Arkanium will by default generate a psuedo-random hex string and use this as the name of your image. This behaviour can be overwritten by assigning a custom name to the `ARKANIUM_OVERWRITE_RANDOM` environment variable.
The `list` file is in part optional, it not utilized during the deployment process but the user may use it in combination with the `arkanium-deploy list` command to request a list of all available images in the repository.
The `database` file contains a `:` delimited list of all available images. Each line contains the following information `image_name:compression_method:sha1sum`.
The image name is used to find the actual image, users can also manually refer to a version with `arkanium-deploy deploy customlinux customlinux_v1.0`
The compression method is flexible, any compression method tar can ifner is supported. Some examples being `xz`, `gz` and `zst`.
The sha1sum is used to ensure the file was downloaded properly.
Arkanium will assume the top most entry in the database is the latest one, when no image version is defined or `latest` is requested it will grab the top most entry.