configs/*: Copy all files that do not need a rename generically (not specifying a destination file name). Do not rename vmlinuz-linux to vmlinuz or vmlinuz.efi (as this serves no purpose and makes the scripts more complicated). Do not rename microcode (i.e. {amd,intel}-ucode.img) when copying them and change all boot loader configuration files that assume a renamed microcode image. Add note and link to Arch Linux wiki to state why memtest.bin is renamed to memtest. Copy license files for {amd,intel}-ucode and memtest more generically by placing them into subdirectories with the same name as the package (to circumenvent overwriting one other). Closes #33
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INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_head.cfg
DEFAULT arch64
LABEL arch64
Boot the Arch Linux install medium on BIOS.
It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance.
MENU LABEL Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, BIOS)
LINUX boot/x86_64/vmlinuz-linux
INITRD boot/intel-ucode.img,boot/amd-ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img
APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL%
INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_tail.cfg