sys', 'type': 'sysfs', 'options': ['nosuid,noexec,nodev,ro'], }, '/dev': { 'src': 'udev', 'type': 'devtmpfs', 'options': ['mode=0755,nosuid'], }, '/dev/pts': { 'src': 'devpts', 'type': 'devpts', 'options': ['mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec'], }, '/dev/shm': { 'src': 'shm', 'type': 'tmpfs', 'options': ['mode=1777,nosuid,nodev'], }, '/run': { 'src': '/run', 'type': 'tmpfs', 'options': ['bind'], }, '/etc/resolv.conf': { 'src': os.path.realpath('/etc/resolv.conf'), 'type': None, 'options': ['bind'], }, } Chroot = None chroots: dict[str, Chroot] = {} def get_chroot_path(chroot_name, override_basepath: str = None) -> str: base_path = config.get_path('chroots') if not override_basepath else override_basepath return os.path.join(base_path, chroot_name) def base_chroot_name(arch: Arch): return BASE_CHROOT_PREFIX + arch def build_chroot_name(arch: Arch): return BUILD_CHROOT_PREFIX + arch def get_chroot( name: str, initialize: bool = False, activate: bool = False, fail_if_exists: bool = False, default: Chroot = None, ) -> Chroot: global chroots if default and name not in chroots: logging.debug(f'Adding chroot {name} to chroot map') chroots[name] = default elif fail_if_exists: raise Exception(f'chroot {name} already exists') chroot = chroots[name] if initialize: chroot.initialize() if activate: chroot.activate(fail_if_active=False) return chroot def get_base_chroot(arch: Arch, **kwargs) -> Chroot: name = base_chroot_name(arch) default = Chroot(name, arch, initialize=False, copy_base=False) if kwargs.pop('initialize', False): logging.debug('get_base_chroot: Had to remove "initialize" from args. This indicates a bug.') return get_chroot(name, **kwargs, initialize=False, default=default) def get_build_chroot(arch: Arch, extra_repos=None, **kwargs) -> Chroot: name = build_chroot_name(arch) extra_repos = get_kupfer_local(arch).repos if extra_repos is None else extra_repos default = Chroot(name, arch, initialize=False, copy_base=True, extra_repos=extra_repos) return get_chroot(name, **kwargs, default=default) def get_device_chroot(name: str, arch: Arch, **kwargs) -> Chroot: default = Chroot(name, arch, initialize=False, copy_base=False) return get_chroot(name, **kwargs, default=default) class Chroot: """Do not instantiate directly, use get_chroot() externally!""" name: str full_path: str arch: Arch initialized: bool = False active: bool = False active_mounts: list[str] = [] copy_base: bool = True extra_repos: dict[str, RepoInfo] = {} base_packages: list[str] = ['base'] def __repr__(self): return f'Chroot({})' def __init__( self, name: str, arch: Arch, copy_base: bool = None, initialize: bool = False, extra_repos: dict[str, RepoInfo] = {}, base_packages: list[str] = ['base', 'base-devel', 'git'], path_override: str = None, ): if copy_base is None: logging.debug(f'{name}: copy_base is none!') copy_base = (name == base_chroot_name(arch)) = name self.arch = arch self.path = os.path.join(config.get_path('chroots'), name) if not path_override else path_override self.copy_base = copy_base self.extra_repos |= extra_repos self.base_packages = base_packages if initialize: self.initialize() # TODO: when we go multithreaded, activate() and initialize() probably need a reader-writer lock def get_path(self, *joins) -> str: if joins: joins = (joins[0].lstrip('/'),) + joins[1:] return os.path.join(self.path, *joins) def initialize( self, reset: bool = False, fail_if_initialized: bool = False, ): pacman_conf_target = self.get_path('etc/pacman.conf') if self.initialized and not reset: # chroot must have been initialized already! if fail_if_initialized: raise Exception(f"Chroot {} is already initialized, this seems like a bug") return self.deactivate() if self.copy_base: if reset or not os.path.exists(self.get_path('usr/bin')): base_chroot = get_base_chroot(self.arch) if base_chroot == self: raise Exception('base_chroot == self, bailing out. this is a bug') base_chroot.initialize()'Copying {} chroot to {}') result =[ 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '-q', '-W', '-x', '--exclude', 'pkgbuilds', '--exclude', 'prebuilts', f'{base_chroot.path}/', f'{self.path}/', ]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to copy {} to {}') self.write_pacman_conf() self.activate() self.try_install_packages(self.base_packages, refresh=True, allow_fail=False) self.deactivate() else: logging.debug(f'{}: Reusing existing installation') self.write_pacman_conf() # patch makepkg with open(self.get_path('/usr/bin/makepkg'), 'r') as file: data = data = data.replace('EUID == 0', 'EUID == -1') with open(self.get_path('/usr/bin/makepkg'), 'w') as file: file.write(data) # configure makepkg self.write_makepkg_conf(self.arch, cross_chroot_relative=None, cross=False) else: # base chroot if reset:'Resetting {}') for dir in glob(os.join(self.path, '*')): rmtree(dir) self.write_pacman_conf()'Pacstrapping chroot {}: {", ".join(self.base_packages)}') result =[ 'pacstrap', '-C', pacman_conf_target, '-c', '-G', self.path, ] + self.base_packages + [ '--needed', '--overwrite=*', '-yyuu', ]) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Failed to initialize chroot "{}"') self.initialized = True def mount( self, absolute_source: str, relative_destination: str, options=['bind'], fs_type: str = None, fail_if_mounted: bool = True, makedir: bool = True, ): """returns the absolute path `relative_target` was mounted at""" relative_destination = relative_destination.lstrip('/') absolute_destination = self.get_path(relative_destination) if os.path.ismount(absolute_destination): if fail_if_mounted: raise Exception(f'{}: {absolute_destination} is already mounted') logging.debug(f'{}: {absolute_destination} already mounted. Skipping.') else: if makedir and os.path.isdir(absolute_source): os.makedirs(absolute_destination, exist_ok=True) result = mount(absolute_source, absolute_destination, options=options, fs_type=fs_type, register_unmount=False) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'{}: failed to mount {absolute_source} to {relative_destination}') logging.debug(f'{}: {absolute_source} successfully mounted to {absolute_destination}.') self.active_mounts += [relative_destination] atexit.register(self.deactivate) return absolute_destination def umount(self, relative_path: str): if not self: return path = self.get_path(relative_path) result = umount(path) if result.returncode == 0 and relative_path in self.active_mounts: self.active_mounts.remove(relative_path) return result def activate(self, fail_if_active: bool = False): """mount /dev, /sys and /proc""" if and fail_if_active: raise Exception(f'chroot {} already active!') if not self.initialized: self.initialize(fail_if_initialized=False) for dst, opts in BASIC_MOUNTS.items(): self.mount(opts['src'], dst, fs_type=opts['type'], options=opts['options'], fail_if_mounted=fail_if_active) = True def deactivate_core(self): for dst in BASIC_MOUNTS.keys(): self.umount(dst) # TODO: so this is a weird one. while the basic bind-mounts get unmounted # additional mounts like crossdirect are intentionally left intact. Is such a chroot still `active` afterwards? = False def deactivate(self, fail_if_inactive: bool = False): if not if fail_if_inactive: raise Exception(f"Chroot {} not activated, can't deactivate!") for mount in self.active_mounts[::-1]: if mount == 'proc': continue self.umount(mount) self.umount('proc') = False def run_cmd(self, script: str, inner_env: dict[str, str] = {}, outer_env: dict[str, str] = os.environ.copy() | {'QEMU_LD_PREFIX': '/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu'}, attach_tty: str = False, capture_output: str = False, cwd: str = None, fail_inactive: bool = True) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: if not and fail_inactive: raise Exception(f'Chroot {} is inactive, not running command! Hint: pass `fail_inactive=False`') if outer_env is None: outer_env = os.environ.copy() env_cmd = ['/usr/bin/env'] + [f'{shell_quote(key)}={shell_quote(value)}' for key, value in inner_env.items()] run_func = if attach_tty else kwargs = { 'env': outer_env, } if not attach_tty: kwargs |= {'capture_output': capture_output} if not isinstance(script, str) and isinstance(script, list): script = ' '.join(script) if cwd: script = f"cd {shell_quote(cwd)} && ( {script} )" cmd = ['chroot', self.path] + env_cmd + [ '/bin/bash', '-c', script, ] logging.debug(f'{}: Running cmd: "{cmd}"') result = run_func(cmd, **kwargs) return result def create_user( self, user='kupfer', password='123456', groups=['network', 'video', 'audio', 'optical', 'storage', 'input', 'scanner', 'games', 'lp', 'rfkill', 'wheel'], ): install_script = f''' set -e if ! id -u "{user}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then useradd -m {user} fi usermod -a -G {",".join(groups)} {user} chown {user}:{user} /home/{user} -R ''' if password: install_script += f'echo "{user}:{password}" | chpasswd' else: install_script += 'echo "Set user password:" && passwd' result = self.run_cmd(install_script) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Failed to setup user') def try_install_packages(self, packages: list[str], refresh: bool = False, allow_fail: bool = True) -> dict[str, subprocess.CompletedProcess]: """Try installing packages, fall back to installing one by one""" results = {} if refresh: results['refresh'] = self.run_cmd('pacman -Syy --noconfirm') cmd = 'pacman -S --noconfirm --needed' result = self.run_cmd(f'{cmd} {" ".join(packages)}') results |= {package: result for package in packages} if result.returncode != 0 and allow_fail: results = {} logging.debug('Falling back to serial installation') for pkg in set(packages): # Don't check for errors here because there might be packages that are listed as dependencies but are not available on x86_64 results[pkg] = self.run_cmd(f'{cmd} {pkg}') return results def mount_crossdirect(self, native_chroot: Chroot = None): """ mount `native_chroot` at `target_chroot`/native returns the absolute path that `native_chroot` has been mounted at. """ target_arch = self.arch if not native_chroot: native_chroot = get_build_chroot(config.runtime['arch']) host_arch = native_chroot.arch hostspec = GCC_HOSTSPECS[host_arch][target_arch] cc = f'{hostspec}-cc' gcc = f'{hostspec}-gcc' native_mount = os.path.join(self.path, 'native') logging.debug(f'Activating crossdirect in {native_mount}') results = native_chroot.try_install_packages(CROSSDIRECT_PKGS + [gcc], refresh=True, allow_fail=False) if results[gcc].returncode != 0: logging.debug('Failed to install cross-compiler package {gcc}') if results['crossdirect'].returncode != 0: raise Exception('Failed to install crossdirect') cc_path = os.path.join(native_chroot.path, 'usr', 'bin', cc) target_lib_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'lib64') # TODO: crosscompiler weirdness, find proper fix for /include instead of /usr/include target_include_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'include') for target, source in {cc_path: gcc, target_lib_dir: 'lib', target_include_dir: 'usr/include'}.items(): if not os.path.exists(target): logging.debug(f'Symlinking {source} at {target}') os.symlink(source, target) ld_so = os.path.basename(glob(f"{os.path.join(native_chroot.path, 'usr', 'lib', 'ld-linux-')}*")[0]) ld_so_target = os.path.join(target_lib_dir, ld_so) if not os.path.islink(ld_so_target): os.symlink(os.path.join('/native', 'usr', 'lib', ld_so), ld_so_target) else: logging.debug(' symlink already exists, skipping for {}') # TODO: find proper fix rustc = os.path.join(native_chroot.path, 'usr/lib/crossdirect', target_arch, 'rustc') if os.path.exists(rustc): logging.debug('Disabling crossdirect rustc') os.unlink(rustc) os.makedirs(native_mount, exist_ok=True) logging.debug(f'Mounting {} to {native_mount}') self.mount(native_chroot.path, 'native') return native_mount def mount_pkgbuilds(self, fail_if_mounted: bool = False) -> str: pkgbuilds = config.get_path('pkgbuilds') return self.mount(absolute_source=pkgbuilds, relative_destination=pkgbuilds.lstrip('/'), fail_if_mounted=fail_if_mounted) def mount_pacman_cache(self, fail_if_mounted: bool = False) -> str: arch_cache = os.path.join(config.get_path('pacman'), self.arch) rel_target = os.path.join('var/cache/pacman', self.arch) for dir in [arch_cache, self.get_path(rel_target)]: os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) return self.mount(arch_cache, rel_target, fail_if_mounted=fail_if_mounted) def mount_packages(self, fail_if_mounted: bool = False) -> str: packages = config.get_path('packages') return self.mount(absolute_source=packages, relative_destination=packages.lstrip('/'), fail_if_mounted=fail_if_mounted) def mount_crosscompile(self, foreign_chroot: Chroot): mount_dest = os.path.join('chroot', os.path.basename(foreign_chroot.path)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, mount_dest), exist_ok=True) return self.mount(absolute_source=foreign_chroot.path, relative_destination=mount_dest) def write_makepkg_conf(self, target_arch: Arch, cross_chroot_relative: str, cross: bool = True) -> str: """ Generate a `makepkg.conf` or `makepkg_cross_$arch.conf` file in /etc. If `cross` is set makepkg will be configured to crosscompile for the foreign chroot at `cross_chroot_relative` Returns the relative (to `self.path`) path to the written file, e.g. `etc/makepkg_cross_aarch64.conf`. """ makepkg_cross_conf = generate_makepkg_conf(target_arch, cross=cross, chroot=cross_chroot_relative) filename = 'makepkg' + (f'_cross_{target_arch}' if cross else '') + '.conf' makepkg_conf_path_relative = os.path.join('etc', filename) makepkg_conf_path = os.path.join(self.path, makepkg_conf_path_relative) with open(makepkg_conf_path, 'w') as f: f.write(makepkg_cross_conf) return makepkg_conf_path_relative def write_pacman_conf(self): os.makedirs(self.get_path('/etc'), exist_ok=True) conf_text = get_base_distro(self.arch).get_pacman_conf(self.extra_repos) with open(self.get_path('etc/pacman.conf'), 'w') as file: file.write(conf_text) @click.command('chroot') @click.argument('type', required=False, default='build') @click.argument('arch', required=False, default=None) def cmd_chroot(type: str = 'build', arch: str = None, enable_crossdirect=True): chroot_path = '' if type not in ['base', 'build', 'rootfs']: raise Exception('Unknown chroot type: ' + type) enforce_wrap() if type == 'rootfs': if arch: name = 'rootfs_' + arch else: raise Exception('"rootfs" without args not yet implemented, sorry!') # TODO: name = config.get_profile()[...] chroot_path = os.path.join(config.get_path('chroots'), name) if not os.path.exists(chroot_path): raise Exception(f"rootfs {name} doesn't exist") else: if not arch: #TODO: arch = config.get_profile()[...] arch = 'aarch64' if type == 'base': chroot = get_build_chroot(arch) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(chroot.path, 'bin')): chroot.init() chroot.initialized = True elif type == 'build': chroot = get_build_chroot(arch) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(chroot.path, 'bin')): chroot.init() chroot.initialized = True if config.file['build']['crossdirect'] and enable_crossdirect: chroot.mount_crossdirect() else: raise Exception('Really weird bug') logging.debug(f'Starting shell in {}:') chroot.run_cmd('bash', attach_tty=True)