Arch Linux
                   Installation and Live-CDs

All CDs and USB images are installation mediums and Live CDs
which can be used as maintenance and rescue systems.

These are the preferred install mediums for Arch Linux.
You can always get up to date packages using these mediums.

  archlinux-200X.yy-ftp-i686.iso                  i686/32bit CD-ISO
  archlinux-200X.yy-ftp-i686.img                  i686/32bit USB-Image
  archlinux-200X.yy-ftp-x86_64.iso                x86_64/64bit CD-ISO
  archlinux-200X.yy-ftp-x86_64.img                x86_64/64bit USB-Image

For those who have problems with GRUB not loading, we offer the following
ISOs with the isolinux bootloader:

  archlinux-200X.yy-isolinux-ftp-i686.iso         i686/32bit CD-ISO
  archlinux-200X.yy-isolinux-ftp-x86_64.iso       x86_64/64bit CD-ISO

These are for offline installations when no Internet access is available
to install the base system.

  archlinux-200X.yy-core-i686.iso                 i686/32bit CD-ISO
  archlinux-200X.yy-core-i686.img                 i686/32bit USB-Image
  archlinux-200X.yy-core-x86_64.iso               x86_64/64bit CD-ISO
  archlinux-200X.yy-core-x86_64.img               x86_64/64bit USB-Image

How to use these installation images:
Please ensure the sha1sum for your downloaded file matches the checksum
in the the SHA1SUMS file in this directory.

See section in the "Arch Linux Install Guide":
For the USB-Images see:

Happy installing!
Happy ARCHing!
- Arch Linux Release Engineering team