#!/bin/bash set -uo pipefail # Configure system locale to en_US.UTF-8 sed -i 's/#\(en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\)/\1/g' /etc/locale.gen locale-gen echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf # Fix Pacman.conf rm -f /etc/pacman.conf curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parchlinux-ports/Parchlinuxarm-images/main/examples/pacman.conf.example >> /etc/pacman.conf # Enable Sudo sudo sed -i 's/^# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers # Install useful packages packages=( xfce4 xfce4-goodies sddm parch-branding noto-fonts vazirmatn-fonts ttf-dejavu parch-emoji-ios arch-install-scripts avahi curl git htop btop iwd man-db neovim pacman-contrib yay-bin python rsync sudo tmux tree neofetch-git networkmanager network-manager-applet zsh vim pipewire pipewire-pulse bluez bluez-utils blueman pipewire-alsa wireplumber ) pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed "${packages[@]}" # Enable services systemctl enable avahi-daemon NetworkManager systemctl enable sddm systemctl enable bluetooth # Prepare system for containers (e.g. for use with K3s) # https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/issues/2067#issuecomment-664048424 #if ! grep -q cgroup /boot/cmdline.txt; then # sed -i '$ s/$/ cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory/g' /boot/cmdline.txt #fi