I've been experimenting with a workflow where I only run long-running
processes in tmux. Examples:
zeus start
foreman start
tmux (or screen) are good at that: maintaining a long-running process
across shell sessions.
Instead of opening another tmux pane for vim and another for git
commands, Rails generators, test runs, etc., I do all of that outside of
tmux in my normal shell window. Those are all targeted, quick, actions.
They are what I am doing *right now*. It's my workspace.
While experimenting with this process, I noticed, I do jump into tmux
more often. Therefore, I wanted a shorter command for attaching to the
tmux session with the same name as the current directory.
* Set up Vundle in vimrc.
* Delete old copies of vim scripts.
* Bundles are automatically set up as referenced submodules.
* Ignore .netrwhist files given presence of submodules.
* Set up vundle in install script.
After you commit a bug fix to a feature branch, find out if the code
you changed to fix the bug is in files that change often:
If the buggy code changes often, find smells and refactor them. Separate
the parts that change often from the parts that don't.
Conversely, avoid refactoring areas with low churn. Refactoring changes
code, and with each change, you risk introducing new bugs.
[feature-branch][~/dev/rails-app] churn
2 app/controllers/accepts_controller.rb
2 config/database.yml
4 app/helpers/application_helper.rb
4 config/application.rb
9 spec/models/user_spec.rb
9 spec/spec_helper.rb
12 spec/requests/dashboard_spec.rb
13 spec/models/feedback_spec.rb
19 app/models/feedback.rb
21 app/models/user.rb
Features include:
* :Gblame for interactive vertical split with git blame output.
* :Ggrep to search the work tree (or any arbitrary commit) with git grep,
skipping over that which is not tracked in the repository.
* :Glog loads all previous revisions of a file into the quickfix list so
you can iterate over them and watch the file evolve.
* :Gbrowse to open the current file on GitHub, with optional line range
(try it in visual mode).
* Fast commits.
* Fast rebase of origin into feature branch.
* Fast merge feature branch into master.
* Fast branch creation.
* Fast branch deletion.