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KDE Plasma true 2024-10-17T09:39:53.561Z parchlinux, plasma, kde markdown 2024-05-28T14:19:07.604Z

KDE Plasma

What is kde plasma?

KDE Plasma is a feature-rich and highly customizable desktop environment that offers a modern and intuitive user experience. It is known for its flexibility, extensive customization options, and a wide range of applications and tools.

Parch Linux Plasma is the Flagship version of Parch Linux.



You can install Plasma by installing Parch Linux Plasma or changing your desktop.

For changing Desktop you need to install this packages:

sudo pacman -S plasma konsole kate dolphin sddm ark # for minimal installation

sudo pacman -S plasma konsole kate dolphin sddm ark plasmatube tokodon merkuro neochat marknote # for full ParchLinux plasma packages

If you are migrating from latest version of gnome, remmeber to remove QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt6ct from /etc/envierment {.is-info}

Tips and Tricks

Taking a Regional screenshot

By pressing meta + shift + print spectacle would let you select a region of screen to take screenshot.

For now we don't apply the parchlogo to the application menu by default. for changing it right click on the menu and click on Configure application menu then selec parch-logo.svg from this location: /usr/share/pixmaps/parch-logo.svg

Firefox KDE file choser

For making firefox to work better with kde, either you can install firefox-kde-opensuse^AUR^ package or change the setting manually:

To use the KDE file picker in Firefox 64 or newer, install xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-kde, then set widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker to 1 in about:config