(gitlab ci) Added a CA structure to the codesigning certificates. This to test the functionality of optional CA being in the signing message. (mkarchiso) Removed the ``sign_netboot_artifacts`` variable and instead we'll now rely on ``if [[ -v cert_list ]]; then``. Added ``ARCHISO_TLS_FD`` and ``ARCHISO_TLSCA_FD`` environment variables to override the certificates used. This is so that third party CA's can be used during building in a meaningful way without distrupting the CA trust that is shipped by default. _cms_sign_artifact() was added which signs the rootfs using OpenSSL CMS. The files will be saved as "${artifact}.cms.sig". That would be for instance "${isofs_dir}/${install_dir}/${arch}/airootfs.sfs.cms.sig".
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Archiso Authors
* Aaron Griffin <aaron@archlinux.org>
* Adam Purkrt <adam@purkrt.net>
* Alexander Epaneshnikov <aarnaarn2@gmail.com>
* Chandan Singh <cks071g2@gmail.com>
* Charles Vejnar <ce@vejnar.org>
* Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
* Christopher Brannon <cmbrannon79@gmail.com>
* Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org>
* David Runge <dvzrv@archlinux.org>
* David Thurstenson <thurstylark@gmail.com>
* Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be>
* Eli Schwartz <eschwartz@archlinux.org>
* Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
* Francois Dupoux <fdupoux@users.sourceforge.net>
* Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386@gmail.com>
* Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de>
* James Sitegen <jamesm.sitegen@gmail.com>
* Justin Kromlinger <hashworks@archlinux.org>
* Keshav Amburay <the.ridikulus.rat@gmail.com>
* Loui Chang <louipc.ist@gmail.com>
* Lukas Fleischer <archlinux@cryptocrack.de>
* Martin Damian Fernandez <martin.damian.fernandez@gmail.com>
* Michael Vorburger <mike@vorburger.ch>
* Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de>
* Sean Enck <enckse@voidedtech.com>
* Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org>
* Steffen Bönigk <boenki@gmx.de>
* Sven-Hendrik Haase <svenstaro@gmail.com>
* Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org>
* Yu Li-Yu <afg984@gmail.com>
* nl6720 <nl6720@gmail.com>
* Øyvind Heggstad <heggstad@gmail.com>
* plain linen <bcdedit@hotmail.com>
* Pellegrino Prevete <pellegrinoprevete@gmail.com>
* Anton Hvornum <anton@hvornum.se>