InsanePrawn 11125e525f config: remove accidental scheme validation circumvention, improve errors, warn on config loading failure in main()
This will fail on values of the wrong type, but still warn about and allow unknown keys.
2022-11-09 20:19:04 +01:00

320 lines
13 KiB

import appdirs
import logging
import os
import toml
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Mapping, Optional
from constants import DEFAULT_PACKAGE_BRANCH
from .scheme import Config, ConfigLoadState, DataClass, Profile, RuntimeConfiguration
from .profile import PROFILE_DEFAULTS, PROFILE_DEFAULTS_DICT, resolve_profile
CONFIG_DIR = appdirs.user_config_dir('kupfer')
CACHE_DIR = appdirs.user_cache_dir('kupfer')
CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'kupferbootstrap.toml')
'wrapper': {
'type': 'docker',
'build': {
'ccache': True,
'clean_mode': True,
'crosscompile': True,
'crossdirect': True,
'threads': 0,
'pkgbuilds': {
'git_repo': 'https://gitlab.com/kupfer/packages/pkgbuilds.git',
'pacman': {
'parallel_downloads': 4,
'check_space': False, # TODO: investigate why True causes issues
'paths': {
'cache_dir': CACHE_DIR,
'chroots': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'chroots'),
'pacman': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'pacman'),
'packages': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'packages'),
'pkgbuilds': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'pkgbuilds'),
'jumpdrive': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'jumpdrive'),
'images': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'images'),
'ccache': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'ccache'),
'rust': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'rust'),
'profiles': {
'current': 'default',
'default': deepcopy(PROFILE_DEFAULTS_DICT),
CONFIG_RUNTIME_DEFAULTS: RuntimeConfiguration = RuntimeConfiguration.fromDict({
'verbose': False,
'no_wrap': False,
'error_shell': False,
'config_file': None,
'script_source_dir': None,
'arch': None,
'uid': None,
def resolve_path_template(path_template: str, paths: dict[str, str]) -> str:
terminator = '%' # i'll be back
result = path_template
for path_name, path in paths.items():
result = result.replace(terminator + path_name + terminator, path)
return result
def sanitize_config(conf: dict[str, dict], warn_missing_defaultprofile=True) -> dict[str, dict]:
"""checks the input config dict for unknown keys and returns only the known parts"""
return merge_configs(conf_new=conf, conf_base={}, warn_missing_defaultprofile=warn_missing_defaultprofile)
def merge_configs(conf_new: Mapping[str, dict], conf_base={}, warn_missing_defaultprofile=True) -> dict[str, dict]:
Returns `conf_new` semantically merged into `conf_base`, after validating
`conf_new` keys against `CONFIG_DEFAULTS` and `PROFILE_DEFAULTS`.
Pass `conf_base={}` to get a sanitized version of `conf_new`.
NOTE: `conf_base` is NOT checked for invalid keys. Sanitize beforehand.
parsed = deepcopy(dict(conf_base))
for outer_name, outer_conf in deepcopy(conf_new).items():
# only handle known config sections
if outer_name not in CONFIG_SECTIONS:
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config section "{outer_name}"')
logging.debug(f'Parsing config section "{outer_name}"')
# check if outer_conf is a dict
if not (isinstance(outer_conf, (dict, DataClass))):
parsed[outer_name] = outer_conf
# init section
if outer_name not in parsed:
parsed[outer_name] = {}
# profiles need special handling:
# 1. profile names are unknown keys by definition, but we want 'default' to exist
# 2. A profile's subkeys must be compared against PROFILE_DEFAULTS.keys()
if outer_name == 'profiles':
if warn_missing_defaultprofile and 'default' not in outer_conf.keys():
logging.warning('Default profile is not defined in config file')
update = dict[str, dict]()
for profile_name, profile_conf in outer_conf.items():
if not isinstance(profile_conf, (dict, Profile)):
if profile_name == 'current':
parsed[outer_name][profile_name] = profile_conf
logging.warning(f'Skipped key "{profile_name}" in profile section: only subsections and "current" allowed')
# init profile
if profile_name in parsed[outer_name]:
profile = parsed[outer_name][profile_name]
profile = {}
for key, val in profile_conf.items():
if key not in PROFILE_DEFAULTS:
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config item "{key}" in profile "{profile_name}"')
profile[key] = val
update |= {profile_name: profile}
# handle generic inner config dict
for inner_name, inner_conf in outer_conf.items():
if inner_name not in CONFIG_DEFAULTS[outer_name].keys():
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config item "{inner_name}" in section "{outer_name}"')
parsed[outer_name][inner_name] = inner_conf
return parsed
def dump_toml(conf) -> str:
return toml.dumps(conf)
def dump_file(file_path: str, config: dict, file_mode: int = 0o600):
def _opener(path, flags):
return os.open(path, flags, file_mode)
conf_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):
old_umask = os.umask(0)
with open(file_path, 'w', opener=_opener) as f:
def parse_file(config_file: str, base: dict = CONFIG_DEFAULTS) -> dict:
Parse the toml contents of `config_file`, validating keys against `CONFIG_DEFAULTS`.
The parsed results are semantically merged into `base` before returning.
`base` itself is NOT checked for invalid keys.
_conf_file = config_file if config_file is not None else CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH
logging.debug(f'Trying to load config file: {_conf_file}')
loaded_conf = toml.load(_conf_file)
return merge_configs(conf_new=loaded_conf, conf_base=base)
class ConfigLoadException(Exception):
inner = None
def __init__(self, extra_msg='', inner_exception: Optional[Exception] = None):
msg: list[str] = ['Config load failed!']
if extra_msg:
if inner_exception:
self.inner = inner_exception
super().__init__(self, ' '.join(msg))
class ConfigStateHolder:
# config options that are persisted to file
file: Config
# runtime config not persisted anywhere
runtime: RuntimeConfiguration
file_state: ConfigLoadState
_profile_cache: Optional[dict[str, Profile]]
def __init__(self, file_conf_path: Optional[str] = None, runtime_conf={}, file_conf_base: dict = {}):
"""init a stateholder, optionally loading `file_conf_path`"""
self.file = Config.fromDict(merge_configs(conf_new=file_conf_base, conf_base=CONFIG_DEFAULTS))
self.file_state = ConfigLoadState()
self.runtime = RuntimeConfiguration.fromDict(CONFIG_RUNTIME_DEFAULTS | runtime_conf)
self.runtime.arch = os.uname().machine
self.runtime.script_source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
self.runtime.uid = os.getuid()
self._profile_cache = {}
if file_conf_path:
def try_load_file(self, config_file=None, base=CONFIG_DEFAULTS_DICT):
config_file = config_file or CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH
self.runtime.config_file = config_file
self._profile_cache = None
self.file = Config.fromDict(parse_file(config_file=config_file, base=base), validate=True)
except Exception as ex:
self.file_state.exception = ex
self.file_state.load_finished = True
def is_loaded(self) -> bool:
"returns True if a file was **sucessfully** loaded"
return self.file_state.load_finished and self.file_state.exception is None
def enforce_config_loaded(self):
if not self.file_state.load_finished:
m = "Config file wasn't even parsed yet. This is probably a bug in kupferbootstrap :O"
raise ConfigLoadException(Exception(m))
ex = self.file_state.exception
if ex:
if type(ex) == FileNotFoundError:
ex = Exception("Config file doesn't exist. Try running `kupferbootstrap config init` first?")
raise ex
def get_profile(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Profile:
name = name or self.file.profiles.current
self._profile_cache = resolve_profile(name=name, sparse_profiles=self.file.profiles, resolved=self._profile_cache)
return self._profile_cache[name]
def _enforce_profile_field(self, field: str, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, hint_or_set_arch: bool = False) -> Profile:
# TODO: device
profile_name = profile_name if profile_name is not None else self.file.profiles.current
arch_hint = ''
if not hint_or_set_arch:
arch_hint = (' or specifiy the target architecture by passing `--arch` to the current command,\n'
'e.g. `kupferbootstrap packages build --arch x86_64`')
if not self.is_loaded():
if not self.file_state.exception:
raise Exception(f'Error enforcing config profile {field}: config hadn\'t even been loaded yet.\n'
'This is a bug in kupferbootstrap!')
raise Exception(f"Profile {field} couldn't be resolved because the config file couldn't be loaded.\n"
"If the config doesn't exist, try running `kupferbootstrap config init`.\n"
f"Error: {self.file_state.exception}")
if profile_name and profile_name not in self.file.profiles:
raise Exception(f'Unknown profile "{profile_name}". Please run `kupferbootstrap config profile init`{arch_hint}')
profile = self.get_profile(profile_name)
if field not in profile or not profile[field]:
m = (f'Profile "{profile_name}" has no {field.upper()} configured.\n'
f'Please run `kupferbootstrap config profile init {field}`{arch_hint}')
raise Exception(m)
return profile
def enforce_profile_device_set(self, **kwargs) -> Profile:
return self._enforce_profile_field(field='device', **kwargs)
def enforce_profile_flavour_set(self, **kwargs) -> Profile:
return self._enforce_profile_field(field='flavour', **kwargs)
def get_path(self, path_name: str) -> str:
paths = self.file.paths
return resolve_path_template(paths[path_name], paths)
def get_package_dir(self, arch: str):
return os.path.join(self.get_path('packages'), arch)
def dump(self) -> str:
"""dump toml representation of `self.file`"""
return dump_toml(self.file)
def write(self, path=None):
"""write toml representation of `self.file` to `path`"""
if path is None:
path = self.runtime.config_file
assert path
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
new = not os.path.exists(path)
dump_file(path, self.file)
logging.info(f'{"Created" if new else "Written changes to"} config file at {path}')
def invalidate_profile_cache(self):
"""Clear the profile cache (usually after modification)"""
self._profile_cache = None
def update(self, config_fragment: dict[str, dict], warn_missing_defaultprofile: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Update `self.file` with `config_fragment`. Returns `True` if the config was changed"""
merged = merge_configs(config_fragment, conf_base=self.file, warn_missing_defaultprofile=warn_missing_defaultprofile)
changed = self.file.toDict() != merged
if changed and 'profiles' in config_fragment and self.file.profiles.toDict() != config_fragment['profiles']:
return changed
def update_profile(self, name: str, profile: Profile, merge: bool = False, create: bool = True, prune: bool = True):
new = {}
if name not in self.file.profiles:
if not create:
raise Exception(f'Unknown profile: {name}')
if merge:
new = deepcopy(self.file.profiles[name])
logging.debug(f'new: {new}')
logging.debug(f'profile: {profile}')
new |= profile
if prune:
new = {key: val for key, val in new.items() if val is not None}
self.file.profiles[name] = new
config: ConfigStateHolder = ConfigStateHolder(file_conf_base=CONFIG_DEFAULTS)