InsanePrawn d85c00fa12 Move mounting code to utils.py, move a lot of chroot-logic from packages to chroot.py, cmd_chroot
also moar crossdirect

Signed-off-by: InsanePrawn <insane.prawny@gmail.com>
2021-10-01 18:30:01 +02:00

341 lines
12 KiB

import appdirs
import os
import toml
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
import click
CONFIG_DIR = appdirs.user_config_dir('kupfer')
CACHE_DIR = appdirs.user_cache_dir('kupfer')
CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'kupferbootstrap.toml')
Profile = dict[str, str]
'parent': '',
'device': '',
'flavour': '',
'pkgs_include': [],
'pkgs_exclude': [],
'hostname': 'kupfer',
'username': 'kupfer',
'password': None,
'build': {
'crosscompile': False, # currently broken
'crossdirect': True,
'threads': 0,
'paths': {
'cache_dir': CACHE_DIR,
'chroots': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'chroots'),
'pacman': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'pacman'),
'jumpdrive': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'jumpdrive'),
'packages': os.path.join('%cache_dir%', 'packages'),
'pkgbuilds': os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),
'profiles': {
'current': 'default',
'default': deepcopy(PROFILE_DEFAULTS),
'verbose': False,
'config_file': None,
'arch': None,
'no_wrap': False,
'script_source_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def resolve_path_template(path_template: str, paths: dict[str, str]) -> str:
terminator = '%' # i'll be back
result = path_template
for path_name, path in paths.items():
result = result.replace(terminator + path_name + terminator, path)
return result
def resolve_profile(
name: str,
sparse_profiles: dict[str, Profile],
resolved: dict[str, Profile] = None,
) -> dict[str, Profile]:
Recursively resolves the specified profile by `name` and its parents to merge the config semantically,
applying include and exclude overrides along the hierarchy.
If `resolved` is passed `None`, a fresh dictionary will be created.
`resolved` will be modified in-place during parsing and also returned.
A sanitized `sparse_profiles` dict is assumed, no checking for unknown keys or incorrect data types is performed.
`_visited` should not be passed by users.
if _visited is None:
_visited = list[str]()
if resolved is None:
resolved = dict[str, Profile]()
if name in _visited:
loop = list(_visited)
raise Exception(f'Dependency loop detected in profiles: {" -> ".join(loop+[loop[0]])}')
if name in resolved:
return resolved
logging.debug(f'Resolving profile {name}')
sparse = sparse_profiles[name]
full = deepcopy(sparse)
if 'parent' in sparse and (parent_name := sparse['parent']):
parent = resolve_profile(name=parent_name, sparse_profiles=sparse_profiles, resolved=resolved, _visited=_visited)[parent_name]
full = parent | sparse
# join our includes with parent's
includes = set(parent.get('pkgs_include', []) + sparse.get('pkgs_include', []))
if 'pkgs_exclude' in sparse:
includes -= set(sparse['pkgs_exclude'])
full['pkgs_include'] = list(includes)
# join our includes with parent's
excludes = set(parent.get('pkgs_exclude', []) + sparse.get('pkgs_exclude', []))
# our includes override parent excludes
if 'pkgs_include' in sparse:
excludes -= set(sparse['pkgs_include'])
full['pkgs_exclude'] = list(excludes)
# now init missing keys
for key, value in PROFILE_DEFAULTS.items():
if key not in full.keys():
full[key] = None
if type(value) == list:
full[key] = []
resolved[name] = full
return resolved
def sanitize_config(conf: dict, warn_missing_defaultprofile=True) -> dict:
"""checks the input config dict for unknown keys and returns only the known parts"""
return merge_configs(conf_new=conf, conf_base={}, warn_missing_defaultprofile=warn_missing_defaultprofile)
def merge_configs(conf_new: dict, conf_base={}, warn_missing_defaultprofile=True) -> dict:
Returns `conf_new` semantically merged into `conf_base`, after validating
`conf_new` keys against `CONFIG_DEFAULTS` and `PROFILE_DEFAULTS`.
Pass `conf_base={}` to get a sanitized version of `conf_new`.
NOTE: `conf_base` is NOT checked for invalid keys. Sanitize beforehand.
parsed = deepcopy(conf_base)
for outer_name, outer_conf in deepcopy(conf_new).items():
# only handle known config sections
if outer_name not in CONFIG_DEFAULTS.keys():
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config section "{outer_name}"')
logging.debug(f'Working on outer section "{outer_name}"')
# check if outer_conf is a dict
if not isinstance(outer_conf, dict):
parsed[outer_name] = outer_conf
# init section
if outer_name not in parsed:
parsed[outer_name] = {}
# profiles need special handling:
# 1. profile names are unknown keys by definition, but we want 'default' to exist
# 2. A profile's subkeys must be compared against PROFILE_DEFAULTS.keys()
if outer_name == 'profiles':
if warn_missing_defaultprofile and 'default' not in outer_conf.keys():
logging.warning('Default profile is not defined in config file')
for profile_name, profile_conf in outer_conf.items():
if not isinstance(profile_conf, dict):
if profile_name == 'current':
parsed[outer_name][profile_name] = profile_conf
logging.warning('Skipped key "{profile_name}" in profile section: only subsections and "current" allowed')
# init profile
if profile_name not in parsed[outer_name]:
parsed[outer_name][profile_name] = {}
for key, val in profile_conf.items():
if key not in PROFILE_DEFAULTS:
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config item "{key}" in profile "{profile_name}"')
parsed[outer_name][profile_name][key] = val
# handle generic inner config dict
for inner_name, inner_conf in outer_conf.items():
if inner_name not in CONFIG_DEFAULTS[outer_name].keys():
logging.warning(f'Skipped unknown config item "{key}" in "{inner_name}"')
parsed[outer_name][inner_name] = inner_conf
return parsed
def dump_toml(conf) -> str:
return toml.dumps(conf)
def dump_file(file_path: str, config: dict, file_mode: int = 0o600):
def _opener(path, flags):
return os.open(path, flags, file_mode)
conf_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):
old_umask = os.umask(0)
with open(file_path, 'w', opener=_opener) as f:
def parse_file(config_file: str, base: dict = CONFIG_DEFAULTS) -> dict:
Parse the toml contents of `config_file`, validating keys against `CONFIG_DEFAULTS`.
The parsed results are semantically merged into `base` before returning.
`base` itself is NOT checked for invalid keys.
_conf_file = config_file if config_file is not None else CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH
logging.debug(f'Trying to load config file: {_conf_file}')
loaded_conf = toml.load(_conf_file)
return merge_configs(conf_new=loaded_conf, conf_base=base)
class ConfigLoadException(Exception):
inner = None
def __init__(self, extra_msg='', inner_exception: Exception = None):
msg = ['Config load failed!']
if extra_msg:
if inner_exception:
self.inner = inner_exception
super().__init__(self, ' '.join(msg))
class ConfigStateHolder:
class ConfigLoadState:
load_finished = False
exception = None
file_state = ConfigLoadState()
# config options that are persisted to file
file: dict = {}
# runtime config not persisted anywhere
_profile_cache: dict[str, Profile] = None
def __init__(self, runtime_conf={}, file_conf_path: str = None, file_conf_base: dict = {}):
"""init a stateholder, optionally loading `file_conf_path`"""
self.runtime['arch'] = os.uname().machine
if file_conf_path:
def try_load_file(self, config_file=None, base=CONFIG_DEFAULTS):
_conf_file = config_file if config_file is not None else CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH
self.runtime['config_file'] = _conf_file
self._profile_cache = None
self.file = parse_file(config_file=_conf_file, base=base)
except Exception as ex:
self.file_state.exception = ex
self.file_state.load_finished = True
def is_loaded(self) -> bool:
return self.file_state.load_finished and self.file_state.exception is None
def enforce_config_loaded(self):
if not self.file_state.load_finished:
raise ConfigLoadException(Exception("Config file wasn't even parsed yet. This is probably a bug in kupferbootstrap :O"))
ex = self.file_state.exception
if ex:
msg = ''
if type(ex) == FileNotFoundError:
msg = "File doesn't exist. Try running `kupferbootstrap config init` first?"
raise ConfigLoadException(extra_msg=msg, inner_exception=ex)
def get_profile(self, name: str = None) -> Profile:
if not name:
name = self.file['profiles']['current']
self._profile_cache = resolve_profile(name=name, sparse_profiles=self.file['profiles'], resolved=self._profile_cache)
return self._profile_cache[name]
def get_path(self, path_name: str) -> str:
paths = self.file['paths']
return resolve_path_template(paths[path_name], paths)
def dump(self) -> str:
def write(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.runtime['config_file']
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
dump_file(path, self.file)
logging.info(f'Created config file at {path}')
config = ConfigStateHolder(file_conf_base=CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
config_option = click.option(
help='Override path to config file',
def cmd_config():
def cmd_init():
"""Initialize the config file"""
# temporary demo
if __name__ == '__main__':
conf = config.file
except ConfigLoadException as ex:
conf = deepcopy(CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
conf['profiles']['pinephone'] = {
'hostname': 'slowphone',
'parent': '',
'pkgs_include': ['zsh', 'tmux', 'mpv', 'firefox'],
'pkgs_exclude': ['pixman-git'],
conf['profiles']['yeetphone'] = {
'parent': 'pinephone',
'hostname': 'yeetphone',
'pkgs_include': ['pixman-git'],
'pkgs_exclude': ['tmux'],