timeout 300
default 0
color light-blue/blue black/light-grey

title  Boot Arch Linux Live CD
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 lang=en locale=en_US.UTF-8 archisolabel=XXX ramdisk_size=75%
initrd /boot/archiso_pata.img

title  Boot Arch Linux Live CD [Legacy IDE, no SATA]
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 lang=en locale=en_US.UTF-8 archisolabel=XXX ramdisk_size=75%
initrd /boot/archiso_ide.img

title Release Notes
# Note: onyl 23 lines of release notes for now
cat /boot/releasenotes.txt
pause Press enter to continue...

title Tools...
configfile /boot/grub/tools.lst

title Grub Settings...
configfile /boot/grub/settings.lst

title View Help...
configfile /boot/grub/help.lst

title More Options...
configfile /boot/grub/more.lst

title  Shutdown the Computer

title  Reboot the Computer